Candidates News

There are four Kamala Harrises.  None of them should be President.

By Alex Nicholson/JBS member

Kamala Harris is a political chameleon.  To some degree, this is an accusation that can be leveled at many politicians, if not most, across party lines.  She’s hardly the first to flipflop on her positions, evade tough questions, or have an on-again-off-again relationship with the truth.  But what is unique about Harris is the sheer scale to which she does these things, and the complicity of the media in helping her get away with them.  There doesn’t seem to be even one single issue on which the Vice President has not waffled or reversed herself.  Taking her statements at face value, one could essentially divide Kamala Harris into four entirely separate politicians with four completely contradictory belief systems.  If she is elected, the voter has no way of knowing which one she’ll govern as, and frankly, even if we could, none of the four are Presidential material.

Kamala One is the persona she took on as District Attorney of San Francisco and later Attorney General of California.  On the surface, Kamala One might seem like an appealing law and order candidate, but if you look deeper, you’ll find a tyrant.  This version of Kamala didn’t consider the powers of a prosecutor to have any limits, and really didn’t care whose rights got trampled on pursuing her version of order.  This was the Kamala who was so famously destroyed on the debate stage by Tulsi Gabbard for defying court orders by keeping prisoners incarcerated after they had already served their time to use them as expendable firefighting cannon fodder, and who suppressed exculpatory evidence against a likely innocent man who to this day is still on death row because of her.  Her solution to every problem from truancy to inconvenient journalism is to attempt to imprison somebody.  One can only imagine what she would start doing to political foes with the justice department at her command.

Kamala Two is the version of Harris that served in the Senate, carving out a niche as its furthest left, most progressive member, even past Bernie Sanders, according to voting record aggregators such as GovTrack, who have since attempted to scrub these records from the internet in compliance with her attempts to rebrand herself.  Two is, essentially, a communist, entirely eschewing any sort of bipartisanship and favoring only the most extreme expansions of government and redistributions of wealth, voting for open borders and championing the Green New Deal.  Even faced with a Republican congress, Kamala Two’s efforts to spend America into a second great depression would likely cause a drastic worsening of congressional gridlock, but the damage she could do with a favorable legislature would simply be incalculable.

Kamala Three is the person who ran in the 2020 Democrat primaries, and the scariest of the lot.  Attempting to define herself in a crowded field, this Kamala embraced the culture war, making #MeToo, cancel culture, and wokeness central to her platform, to impose on America as an all-encompassing, totalitarian agenda.  She is out on the furthest left fringes of every cultural issue, from “abortion” after birth, taxpayer funding of sex changes for illegal aliens, gun confiscation by executive order, reparations paid to those who were never slaves from those who never owned slaves, and on and on to the bleeding edges of woke insanity.  Three embraces a vision of an America reorganized along the progressive stack, with a person’s place in society determined by how many supposedly oppressed categories they can squeeze themselves into for extra status.

Kamala Four, now endorsed by Dick Cheney, of all people, is essentially a neocon on everything but abortion.  Selected rather than elected, handed the nomination without having to earn the votes of her party’s base in a primary, she has been free to simply claim that her positions are whatever she thinks Pennsylvania wants to hear.  On some issues, she has even attempted to out-Trump Trump.  On paper, she might thusly seem palatable to conservatives…until one remembers why the Cheneys like her so much.  As she made plain on the debate stage, she is the candidate of war.  Perpetual war all over the world, constantly draining American blood and treasure into the coffers of the military industrial complex.  That would be bad enough even if done competently, imagine what it would look like helmed by the self-described “last person in the room” for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that claimed 13 American lives and left the Taliban billions of dollars worth of American weapons and equipment.

So who is Kamala Harris, really?  Two months of campaigning, one supervised interview and one comically over-moderated debate later, we still don’t know.  The only throughline of her political career is a deep authoritarian streak.  Whatever she claims to stand for at the moment, she wants ruthlessly enforced on everyone.  Despite this, she rarely follows her own rules, and when caught in these double standards, her response is usually laughter.  Her inability to control her giddiness in these situations suggests an unnerving conclusion: Kamala Harris’ contradictions are by design, because she is the kind of person who enjoys hypocrisy, who gets a thrill from publicly espousing morals she privately ignores.  And there is no personality type more dangerous with power.

