Concannon aiming to unseat Grodenchik
Republican challenger talks Creedmoor, other issues affecting District 23
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 10:30 am
Republican challenger talks Creedmoor, other issues affecting District 23
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 10:30 am
Concannon leading rally to Support Your Local Police. Photo credit: Joe For NY.
“The current City Councilman { Barry Grodenchik} has become an automatic rubber stamp in Mayor de Blasio’s war against New York City’s middle class citizens”, Joe Concannon, the Republican/ Conservative / Stop de Blasio candidate running in this fall’s general election against Democrat incumbent Barry Grodenchik for a seat in this Eastern Queen’s Twenty Third City Council District, stated in a recent interview with me.
The Black Star News, P.O. Box 1472, New York, N.Y., 10274
Five months ago I stated my intention to run for City Council in District 27 Queens (St. Albans, parts of Hollis, Cambria Heights, Queens Village, Addisleigh Park, Jamaica, and Springfield Gardens) as a Republican.
Here is a handy guide to our outstanding line-up of Republican super-star candidates who will restore the lost greatness to our city, with a brief paragraph and the website for each of them: Nicole Malliotakis, Juan Carlos Polanco, Michel Faulkner, William Kregler, Joe Concannon, and Dr. Rupert Green. They have been in the news, at our meetings and rallies and you can meet most of them in person at our club meetings.
1743 Williamsbridge Road
Bronx, NY 10461
Dear Friend:
Earlier this spring, New York City’s political leaders decided to participate in a parade that was honoring a convicted terrorist, Oscar Lopez Rivera. This was the last straw for me to sit out another election without giving a voice to all of us who oppose such a radical left-wing agenda.
The day after an NYPD cop was executed, while our subways, roads and infrastructure collapses, while our city burns, Mayor de Blasio jets off to Germany to rally leftist protesters against the G-20.
Have you had enough of de Blasio and the anti-American bureaucrats on the City Council? These are the same City Council members and elected officials who joined the mayor and Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito to march in honor of convicted terrorist bomb-maker, Oscar Lopez Rivera in the recent Puerto Rican Day Parade, who cheered on traitor Chelsea Manning, marching in the NYC Gay Pride Parade, and who tripped all over themselves praising anti-Semite, terrorist enabler Linda Sarsour, when she gave the CUNY commencement address.
By Joseph Concannon
The Lost Hope from Park Slope, Mayor Bill de Blasio has managed to annoy, aggravate and consume the time of endless investigators and the citizens of this great city far too long. It is time for a clean break. No matter where you look, de Blasio and his cronies have set off another blazing firestorm of reckless behavior and very unwise public policy. Whether it’s the homeless crisis, the $10k debt per taxpayer, the building of prisons in every county, overdevelopment in our community, adoption of basement apartments as an affordable housing solution, his utter disrespect for those in law enforcement, mismanagement of city agencies, and his insanely absentee behavior in City Hall, de Blasio has proven to be a clear ZERO! The arrogance of this man and the entire “I’m above it all mentality” is sickening.
By Joseph Concannon
“…The People of the State of New York have been subjected to a Corruption Tax.”
No one could argue that this last political cycle was contentious, partisan and filled with unrest and uncertainty. The direction of the nation is about to do a 180-degree change that has some feeling unsettled. Some of us find this refreshing and others are just downright combative and resistant as ever. The Trump team is assembling, confirmation hearings have begun, and by the time you receive this newsletter we will have a new President. Donald J Trump is now the 45th President of the United States of America. Wow, what a year this has been!
By Frederick Bedell
The most unlikely candidate for president, President-Elect Donald J. Trump, has achieved a monumental upset against Hillary Clinton. He now has won the most powerful position in the world. And added to the fact he never ran for public office before. Yet he has done so because of his love for the America and the American people. President-Elect Donald Trump ran for the highest office in the nation because he believes America could do better for the hard working people who he believed were forgotten. Hillary Clinton lost in part because she ran against a man who had a greater vision and a dream for all Americans. Now is the time to unite America, regardless of what divides us with so many problems that need to be addressed. I believe President-Elect Donald J. Trump is the personification of his slogan which is,” Make American Great Again.” That is because he has a dream that he believes can be achieved. In closing let me wish President-Elect Trump success, for “We the people are counting on you!”
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.
Glen Oaks Village, N.Y.
By Phil Orenstein
Moses Maimonides
We believe one person’s actions can make a difference. Moses Maimonides, a preeminent medieval Jewish philosopher, said it best: “Each person should see himself as though the entire world is on a delicate balance, and with one deed, he or she can tip the scales.” Although some of us may feel we are too tiny and insignificant to change the world, there is something we can all do to make a real difference: vote and encourage others to do the same!
