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Meet NYS Gubernatorial Candidate Rob Astorino

On June 30, we present a Special Club Meeting welcoming Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, the Republican and Conservative candidate for Governor of the State of New York. Our goal is to rally all the local voters who care about the future of New York State in order to help elect Astorino and STOP THE DECLINE OF NY!!

June 30 announce -poster


Shooting victims up more than 40%

Shooting victims up more than 40 percent while the number of guns seized off city streets has declined.

Post by Joseph R Concannon

sqf-1sqf-1New Yorkers aren’t angry yet…but its coming….One year ago candidate de Blasio blasted NYPD for nine months, the media joined him, others sued the city, some joined federal cases, others poured hot oil on the fire (namely the NYC Council: Community Safety Act) and the majority of NYC’s registered voters stayed home (76%). Elections have consequences, read and take stock – we all own this now!

Here’s more…..

Federal Primary Election – June 24, 2014



On Election Days, polling places are open 6AM to 9PM

Federal Primary Election – June 24, 2014

Primary Election – September 9, 2014

General Election – November 4, 2014


You can find your poll site location by:

Searching the online poll site address locator on the Board of Elections web page
Calling the voter Phone Bank at 1-866-VOTE-NYC

Nassau County voters:

Nassau County Board of Elections
Phone: (516) 571-VOTE (8683)
Website for more information and poll sites


The Red Shirts are Coming!!

red shirts-smWe’re making a big splash with our new Fire Engine Red Golf Shirts with our Club logo. Wearing the Queens Village Republican Club Golf Shirt is a way of branding the Republican Party and our Club to show our neighbors the glory of a new era for the Republican Party about to make a big resurgence in Queens. That’s marketing!

Take a look at the photos of our Club members modeling the shirts. They make the ladies look beautiful and sexy and the men, well….sorry, the men still need to work on their physiques.

Lt. Col. Allen West takes on Democrat City Councilman Daniel Dromm

Travers Park Extention (Councilman Daniel Dromm)In New York City, Democrat Councilman Daniel Dromm called for the removal of all JROTC programs in area public schools. Want to know why?

Dromm says JROTC trains kids for a “War Machine!”

NYC Councilman Dromm is a wimp, and he needs to pick on somebody his own size. That’s me!

I’ve set a rapid reaction fund to respond immediately to this wimp and his ridiculous plan to cut JROTC from New York City schools. Give now and send a clear message to Daniel Dromm that New York City kids deserve an opportunity to lead and succeed with JROTC!

Mayor’s budget will spell doom for city in the future

When this Titanic inevitably succumbs to the tidal wave of irresponsible spending, de Blasio will be gone and all that remains will be a shrunken middle class left drowning in a sea of debt.

Mayor’s budget will spell doom for city in the future

By Bob Friedrich

Times-Ledger-Newspaper-Logo2Years from now, when the city is teetering on the financial abyss, just like Detroit, folks may ask, “How did this happen?”

The answer will be that it started on Mayor Bill de Blasio’s watch with his first smoke-and-mirrors budget that increases spending by double the rate of inflation. This reckless, $74 billion creates multibillion-dollar deficits that increase in each succeeding year. Those billion-dollar deficits, written into the budget, assume that New York will have a strong and robust economy.

The Return of Crime, Disorder and Fear to the Streets of NYC

The Return of Crime, Disorder and Fear to the Streets of NYC

By Joseph Concannon

Joe_019_highresWhat’s surprising is that the NYC Council members don’t want to own the result of their actions in passing the NYC Community Safety Act (CSA) of 2013. In our Queens District, City Council Member Mark Weprin needs to take ownership for a law he personally shepherded through the City Council and into Law in NYC. He and the majority of City Council members have now reintroduced Crime, Disorder and Fear on the streets of NYC. The City Council passed this law against the advice and experience of every level of Law Enforcement in NYC – 500 years of experience. But Mark Weprin and the City Council knew better and now they own the results.



The November General Election is upon us, and the Primary Election is right around the corner, June 24th. The Queens Village Republican Club supports our Republican NYS Assembly candidate Jesus Gonzalez (AD-39) and we are helping him collect petition signatures. If you’ve never done it before, it’s easy and a lot of fun. We will be walking in the Woodside, East Elmhurst area to help Jesus get his name on the ballot ringing the doorbells of fellow Republicans. He needs our help and we will be meeting this Sunday and on other dates throughout the month of June.

Video: Michael J. Ryan, Executive Director of NYC Board of Elections

Michael J Ryan Headshot

On May 7, 2014 the Queens Village Republican Club hosted an informational meeting on voting and elections. We were fortunate to have as our featured speaker, Michael J. Ryan, the Executive Director of New York City’s Board of Elections. He covered numerous issues with the voting system, including problems with the scanner machines, multilingual ballots, informing the public, safeguards against voter fraud, military voters, electioneering, and the task of cleaning up the voter rolls. The full video of Mr. Ryan’s presentation and the question and answer session is now available below.

Mr. Ryan’s background is largely in the field of criminal justice as a practicing attorney. In addition to his private law practice, he served the public on matters of criminal justice policy serving in the Office of the Governor of New York and later in the Office of the Mayor in the City of New York. He began serving with the Board of Elections in 2010 and in August 2013, he was appointed to the position of Executive Director of the Board of Elections.


“The systemic problems with the VA bureaucracy are a harbinger of things to come.”

THURSDAY JUNE 5, 2014 AT 7:30 PM

Knights of Columbus
St. Anne’s Council
263-15 Union Tpke.,
Glen Oaks, NY 11004

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