Kamala Harris “The Queen of Constellation of Lies”

By Ankush Bhandari

Kamala Harris is the first female Vice President of the United States which makes her the second most powerful person in the United States. Being the candidate for USA President certainly attracts significant attention not only in alleys of Washington DC but in all power capitals of the world. The idea that Kamala becomes a “Hyped Cliché” could reflect feelings about how she’s portrayed herself in the media or how she is perceived in political discourse. However, her current role and policies have left the American economy and its people highly disgruntled, leading to more criticism than praise. The passing of the baton from President Biden to Vice President Harris at the 2024 Democratic National Convention is not a historic moment but a very trifling event in American history as it carries important implications for US democracy and questions its existential legitimacy.



Election Day is Nov 5th

Early Voting is Oct 26 – Nov 3

Absentee ballot applications: Last day is Oct 26 (received by BOE) to submit application, if you can’t make it in person to poll site.

Register to vote: Submit voter registration. Last day Oct 26 for General Election (received by BOE).

Change party registration: Submit voter registration, party box checked. Anytime until Feb 14. Effective immediately.

Change address: Submit voter registration. Last day is Oct 21 for General Election (received by BOE).

Find your poll site, see your sample ballot, and all voter info:

The “City of Yes” is a Betrayal of Queens Communities

By Dwayne Moore for NYS Assembly in District 29

As someone who was raised and has lived in South Jamaica, Queens, for almost my entire life, I see the Mayor’s proposed “City of Yes” initiative as nothing short of blatant corruption. This plan is an attempt to sell out our few prestigious residential neighborhoods to large developers, betraying the communities that make our city unique. Residents in my neighborhood have consistently expressed desires for better roads, improved infrastructure to reduce flooding, and better schools to serve our children. Instead of focusing efforts on improving the quality of life for its taxpayers, the Mayor and large developers, in an authoritarian style, are attempting to force neighborhoods where people chose to live in low-density areas to raise children to give up their sovereignty under the guise of “affordable housing.”

NYS Republican Party Uses Lawfare to Throw America First Candidates Off the Ballot! SCAM EXPOSED!

By Cara Castronuova

My name is Cara Castronuova, and I am an investigative journalist currently embroiled in a contentious legal battle with the Board of Elections and the New York State Republican Party as a candidate for United States Senate. 

Republican Party leadership and a Board of Elections representative took me and multiple other candidates to election court to have us “thrown off the ballot” and stymied a Republican primary this year. There were no primaries on Primary Day! Your right to vote was subverted and a single Republican primary ballot did not exist, except for one in Queens District 25, and one in faraway Yates County.

Queens is Not Congressman Meeks’ Migrant Dumping Ground!

The most illegal migrant camps in NYC are in Queens in the districts of Congressman Meeks (39) and Ocasio-Cortez (26). What are they doing about it? NOTHING!

By Paul King for U.S. Congress, NY-05

On July 7, the New York Post revealed the location of all 193 migrant shelters in New York City. More than one third of them are in Queens. It should surprise nobody that Congressman Gregory Meeks’ district is host to by far the most migrant camps – 39.

Some may think it appropriate that his district got the lion’s share since Representative Meeks has long been a proponent of open borders and he supported the policies of President Biden that created this crisis. However, it is incredibly unfair to the residents of our district – especially in Jamaica and South Ozone Park. We are homeowners and citizens, just trying to make a life. Now we have the added burdens of overcrowded schools, increased lawlessness, and reduced services.

President Trump Vows to Heal a Divided America

By Suzanne Chronowitz, pictured here with her husband, Mark, both delegates to the Republican National Convention

The Republican National Convention took place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from July 15th to July 18th. It was held in the Fiserv Forum, home of the  Milwaukee Bucks. On Monday, July 15th, the Republican delegates voted on the Republican party platform, and nominated JD Vance for Vice President, and Donald J. Trump for President. Each night from Monday through Thursday the convention showcased speeches from Republican politicians, everyday Americans, celebrities, and supporters of President Trump.