Voting matters. Some elections have been decided by just a handful of votes. Republican David Storobin won a special election for State Senate in Brooklyn a few years ago by a mere 13 votes. The Father of the Constitution, James Madison believed that voting matters and helped establish the first political party, the Republicans, although it had no relation to the modern GOP established in 1854. In fact, he said it is so crucial, that “the government equilibrium of power would face collapse” without “an informed and engaged electorate.” Madison believed that all power in America ultimately resides with the people.
Queens County GOP chairman Bob Turner and Queens Village Republican Club President Phil Orenstein said their support for Republican nominee Donald Trump has not waned in recent weeks. Photo by Micahel Shain
Candidates tackle policy issues with Republicans at St. Anne’s Council
Posted: Thursday, September 8, 2016 10:30 am
by Ryan Brady, Associate Editor
Harry Wilson, who may run for governor as a Republican in 2018, speaks to the Queens Village Republican Club. State Senate candidate Jarret Freeman, left, Assembly candidate Ira Harris and upper chamber hopeful Mark Cipolla also spoke.
Republican hopefuls for the state Assembly and Senate and a businessman weighing a gubernatorial bid talked about policy issues at a Queens Village Republican Club Meet the Candidates night at the St. Anne’s Council last Thursday.
Read all about Mark Cipolla’s candidacy in the Queens Chronicle: “GOP backing lawyer against Sen. Avella”
Mark Cipolla will be a featured speaker at the next General Club Meeting:
Thurs. Sept 1, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Knights of Columbus/St. Anne’s Council
263-15 Union Tpke., Glen Oaks, NY 11004
Mark Cipolla is the Republican and Conservative candidate for New York State Senate in District 11 which is in Northeastern Queens. When asked about the reason he chose to enter the race, he said: “I am tired of seeing career politicians allowed to treat “their” office as theirs, not “ours.” I am tired of seeing career politicians run unopposed because the cost of running a campaign against an incumbent is perceived as cost prohibitive and the uphill battle too daunting.”
One of our biggest issues is corruption in Albany and as Mark has stated: “the first step in ensuring that our government operates ethically is to demand that our elected officials are challenged on their record when up for re-election. Without serious challengers we provide career politicians with immunity to act in their self-interest, not in our best interest.”
Read all about Jarret Freeman’s candidacy in the Amsterdam News: “Jarret Freeman—From Penn State wrestler to wannabe politico”
Jarret Freeman will be a featured speaker at the next General Club Meeting:
Thurs. Sept 1, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Knights of Columbus/St. Anne’s Council
263-15 Union Tpke., Glen Oaks, NY 11004
Jarret Freeman is the Republican candidate for New York State Senate in District 14 in Eastern Queens. A passionate community activist born and raised in Eastern Queens, Jarret bases the motivation of his campaign on inclusivity, increasing community participation in local politics, and, above all, putting the needs of the community residents first.
His core tenet is to make New York more competitive and create an environment where our businesses flourish. He believes in the need to create incentives for businesses to want to stay in New York and for others to be attracted to come into our state. He believes New Yorkers have been taxed enough it’s urgent to decrease the income tax for our state which hovers at 13% which is the highest for any state in the nation.
Jarret is an award-winning international relations, diplomacy and policy specialist, experienced in the public, private and non-profit sectors. He is also a philanthropist and social entrepreneur. He’s a leader passionate about education, policy and the young people of our future. He has taught in 5 countries and traveled to nearly 20 speaking around the world at conferences and seminars about vital policy decisions affecting the young people of our global community.
Read all about Ira Harris’ candidacy in the Queens Chronicle: “I want to listen to the people’s problems and be a candidate for the people, not a candidate for Albany.”
Ira Harris will be a featured speaker at the next General Club Meeting:
Thurs. Sept 1, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Knights of Columbus/St. Anne’s Council
263-15 Union Tpke., Glen Oaks, NY 11004
Ira Harris is the Republican candidate for New York State Assembly in District 24 whose boundaries snake through Eastern Queens to Richmond Hill. He is running against David Weprin, a career politician, who gets re-elected due to the popularity of his family name. Although the doubters said it couldn’t be done, we proved the doubters wrong when our current Queens County GOP Chairman, Bob Turner defeated David Weprin in a special election and was elected to Congress a few years ago.
