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There are four Kamala Harrises.  None of them should be President.

By Alex Nicholson/JBS member

Kamala Harris is a political chameleon.  To some degree, this is an accusation that can be leveled at many politicians, if not most, across party lines.  She’s hardly the first to flipflop on her positions, evade tough questions, or have an on-again-off-again relationship with the truth.  But what is unique about Harris is the sheer scale to which she does these things, and the complicity of the media in helping her get away with them.  There doesn’t seem to be even one single issue on which the Vice President has not waffled or reversed herself.  Taking her statements at face value, one could essentially divide Kamala Harris into four entirely separate politicians with four completely contradictory belief systems.  If she is elected, the voter has no way of knowing which one she’ll govern as, and frankly, even if we could, none of the four are Presidential material.

Kamala One is the persona she took on as District Attorney of San Francisco and later Attorney General of California.  On the surface, Kamala One might seem like an appealing law and order candidate, but if you look deeper, you’ll find a tyrant.  This version of Kamala didn’t consider the powers of a prosecutor to have any limits, and really didn’t care whose rights got trampled on pursuing her version of order.  This was the Kamala who was so famously destroyed on the debate stage by Tulsi Gabbard for defying court orders by keeping prisoners incarcerated after they had already served their time to use them as expendable firefighting cannon fodder, and who suppressed exculpatory evidence against a likely innocent man who to this day is still on death row because of her.  Her solution to every problem from truancy to inconvenient journalism is to attempt to imprison somebody.  One can only imagine what she would start doing to political foes with the justice department at her command.

Kamala Two is the version of Harris that served in the Senate, carving out a niche as its furthest left, most progressive member, even past Bernie Sanders, according to voting record aggregators such as GovTrack, who have since attempted to scrub these records from the internet in compliance with her attempts to rebrand herself.  Two is, essentially, a communist, entirely eschewing any sort of bipartisanship and favoring only the most extreme expansions of government and redistributions of wealth, voting for open borders and championing the Green New Deal.  Even faced with a Republican congress, Kamala Two’s efforts to spend America into a second great depression would likely cause a drastic worsening of congressional gridlock, but the damage she could do with a favorable legislature would simply be incalculable.

Kamala Three is the person who ran in the 2020 Democrat primaries, and the scariest of the lot.  Attempting to define herself in a crowded field, this Kamala embraced the culture war, making #MeToo, cancel culture, and wokeness central to her platform, to impose on America as an all-encompassing, totalitarian agenda.  She is out on the furthest left fringes of every cultural issue, from “abortion” after birth, taxpayer funding of sex changes for illegal aliens, gun confiscation by executive order, reparations paid to those who were never slaves from those who never owned slaves, and on and on to the bleeding edges of woke insanity.  Three embraces a vision of an America reorganized along the progressive stack, with a person’s place in society determined by how many supposedly oppressed categories they can squeeze themselves into for extra status.

Kamala Four, now endorsed by Dick Cheney, of all people, is essentially a neocon on everything but abortion.  Selected rather than elected, handed the nomination without having to earn the votes of her party’s base in a primary, she has been free to simply claim that her positions are whatever she thinks Pennsylvania wants to hear.  On some issues, she has even attempted to out-Trump Trump.  On paper, she might thusly seem palatable to conservatives…until one remembers why the Cheneys like her so much.  As she made plain on the debate stage, she is the candidate of war.  Perpetual war all over the world, constantly draining American blood and treasure into the coffers of the military industrial complex.  That would be bad enough even if done competently, imagine what it would look like helmed by the self-described “last person in the room” for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that claimed 13 American lives and left the Taliban billions of dollars worth of American weapons and equipment.

So who is Kamala Harris, really?  Two months of campaigning, one supervised interview and one comically over-moderated debate later, we still don’t know.  The only throughline of her political career is a deep authoritarian streak.  Whatever she claims to stand for at the moment, she wants ruthlessly enforced on everyone.  Despite this, she rarely follows her own rules, and when caught in these double standards, her response is usually laughter.  Her inability to control her giddiness in these situations suggests an unnerving conclusion: Kamala Harris’ contradictions are by design, because she is the kind of person who enjoys hypocrisy, who gets a thrill from publicly espousing morals she privately ignores.  And there is no personality type more dangerous with power.

Phone Banking for Prop 1 Instructions (Time Sensitive)

Videos of the Oct 10th Club Meeting

Who is Loren Spivack aka Dr. Truth aka Free Market Warrior?

The October 10th meeting of the Queens Village Republican Club featured some fantastic guest speakers, including Loren Spivack, Katie Siebert representing TPUSA, and Rick Hinshaw on why we need to Vote NO on Prop 1! See below for the complete videos:

Thank you to James Doukas for videotaping our guest speakers!