Judicial Independence and How to Beat the Queens Democratic Machine

Meritocracy, not political-machine mediocrity, should dictate how a judge is chosen.   For decades, the Queens County Surrogate’s Court and its connected Office of Public Administration has been reputed to be a political plum that rewards friends of the Queens Democrat organization.

Vignette Vagabonds

Vignettes Gathered by Josh Eisen and other Vagabonds

This is a series of vignettes by vagabonds who could be anyone who feels, or anyone getting around living life’s moments, ordinary and special. It is open and belongs to everyone who wishes, especially if you know the changes that would make the vignettes your vagabond expressions.

Pain and Challenge

When traveling around Queens, and around the city and the state, I cannot help but feel pain and challenge everywhere. It is so plain and right there, it turns ordinary New Yorkers into empathetic vagabonds who feel not the pain of poverty nor the despair of hopelessness. We feel the pain of keeping up, and the challenge of maintaining dignity at the dinner table with family, in the bedroom with a spouse, or alone in front of the mirror. Often the thread that binds the pain and challenge is some form of government intrusion or regulation. If not one then another, whether it is an expensive ill-conceived regulation, irrationally high interest rates, an increase in existing taxes, or a new tax altogether.

It seems like every time some over-educated and uncaring progressive apparatchik thinks they are all lightbulbs with ideas, there is nobody to point out that the bulbs are dead. On the contrary, Democrats at all levels of government trip over themselves to be the first to write the ill- conceived laws with the same devastating impact on ordinary New Yorkers steeped in the challenge of just maintaining dignity. We vagabonds can only lament that rather than blow like wind in the sails of its citizens, government is a headwind that keeps so many just barely treading in pain, if not falling back.

There’s Borrowers & There’s Borrowers

Student loan forgiveness is no longer just an idea. The Biden administration has decided that it is time to let some borrowers off the hook, and they have forgiven billions of dollars of loans. Let us for a moment cast aside deep aversion to any loan forgiveness and assume someone was going to get a freebee. Never was there a suggestion to consider all the outstanding loans the administration might want to forgive through executive orders.  Without debate or consideration, the borrowers whose loans they have chosen to forgive were those who borrowed money to pay tuition to colleges and universities.  They neither considered hard working Americans who borrowed money to work and build businesses nor military veterans who borrowed money to buy homes. It is hard for us vagabonds to ignore that rather than choose people who borrowed money to work, the Democrats chose people who borrowed money to party at places like Columbia and Harvard.

Sheriffs or Intrusive Patrols

Who are we as a nation? What sort of Americans are we as individuals? How does it reflect in the way we relate to Laws and their enforcement? Are we individuals who want government to patrol our day-to-day lives? Or are we the sort who calls the sheriff when there’s a problem? Do we want government in our homes and healthcare? In our schools and youth programs?

As individuals, we want government to stand back and support communities where shared values govern day-to-day interactions, education, sports, youth programs, etc. When it is necessary, we can call the proverbial sheriff, whether it is the police or the firefighter or whomever. For us, the vagabonds, we do not want the IRS, FBI, CIA, DEA, HUD, or any letters of the alphabet knocking on our doors or otherwise patrolling our lives.

The Cold War Hu$tle

When the Cold War ended, we were told that we won that war without any bloodshed. We were promised that we would finally see a payoff for all the expense that went into ‘winning’ the Cold War against the former Soviet Union and the Communist Bloc. There has been no payoff and defense spending has only increased significantly. There never was a new order of peace and prosperity. Instead, newly independent countries-once part of the former Soviet Union-were delicious business opportunities for the American military industrial complex. The best path in order to maximize this opportunity was NATO membership for the new nations.

Regardless of whether another way would have worked, it appears to ordinary Americans that no other path was considered. To us vagabonds, it seems like military profiteers got their way, regardless of how little or hard they worked and lobbied for it. And left nothing for ordinary Americans except more pain, challenge, debt, and global death machines.