Ira is a father, an entrepreneur, 40-year resident of Queens, a job creator and a tax cutter. Ira is one of us. As a life-long small business owner, he has experienced the hard knocks and trials of daily life and the world of business that many of us have gone through. His triumph over adversity and debilitating illness, without the help of big government largesse, forged the conservative values in his life that he cherishes to this day. As a community activist he has been an upstanding role model and a problem solver for many people in his life. He is now ready to take the next step to be an outspoken leader and citizen representative for our community. He will bring much needed reform to Albany while representing our district and the needs of our community above the interest of all others.
Harry Wilson, the former Republican, Conservative and Independence party nominee for NYS Comptroller in 2010, is considering a 2018 run for NYS governor. He will be a guest speaker at our Club’s September 1st Meeting. He is an inspiring and brilliant speaker and stands strong on American principles. Here is his biography.
Harry Wilson will be a featured speaker at the next General Club Meeting:
Thurs. Sept 1, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Knights of Columbus/St. Anne’s Council
263-15 Union Tpke., Glen Oaks, NY 11004
Harry Wilson was born and raised in upstate Johnstown, NY. Harry’s mother and paternal grandparents all emigrated to Johnstown from their native Greece, making Harry a first-generation Greek-American. Harry’s father, Jim, was a bartender at his brother’s restaurant, and Harry’s mother, Niki, was a stay-at-home mom until Harry was 11, when looming college commitments led her to take a job operating a sewing machine at a local factory.
The June 2nd Queens Village Republican Club General Club Meeting was a campaign rally which started off with Scott Berry leading everyone in the signing of “You’re a Grand Old Flag!” This was followed by vigorous chanting of “Make America great again, Trump, Trump, Trump!”
There was a floor vote on a resolution for a club endorsement of Donald J. Trump for our Republican candidate for President, which passed unanimously. Our congressional candidates, Senator Jack Martins and Mike O’Reilly spoke as well as Frank Denatali, a representative from Donald Trump for President Campaign, Trump Tower Call Center in Manhattan.
Voice of America reporter Tina Trinh covered our June 2nd General Club Meeting and video interviewed several Queens Village Republican Club members. The meeting itself was billed as a “Campaign Rally to Support Our Candidates” and featured representatives of the Donald Trump for President campaign, as well as Republican Congressional candidates, Senator Jack Martins and Mike O’Reilly.
By Phil Orenstein
There is a revolution going on all across America. It’s a bloodless coup to take our country back from the treacherous political establishment. The status quo is in jeopardy which has the almighty Washington bureaucrats shaking in their boots. Donald Trump will wind up with millions more primary votes than anyone in American history. One of the reasons for the wild groundswell of support for Trump is that his campaign is self-funded, which means he cannot be bought by lobbyists, special interests or the political establishment. He is candid, honest and refreshing and we can count on him to do what’s best for America.
Our thrilling April 7th General Club Meeting featured Wendy Long, our Republican, Conservative, and Reform Party Candidate for U.S. Senate in New York running against Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Mike O’Reilly, Republican Candidate for Congress in New York’s 5th District in Eastern Queens running against Rep. Greg Meeks. Also our featured speaker was Ryan James Girdusky, Fox News, Fox Business, Radio & TV Pundit, Writer and Public Speaker who talked about the exciting and contentious presidential races. Here below are the videos of that awesome event:
By Robert Golomb
“ If I decide to run against Andrew Cuomo in 2018, I am confident that I will beat him”, 19th CD (which covers near Albany and its eastern, western and southern surrounding areas) Republican Congressman Chris Gibson stated, as we began our interview in midtown Manhattan last week. Gibson’s use of the conditional conjunction “ if”, though, could fairly be described as questionable: In February the congressman formed what is now a well -staffed gubernatorial exploratory committee. That exploratory committee, which launched a website, is already producing a broad range of position papers and reaching out for support to NYS Republican officials, has convinced many within Republican and Democratic camps throughout the state that Gibson is all but assured to enter the race.
Next General Club Meeting: Thurs. April 7, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Meeting at: Knights of Columbus/St. Anne’s Council
263-15 Union Tpke., Glen Oaks, NY 11004
We have more than a few outstanding candidates running for national, congressional and New York State offices here in Queens and we all need to pitch in and help them win the election. This is an extraordinary wave year for Republicans to win elections at all levels due to interest in Trump and the presidential races, bringing out voters from all across the political spectrum, including disaffected Republicans, Independents and Democrats who are crossing over.