The President of the World

By Philip Orenstein

On September 18th, President Trump held an epic campaign rally in Uniondale, Long Island, where he was met with a massive crowd that packed the Nassau Coliseum inside and out with energized patriots. He told the crowd, “we are going to win New York.” 

New York is in play, since 54 out of 62 counties in New York State are rock-red Republican, and what’s more, Democrats are walking away in great numbers. NYC voters will play a big role in deciding the outcome statewide.  Democrats in NYC and throughout the state, are fed up with the lies of their party establishment and their destructive policies, and will not be deceived. Recently, a flood of voters have been defecting, including some high profile life-long Democrats including RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Alan Dershowitz, and many others. There’s a great emancipation from the Democrat Party going on, and it’s happening here in New York and all throughout the country.

RFK Jr. recently left the party of his father, his uncle, the party he pledged his allegiance to before he was old enough to vote. He’s now supporting and campaigning for Trump and other Republicans, saying that it used to be the party of civil rights and the working class. He left the Democrat party because “it had departed so dramatically from the core values that I grew up with. It had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money.” Tulsi Gabbard walked away and endorsed Trump and Republicans. She was placed on a secret terror watch list after publicly criticizing Kamala Harris. The Democrat party, not Trump, is the real threat to democracy.

The 2024 presidential election has taken on a larger dimension than winning New York or any other blue state. It’s even more momentous than an election for president of the United States of America. This election is having an impact on the entire world. The whole world will be watching the election results on November 5th. 

The Uniondale rally was historic, not only due to the thrill of the energy and passionate speeches inside, but the make-up of the crowds outside.  Loyal supporters came to the rally from far and wide. 60,000 registered for the event and many came the day before to get on line. They even flew in from as far away as Japan. A group of “Japanese for Trump” supporters were highly visible waving huge Trump flags and “47” signs. Karen, a Trump supporter from Bellerose, Queens who spoke to the Japanese delegation said in a text message: “They came from Japan. They said Trump is the President of the World. It gave me the chills, so proud of President Trump. There’s no one like him.”

President Trump’s victory is essential not only to saving America, but to the future safety and security of the entire world. America’s friends and allies will benefit when America is strong and free, led by a lion in the White House, and are in peril when America is divided and weak. Under Trump’s first four years, our nation enjoyed peace, strength, and prosperity at home, and the whole world was much better off.

Trump’s foreign policies made our friends and allies hopeful, as he stood up to dictators and kept North Korea, Russia, China, Iran and all our enemies in check. The U.S. was respected by our friends and feared by our enemies. The ISIS caliphate was defeated, and the leader of ISIS, al-Baghdadi, the world’s foremost terrorist leader, was killed. Trump had Iran’s top military commander, Soleimani assassinated, who directed Iran’s terrorist proxy operations. Trump rebuilt the U.S. military and restored “peace through strength.” NATO respected us and paid their dues.  The historic Abraham Accords, the greatest agreement between Israel and Arab countries in modern history,  paved the way to lasting peace and prosperity in the Middle East, and a solution to the Palestinian issue without bloodshed.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris reversed Trump’s foreign policies, appeased our enemies, and plunged the world into chaos. They suspended the Trump sanctions on Iran, that bankrupted “the world’s No. 1 state sponsor of terrorism,” allowing them to rebuild their terrorist proxies to attack Israel. This administration is responsible for the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which killed 13 U.S. service members, destroyed our national credibility, and betrayed our allies.  On Trump’s watch, Communist China didn’t endanger Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, or the Philippines. They didn’t take advantage with Trump in the White House. But now, America is weak and toothless, and our enemies are emboldened. Under Biden’s watch, Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas attacked Israel, and China is threatening the nations of the South China Sea. Now the “forever wars” are escalating and could drag us into World War III, if Harris is elected.

The world is on fire and our enemies are on the march. Our friends and allies have no hope of peace with Biden/Harris, the weakest administration since the feckless presidency of Jimmy Carter, placating tyrants and ushering in the hostage crisis, oil embargo, energy crisis, and stagflation. The hostages were set free immediately after Ronald Reagan was elected, and America was proud and free again, with “peace through strength” policies under his presidency.  

The world is crying out for America to be strong and free again, led by a fearless leader to fight against the forces of globalism, communism, terrorism, and warfare afflicting every country. The world is watching this election and countless people throughout the world have come to support Trump’s campaign, and are praying fervently for his re-election.

Trump supporters from a Christian ministry fighting global communism at the Uniondale rally were giving out prayer cards for Trump’s re-election victory. The prayer card said: “The world is praying that America will rise again as a strong unified country that respects and protects God-given freedoms of speech, religion, the right of self-defense and to bear arms. This is a time when people of all races and faiths must stand together to save this nation, which would also give hope to the entire world.”

Phil Orenstein is the president of the Queens Village Republican Club. Established in 1875, it is America’s oldest Republican Club.  www.QVGOP.org 

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