Who? Columbia and NYU, That’s Who

When New Yorkers think about who destroyed middle- and working-class housing around the city, they might be surprised to learn that Columbia and NYU are behind the destruction of more such housing units than any other organization or individual. When Columbia and NYU destroy these housing units, they do so in order to build dormitories for entitled children, many of whom come from privileged backgrounds far from New York. At the same time, many less privileged New Yorkers are forced to commute to NYU and Columbia because they live too close to qualify for housing that displaced locals in favor of temporary entitled student residents.

Why does this happen? How is this possible? Taxes. That is the one-word answer, in a nutshell. When Columbia or NYU purchase a property, it is impossible for anyone to compete with them because the tax laws benefit them. They will not pay any property taxes once they have acquired the property as opposed to other buyers who must consider a significant increase in property taxes. Columbia and NYU also will pay neither income tax nor capital gains tax (should they ever sell the property). If that is not enough, the government subsidizes loans so that students can pay ever-increasing tuitions that have irrationally outpaced inflation. After all that, Columbia and NYU have the chutzpah to force students onto meal plans, many of which are exempt from sales taxes, while local businesses can’t compete with them and go out of business.

It is time that NYU and Columbia are treated as they should be. To the ordinary vagabond, it is obvious that NYU and Columbia are for-profit businesses who should receive no tax benefits, neither federal, nor state, nor city.

Remember the Sixth Amendment?

As a reminder, the Six Amendment is the right of a defendant to a quick and speedy trial by a jury of their peers. Sadly, many of us know someone who has been through or is experiencing a trial that is neither a quick and speedy, nor one judged by a jury of peers, nor one where justice is served. Prosecutors have too much discretion and have wielded it as they saw fit, which often meant to further their political and career aspirations. Sometimes they do it to get someone they don’t like, but more often they do it to score conviction points at the expense of those who cannot fight back and must take a plea.

Who are these prosecutors who are devastating poor and often minority communities? They are not Republicans. They are not vindictive conservatives. No. They are the Democrat social justice warriors like Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, Leticia James, and Kamala Harris, all of whom built their careers on the backs of poor black men and the families they devastated. The sixth amendment is sacred and should be the difference between true justice and a monarch’s verdict. For the vagabonds, and especially the black vagabonds among us, we cannot help but wonder if plea deals are just industrialized disregard of the sixth amendment.

You got this far?

Thank you. You are a true vagabond. Feel free to send in your own vignettes from your own day- to-day or changes to those above so that they become yours and are better for publication.

Video: US Senate Republican Candidates Debate

The Queens Village Republican Club hosted the US Senate Republican Candidates Debate on May 2nd at Marbella restaurant. Cara Castronuova and Josh Eisen were present for the debate and Mike Sapraicone, the New York State Republican Party’s hand-picked candidate, refused to attend. As of the day of the debate, Cara and Josh were still fighting for ballot access in court. Thank you to both Michael Ferrara and James Doukas for videotaping and processing the entire debate including Q & A, and a few Republican candidates running for local seats as well!

Illegal Immigrants May Supercharge NonCitizen Voting

With 5M registered voters in NYC, noncitizens could rapidly become a 1M voting bloc representing 17% of the city.


What do I stand for? America First. Protecting the Constitution at all costs – that includes free speech to the point of the most offensive kind. The Second Amendment, which was created to PROTECT US AGAINST A TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT, is a God-given right and must be protected at all costs. We must close our borders and take care of our own men and women who have been abandoned.

Really, This Time It Is THE Most Important Election

By Paul King
Candidate for U.S. Congress, NY5

For years, I cringed when newscasters and politicians declared, “This year’s election is the most important election in the history of the republic.” That’s why I was a little uncomfortable two years ago when I said the 2022 elections were a stepping stone to 2024… which will be the most important election since 1980, when Ronald Reagan was elected.

Well, that has proven to be an understatement.

This year’s elections are far more important. If the Democrats hold onto the White House and retake the House of Representative, they will drag America into an abyss. The damage will last for decades.

Think I am exaggerating? Consider these five long-term tumors:

Migrant Crisis – Things are bad now. Imagine if another 8 million people enter illegally during Biden-Harris 2? Consider the strain from the hundreds of thousands in NY that came because of our sanctuary city status and at the behest of Mayor Adams, who now admits “will destroy” the city and cost NYC $12 billion by mid-2025.

