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Why the Pledge of Allegiance is Important this Veterans Day

By Kristina Raevsky; Young American Patriot of the Year, Author of “A Sheep’s Tale, Young Patriot’s Guide to Saving America”

Veterans Day is a time we take to remember and honor our brave and heroic veterans who risked their lives so that America and the American Dream could live. They sacrificed so much out of their deep love for our nation, and it is important for all of us to share that love so the veterans who fought did not do so in vain. It starts with raising a young generation of patriots like myself who honor, love and cherish our beloved country.

Next General Club Meeting: Meet the Freedom Fighters

Next General Club Meeting:

Thurs. June 1, 2023 at 7:30 pm

Meeting at: Bellerose Jewish Center

254-14 Union Tpk. Floral Park, NY 11004


Educating and Informing all New Yorkers since 1875

Parental Rights, our Children, and
our Freedoms are under attack.
Meet the freedom fighters!

Attorney Bobbie Anne Flower Cox

We welcome back Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox, our 2023 Lincoln Dinner American Patriot of the Year honoree, who will address parental rights and our freedoms under attack by the New York State Legislature and Gov. Hochul. Bobbie Anne Cox is the brave NYS Attorney who independently sued the government and defeated Gov. Hochul’s unconstitutional DOH regulation to place people in quarantine camps, in a lawsuit which is now under appeal. Read more on Attorney Cox. 


Kozi is a health freedom activist, rapper, and former healthcare worker. After 14 years working as a healthcare worker he was fired for refusing the COVID vaccine on religious grounds. Kozi has been fighting against medical tyranny since 2009 and has been a fierce leader in the medical freedom movement, working alongside various organizations. He began rapping last year under the name Kozi-19 in order to spread truth and inspire change through his music.

Edwin De La Cruz

Edwin is a Community Leader and former Republican candidate for NY City Council and State Assembly.  He is leading  a grassroots movement, the Northern Manhattan Republicans,  for Democrats to exit the Democrat Party and register with the Republican Party. He will speak about how he is getting Hispanics involved. 

Haris Bhatti

Haris is Executive Director of the new organization, Citizens Caring about Safety and Health Impact of Cannabis (CCASHIC) calling for individuals and groups to sign on as plaintiffs in a lawsuit to overturn marijuana legalization laws.  He has been a longtime advocate against marijuana abuse, and will discuss his anti-marijuana litigation against New York State.  See Haris Bhatti’s bio below. 


Creedmoor Update: Is Adams planning to send migrants to Bellerose?  

Additional  speakers  to  be  announced

PLEASE SIGN IN!  We request that you sign in clearly when arriving at meeting place, and show your ID card. Due to security concerns, our club meetings will be monitored.

Coffee and refreshments will be served

Please visit for more info


GIFT FOR CLUB MEMBERS:  “Radio’s Greatest of All Time – Rush Limbaugh, ” a special gift for all Queens Village Republican Club members from the Rush and Kathryn Limbaugh Family Foundation, will be available at the June 1st club meeting to all members who have not yet received it. This book is Rush’s life’s work completed by Kathryn and David Limbaugh.



Haris Bhatti Bio

Haris is a recipient of the E. Virgil Conway Dr. Howard A Stark Pre-med Scholar award, which was determined by the 100 Year Association of New York and handed to Haris by Mayor Mr. Bloomberg at One Police Plaza. Haris has completed a B.S. in Human Biology with Honors from Cornell University, and has taken a leave of absence from the graduate program at Cornell University.  In 2016, Haris became an independent candidate for Representative of the House in Congressional District 6, NY in the General Election. In 2016 and 2017, Haris worked with members of the New York State Assembly and Senate to create legislation (A10419, later assembly Bill A3422 / Senate Bill S1421) improving the Election Law. 

Currently Haris works as an independent contractor affiliated with the non profit Americans Against Legalizing Marijuana. Haris is the executive director of Citizens Caring about Safety and Health Impact of Cannabis inc.  Americans Against Legalizing Marijuana is a 501(c)3 non profit, whose mission is the education of Americans against legalizing marijuana. Cannabis Industry Victims Educating Litigators (CIVEL) goals include getting justice for victims of the marijuana industry.

Family Fun Day BBQ at Alley Pond Park!

For Family Fun Day!


$5 per Adult. Children are Free!


Click here for the exciting details!


Kids, Earn Your Wings!


March with the Queens Village Republican Club in the Little Neck Douglaston Memorial Day Parade!

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