Ending the Cycle of Dependency in NYC

The neediest of society who now find themselves within grasp of New York City social services don’t need a cattle car to be herded from cage to cage as much as they need a job and a vibrant local economy in which they can earn back their self respect.

Ending the Cycle of Dependency in NYC

By Joseph Concannon

NYC skyline

The City of New York is continuing the cycle of dependency in establishing an outpost for “the homeless” at the Pan American Hotel in Central Queens, NY. The neediest of society who now find themselves within grasp of New York City social services don’t need a cattle car to be herded from cage to cage as much as they need a job and a vibrant local economy in which they can earn back their self respect.

What NYC has done to the people of Elmhurst and Glendale is dump the neediest of society at their doorstep without any of the humanity and dignity of self respect which they deserve. Indeed local area residents are upset, outraged and with due cause. The residents are owed an explanation and elected officials have failed them. This is not the way local area residents want to be treated, nor is it the way they believe others should be treated.

Before conducting human trafficking operations, the City of NY should abide by its own laws and rules and properly engage the local community, establish a beachhead of support for social services, ensure each placement has access to a stove or cooktop, water, heat, refrigeration, bathrooms, counseling, and a clear path and plan to become a productive member of society right here in NYC.

Indigent members of society aren’t to be treated like animals…dogs we put into a kennel, feed three times a day and walk later on. They are in fact our fellow human beings. What is Comptroller Scott Stringer thinking? Is this Mayor de Blasio’s improved plan for the two New Yorks he spoke so passionately about on the campaign stump? Where is our Borough President?

Mayor de Blasio needs to explain to the people of Elmhurst, Glendale and NYC just what is his vision for rejoining as he stated, the two New Yorks. If this is any example of what is about to rain down on every neighborhood of NYC we are certainly in for a very, very tough time ahead.

Let me know your thoughts about the plight of the neediest of New Yorkers at:  joe.concannon@gmail.com

New York City can do better. We are much better then we have seen at the Pan American Hotel in the past few week.

Joseph Concannon

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