$34 Trillion in Debt – This is an enormous weight on future generations and the American Dream. Biden, Meeks and Jeffries just want to borrow, borrow, borrow so they can spend, spend, spend. Economies cannot long survive when debt is far in excess of 100% of GDP. NY public authorities hold $329 billion in public debt – 97% of the state’s total according to Reinvent Albany.

Military Wokeness/Weakness – America has a shortage of soldiers, sailors and ships. Four more years of a DEI focus at the DoD will only further embolden our enemies. Speaking of which…

China’s Ascension – The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is working on many fronts toward supplanting America as the world leader this century. Four more years of Biden pussyfooting with China (and Iran) will leave America weak and at risk of a kinetic war. NY has been home to “police stations” run by Chinese nationals. Thousands of military age men, many identified as members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) the armed wing of the CCP, are entering the U.S. open borders.

Green Obsession – The irrational progressive dash to an all-electric world will create an enormous economic burden for everyday citizens and leave America extremely vulnerable to a debilitating attack on a singular source of energy. Gov. Hochul doubled down on former Gov. Cuomo’s Climate Action Plan with her expanded zero-emissions plan that would force New Yorkers at minimum to replace their gas stoves with electric ones and pay exorbitant utilities bills.

So, how do we win this most important election of our lives?

Coalesce to Create a Real Red Wave – In 2022, New York delivered the House to Republicans. The Democrats want to steal those seats back through any means necessary (i.e., gerrymandering). We need to hold serve, and flip more blue seats by sending people like Alison Esposito, Tom Zmich and me to Congress. That starts with keeping the George Santos seat in the red column. Some people are understandably uncertain about Mazi Pilip. Well, we need to put aside the intramural fighting this year. Next year, we can get back to arguing about the future of our party after we save our country.

Overcome Cheating – The most shocking lesson from my 2022 run is that Democrat cheating is not just pervasive, it’s blatant. People can rightfully point to how Tom Sullivan had his victory taken away or the dirty voter rolls, but while good people combat those structural issues, we need to take our fight to the point of attack. By that, I mean we need hundreds of Republicans to step up and be poll workers or poll watchers. Democrats managed to win about 100% of the votes in nursing homes. They distribute materials for Democratic candidates inside polling places! They instruct immigrants and first-time voters that since they are registered as Democrats, they should fill in all the circles in Column A. They get away with it –brazenly– because no one is watching. YOU can stop them. Commit now to being a poll worker or poll watcher.

Turnout – Every election is about turnout, but in the post-COVID world –where the Democrat ballot harvesting machine works on steroids– the old rules of turnout do not apply. Republicans need to:

1) Get many of our most reliable Republicans to vote early. (Check out If our most loyal citizens put their votes “in the bank” in October, then candidates can focus GOTV on occasional Republican voters in the home stretch.

2) Start working NOW to educate and motivate citizens who usually stay on the sidelines in November. We all have friends and family members who say things like, “Why vote? It does not change anything.” Or “I only have one vote. I can’t make a difference.” We need to get those Americans in the game. It’s not going to happen by dropping off campaign material in the fall. It’s not going to happen because candidates like me (or even Donald Trump) give a great speech. It will happen because of YOU! Start educating your fellow citizens now so they do the right thing in November

This year, I will spend months deep inside the darkest blue areas of Southeast Queens, explaining to fellow citizens that Republicans are not their enemy, that their values are actually the same as our conservative values, and that they should give us a chance rather than supporting the same old, same old Democratic Party failures.

It is hard work, but I’m happy to do it – not because I want to be a congressman, but because we Republicans are going to save America. Please join me in that fight throughout 2024. If we all go all-in over the next 10 months then we will preserve the last best hope of man on earth. Our children and grandchildren will be forever grateful.

Who is Mazi Pilip?

By Laura Schmitt

Mazi Melesa Pilip

Mark your calendar for February 13, the date of the special election to fill the 3rd congressional district seat vacated by George Santos.  The GOP has chosen Mazi Pilip, the current Nassau County District 10 legislator, to run on the Republican line. This election has national consequences as the razor thin GOP majority lies in peril. Millions of dollars are pouring in from national sources to sway your vote.

