Concannon aiming to unseat Grodenchik
Republican challenger talks Creedmoor, other issues affecting District 23
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 10:30 am
Republican challenger talks Creedmoor, other issues affecting District 23
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 10:30 am
Concannon leading rally to Support Your Local Police. Photo credit: Joe For NY.
“The current City Councilman { Barry Grodenchik} has become an automatic rubber stamp in Mayor de Blasio’s war against New York City’s middle class citizens”, Joe Concannon, the Republican/ Conservative / Stop de Blasio candidate running in this fall’s general election against Democrat incumbent Barry Grodenchik for a seat in this Eastern Queen’s Twenty Third City Council District, stated in a recent interview with me.
Here is a handy guide to our outstanding line-up of Republican super-star candidates who will restore the lost greatness to our city, with a brief paragraph and the website for each of them: Nicole Malliotakis, Juan Carlos Polanco, Michel Faulkner, William Kregler, Joe Concannon, and Dr. Rupert Green. They have been in the news, at our meetings and rallies and you can meet most of them in person at our club meetings.
The day after an NYPD cop was executed, while our subways, roads and infrastructure collapses, while our city burns, Mayor de Blasio jets off to Germany to rally leftist protesters against the G-20.
Have you had enough of de Blasio and the anti-American bureaucrats on the City Council? These are the same City Council members and elected officials who joined the mayor and Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito to march in honor of convicted terrorist bomb-maker, Oscar Lopez Rivera in the recent Puerto Rican Day Parade, who cheered on traitor Chelsea Manning, marching in the NYC Gay Pride Parade, and who tripped all over themselves praising anti-Semite, terrorist enabler Linda Sarsour, when she gave the CUNY commencement address.