Wendy Long is the nominee of the Republican, Conservative, and Reform Parties for United States Senate in New York and she will be speaking at our April 7th club meeting. She is running to “end the career of Chuck Schumer,” and as she says, “the reign of the ruling class and reclaim our right to life, liberty, security and prosperity.” Wendy Long, a staunch articulate, conservative Republican, clerked for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and we are proud to say, is a member of the Queens Village Republican Club. She ran in 2012 as the Republican and Conservative candidate for U.S. Senate, and this time we can help her win by spreading her profound message about standing up to the politics of the status quo and going on the attack after Schumer. Visit her website and view her insightful announcement video, and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Let’s get rolling to end Chuck Schumer’s career!
Other local GOP candidates who will be speaking at our April 7th and future meetings include Mike O’Reilly, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, and former Delta airline pilot who is a Republican running for Congress in New York’s 5th District in Eastern Queens against Greg Meeks, a career politician who carries a lot of baggage. It’s high time that a strong Republican is standing up to Rep. Meeks, because the people are fed up with politicians traveling to the Caribbean and far off vacation spots on the taxpayers dime, using the District as his own personal piggy bank while ignoring the needs of his constituents. Other speakers include Marvin R. Jeffcoat, Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army (Ret.) and past Commander of Queens County VFW, who is considering a run for New York State Senate in the 12th District, Senator Jack Martins, Republican and Conservative candidate for Congress running the 3rd District, the seat that Rep. Steve Israel will be retiring from, and others.
The presidential primaries have seen record numbers of Republicans turning out so far, and Democrats have seen their lowest numbers at the polls in decades. Over one million more Republican than Democrat voters reportedly came out to vote in the primaries so far. Right before the Massachusetts primary, 20,000 Democrats bolted the party and joined the Independence and Republican Parties. It’s never happened before in America’s heartland, that such great numbers of Democrats are switching to Republican to vote in the presidential primaries. 1000 blue collar workers switched parties to vote for Trump in Youngstown, Ohio. In fact, so many blue collar workers say they are voting for Trump, that the Teamsters, one of America’s biggest workers’ unions, normally loyal to the Democrats every year, will be withholding their endorsement of any candidate, Democrat or Republican in this year’s election.
A peaceful revolution is going on in America now that is benefitting the Republican Party. The silent majority is standing up and fighting back at the voting booth. Millions of people are coming into the GOP, getting registered as Republican and pouring into the polling sites. We have four elections this year in Queens, NY, starting with the Republican Presidential Primary on April 19th. We the people will not be silent. We will not be intimidated. We will come out to vote in record numbers here, and save the New York City, State, and America.
New York State Senator Jack Martins speaks at our 141st Anniversary Lincoln Dinner. A great speech, great friends and patriots, and a great gathering to “Make New York Great Again!”
“These are turbulent times in 2016. But in turbulent times there are opportunities. Each one of us has the opportunity to make a difference. We can turn around the last seven years of this country and set us back on the road to properity. This is going to be great Republican year!” – Senator Jack Martins
March 16, 2016
Contact: Patrick Egan 917-268-1840
New York, New York (March 16, 2016): U.S. Senate Candidate and former U.S. Supreme Court clerk Wendy Long, the nominee of the Republican, Conservative, and Reform parties to oppose U.S. Sen Chuck Schumer in November, responded to President Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court:
“The Constitution says the President shall nominate judges. But those judges are appointed to office only if and when the Senate consents. The Constitution does not require the Senate to do anything if it chooses to withhold its consent. Doing nothing equals no consent. That is perfectly constitutional and in in fact saves a lot of time and resources.
“Judge Merrick Garland seems like a goodman. That does not mean he should be elevated to the Supreme Court, especially for the seat of Justice Antonin Scalia, when Americans’ rights such as the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment and the expansive use of executive power to alter immigration and other laws is at stake, and especially in the midst of a contentious presidential and Senate election.
“There is no way that Obama and Chuck Schumer would allow anyone to ascend to the Supreme Court whom they were not confident would be a vote for their liberal activist agenda that has already done so much damage to our country and our Constitution. They can now live with the precedent they have created for blocking judicial nominees they did not like. Ultimately this is for the people to decide, and we shall see whom they elect as our next President and Senators.
“It is much more decent to Judge Garland not to put him through the wringer of a confirmation process that is ultimately going nowhere. He has a job to do, meanwhile, on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Let’s let him get back to it.
“As far as his confirmation vote to his current post goes, it is worth remembering that Justice Clarence Thomas was unanimously confirmed by the Senate to the same court that Judge Garland sits on.”
by Josepth R. Concannon
Remember, we are the Republican Party and here in Queens we set the standard of personal integrity, professional engagement and straightforward honesty. The future is bright and we just made 4,000 brand new friends in this election cycle. Now go out and be proud; your party is on the move!