Mazi has proven to be a tough campaigner.  She gave birth to her sixth and seventh children, twin daughters, weeks after winning her first election to become Nassau County District 10 Legislator in 2021. She handily won that election by a margin of 7 points! In 2023, she easily won re-election.

Videos of the January 4th Club Meeting

Senator Jack Martins installed our club board members and officers for 2024 at our January 4th club meeting. Amidst the decline of New York State, with too many residents fleeing, Senator Martins urged us to stay, to fight back, and speak out for our values and what will bring hope and a better way of life for the future generations of New Yorkers. We heard from some remarkable Republican candidates as well.

Thank you to James Doukas for videotaping the speakers!

Stop Andrew Cuomo from Running for NYC Mayor!

Please sign this petition today to STOP Cuomo once and for all; this time from harming NYC. To STOP Cuomo, share this petition with friends, family and neighbors. 

Voting Matters and Elections Have Consequences

By Phil Orenstein
President, Queens Village Republican Club

We have a Republican Atom Bomb sitting under our feet waiting to go off. The migrant crisis was to be the ignition to cause a chain reaction of outraged voters, expected to storm the poll sites to vote for a change in leadership to take action to stop the illegal alien invasion of NYC and our communities. Voters flooding the polls, living in Eastern Queens, were recently saddled with a migrant tent city on Creedmoor grounds, with over 1000 unvetted single male illegal migrants against the collective will of everyone. Voters who live in fear of increased crime, lawlessness, and destruction of our neighborhoods. Homeowners who see their property values declining. Taxpayers who are on the hook for $$ billions of dollars to provide free housing, food, school, healthcare, laundry service, and even free bus and subway fare for illegal migrants, while the city is enacting sweeping budget cuts, slashing police, trash pick-ups, education, library hours, and cuts to all city services. NYC is headed for a fiscal cliff because Mayor Adams took in 140,000 migrants and every voter is feeling the pain.

Videos: Oct 5th Club Meeting Save Our Failing Schools

Our October 5th club meeting focused on “How to take back our schools and restore merit and parental rights in education.” Professor Nicholas Giordano and Elena Chin both gave informative and eye-opening presentations on saving our failing schools and protecting our children. We also heard from local Republican candidates. Here are the videos of their presentations.

Community Leader with Common Sense and Common Values

By Bernard Chow

Hello everyone. My name is Bernard Chow, and I am running for New York City Council in District 23. I first arrived in the United States from Hong Kong, China to attend college, and since then I have stayed in New York City where I made it my home. I’ve been working in community outreach for more than 15 years. Because of my work, I am exposed to many diverse communities and the issues they each face.

I am concerned that the governance of New York has less and less to do with common sense. In Asian culture, balance is an important concept that is relevant towards many aspects of lives.  Unfortunately, my belief is that in New York, government lacks a healthy balance.  It favors criminals more than law abiding citizens.  Health policies favor profits more than healing.  Government is more concerned with allocating funding than with solving problems.  Government no longer values or supports people’s achievement, or the sacrifices and self-discipline associated with acquiring knowledge and skills, and with achieving financial independence.

Videos: Nov. 3rd Pre-Election Club Meeting

Congressman-Elect George Santos who flipped NY-3 Congressional Seat, long held by Democrats, rallied supporters at the Club’s Nov 3rd Pre-Election Victory Rally

Tony Nunziato, Queens GOP Chairman

Queens GOP Chairman, Tony Nunziato addressed the members of the Queens Village Republican Club on November 3, 2022. He discussed the Republican Party slate of 20 qualified candidates running for public office in Queens.

Danielle C. NY Citizens Audit

Danielle from NY Citizens Audit, presented an overview of the work of NY Citizens Audit fighting for the integrity of our elections in New York. Use the Citizens Election Integrity Report form to report any violations or election irregularities. Report at:

The Rise of the Mama Bears 

You’ve heard the expression “don’t mess with Mama Bear.” Mama Bear is endowed with the most powerful instinctive protective force in nature to protect her cubs. Today we are witnessing the rise of Mama Bears standing up in the political arena throughout America to protect their kids, families, and neighbors from the destructive power of Democrat run government with the ensuing rise of crime and inflation, open borders, woke indoctrination in our schools, lockdowns and vaccine mandates, censorship and trashing of our Constitutional rights.

