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Common Sense Contract with New York

The Queens Village Republican Club proudly endorses Project Civica’s Common Sense Contract with New York.

“The Common Sense Contract with New York is a strong commitment between a New York voter and a state legislator running for office in 2024. The contract includes 7 specific pledges that the signatory of this document fully embraces in order to run under the Common Sense Contract with the New York platform.” Click here for more info.

Video: US Senate Republican Candidates Debate

The Queens Village Republican Club hosted the US Senate Republican Candidates Debate on May 2nd at Marbella restaurant. Cara Castronuova and Josh Eisen were present for the debate and Mike Sapraicone, the New York State Republican Party’s hand-picked candidate, refused to attend. As of the day of the debate, Cara and Josh were still fighting for ballot access in court. Thank you to both Michael Ferrara and James Doukas for videotaping and processing the entire debate including Q & A, and a few Republican candidates running for local seats as well!

Stop Andrew Cuomo from Running for NYC Mayor!

Please sign this petition today to STOP Cuomo once and for all; this time from harming NYC. To STOP Cuomo, share this petition with friends, family and neighbors. 

Make Albany Great Again!

By Andrew Giuliani

New York always has the potential to be the greatest city in the greatest state in the greatest country in the world. Over the first eight months of my campaign to become Governor of the Empire State, the people of New York have reaffirmed those ideals on a daily basis. Unfortunately, over the past fifteen years and four Democrat Governors, New York has lost its luster and the Albany swamp has turned our great state into a shell of its former self.

As a matter of fact, New York led the nation in population decline over the last year, resulting in a total outmigration of 319,000 New Yorkers, decreasing the Empire State’s population by 1.6%. This sobering fact is the result of a myriad of leftist policies that has seen crime spiral out of control, the highest taxes of any state in the country, less choice for parents over their children’s education, and a slew of mandates proving leftists only believe in the idea of, “my body, my choice” when it is convenient for their political narrative. 

Over the past four years, I had the honor of working in The White House as Special Assistant to President Donald J. Trump. I learned many important lessons working for President Trump and for that matter, from my father, the greatest Mayor in New York City’s history, Rudy Giuliani. But the lesson that I think about every day is their tenacity driven by the belief that the United States of America is worth fighting for to our last waking breath. That’s why we NEVER GIVE UP!

Like President Trump and Mayor Giuliani, I will take on the leftist media and the Albany swamp to fight for the issues that are plaguing New Yorkers every day. For the purpose of this article, let’s dig deeper into the most pressing issue facing us all, crime. I pledge to tackle rising crime and the spiraling quality of life all across our great state by repealing cashless bail. From the Big Apple, where shootings have doubled over the past two years, to Rochester, where they hit the grim milestone of recording the most murders ever, “bail reform” has been an unmitigated disaster. Couple that with a narrative that we should defund the police along with Soros-funded district attorneys who choose not to prosecute most crimes, including many violent crimes, change must be immediate. 

I have called for Kathy Hochul, under Article XIII, Section 13b of the New York Constitution, to remove New York County DA Alvin Bragg. It is obvious from his January 3rd memo to his Assistant District Attorney’s that he is reclassifying entire categories of crime. Bragg’s office has already altered facts on a police report and tried to entrap a police officer to sign said false report; thankfully that member of New York’s Finest refused to sign. As governor, I will hold DA’s and state employees who are complicit in rising crime accountable.

From now to November 8th, I look forward to addressing with you in more detail other vital issues including how I will bring about more choice to education by doubling the number of charter schools and creating an educational tax voucher program, how I will make New York a business-friendly and job-creating state again by cutting taxes and reduce regulation, and reaffirm my pledge that on day one, there will be only clear and honest health information from the governor’s office; no more unconstitutional mandates! I look forward to seeing you on the trail as together we will Make Albany Great Again!


If you want to help Andrew Giuliani become the 58th Governor of New York, please consider donating or volunteering your time at .

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