Summoning a Red Storm

By Paul King
Republican candidate for Congress, 5th District

A while back, I was told 2022 is a Perfect Storm for Republicans. A combination of events will enable us to win in very blue New York City. That sounds great, but it is important to remember that this Storm is not made of rainbows and sunshine; it’s made of disasters.

Relentless waves of crime, violence, and lawlessness. Soaring prices for food, gas, school supplies, and rent. Failing schools with administrators who focus on indoctrination more than education. A tidal wave of migrants and human trafficking at the southern border. Political weaponization of justice departments in Albany and DC. It is hard to believe all this is happening in America in 2022.

Marilyn Miller: Running to Restore Law and Order

I am a former NYPD Officer and 9-11 First Responder Survivor. I was born in Brooklyn and raised in East New York, a mixed diverse community of all races. I attended and graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School in the top 10% of my class.  I was also on the cheerleaders squad and to this day have a passion for sports by playing tennis.  

I have always had a passion for law and justice and attended John Jay College of Criminal Justice.  After the birth of my beautiful daughter Krystal, I took time off from school and worked in the U.S. District Court serving in Jury selection and Immigration.  I eventually took the police exam because I had a desire to serve and protect my community. I was sworn in as a NYPD Police Officer January 25th, 1982 and it was indeed a proud moment of accomplishment for me at the young age of 23. I was assigned after graduating from the Police Academy to patrol duties and specialized assignments. In the eighties I was assigned to Queens Narcotics South as an undercover cop to clean up South Jamaica of its drug infestation which led to violent crimes, low quality of life, and home value depreciation. 

Videos of Sept 1st Club Meeting: GOP CANDIDATES NIGHT!

The September 1st meeting of the Queens Village Republican Club was a combination GOP Candidates Night with a line up of America First Patriots bringing on the RED WAVE, and a victory party for Tina Forte, winning the Republican nomination for Congress, to run in District 14 against AOC. We were also treated to a special guest speaker, Josephine Aronson who presented an overview of the work of New York Citizens Audit to uncover the truth of the 2020 elections, who are calling for the decertification of the entire New York State 2020 General Election.

Tina Forte Republican Nominee for US Congress 14 District!!!

Tina Forte won the Republican Primary handily on August 23rd and is the Republican nominee in the 14th Congressional District! Congratulations Tina! The stage is set to square off against AOC in the General Election on November 8th. America is watching this race to proudly raise the Stars and Stripes in the northern section of Queens and the Bronx!

We are living in perilous times, but we can overcome. As Americans, we have fought world wars, beaten down despots, abolished slavery, and came together as one united America after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.  America is the “Shining City on a Hill,” the beacon of hope to the world. When America is strong the world is stable. We are strong, we are united, and will be a stronger nation with Tina Forte representing us in Congress. She has a vision for America with fresh ideas. She is a freedom fighter who will restore safety, economic stability, and the American Dream for all of us. 

As a small business owner, wife, mother, and grandmother, Tina understands the issues facing New Yorkers. Growing up in the Throggs Neck area of the Bronx, she learned the value of hard work and love of country from her father, a Marine Corps veteran, and her mother, an entrepreneur. Tina learned that through perseverance and hard work, she could achieve the American Dream.

Tina has been on the front lines fighting for us as a proud America First patriot. She stood shoulder to shoulder with small business and restaurant owners who were struggling. She joined parents in pushing for schools to reopen for our kids. She backed the blue, and was a vocal opponent to defunding our police. She was even part of lawsuits against Governor Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio to roll back the unconstitutional executive orders that have destroyed our businesses and the lives of our children for almost two years. Tina Forte has fought for us here in New York, and she will continue the fight in Washington to stop radical socialists from destroying the American Dream. Tina is a bold, caring, wonderful woman full of heart. “Forte” means strong and Tina is strong, outspoken, and fearless. She is our voice and with your help, she will be our voice in Washington DC. The whole country is watching this race. This is our fight!! It’s a national fight worthy of your time, your effort, your prayers, and your contributions.

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