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Common Sense Contract with New York

The Queens Village Republican Club proudly endorses Project Civica’s Common Sense Contract with New York.

“The Common Sense Contract with New York is a strong commitment between a New York voter and a state legislator running for office in 2024. The contract includes 7 specific pledges that the signatory of this document fully embraces in order to run under the Common Sense Contract with the New York platform.” Click here for more info.

Choose Wisely

By Phil Orenstein

We have been blessed to be citizens of America, our home, the greatest humanitarian cause in world history, the land of the free and the home of the brave, and now we must fight for this noble cause, so we don’t lose it. That’s why it’s so important to choose wisely in the upcoming General Election of 2024.

There have always been differences between Republicans and Democrats, but now it’s like day and night. Before his historic presidential victory in 2008, Obama said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Since then, the Democrat party has gone far to the left.

Vote NO on Prop One aka “The Parent Replacement Act”

By Elena Chin

We live in a digital age where information about everything is at our fingertips anytime, anywhere. Unfortunately, much of the information we receive can be fraudulent or misleading. Deceptive practices aren’t unique to corporate America; they are rampant in the political realm as well. Case in point, the marketing of Proposition One, also known as the “Equal Rights” amendment, which will be on ballot in the general election. Voters take heed; it may not be evident, but a lot is at stake if this amendment passes by popular vote on November 5th.

Duplicity and deception appear to be at the heart of Proposition One; passed by both Democrat controlled houses in 2022 during a special legislative session, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Democrats failed to follow proper procedure to amend the constitution by taking the first vote before Attorney General Letitia James gave her decision. Republicans filed suit in October 2023, NYS Supreme Court Justice Doyle ruled in their favor in May 2024, and the ERA was removed from the ballot. Undeterred, AG James appealed the Supreme Court’s decision and got the ruling overturned on a procedural error claiming the suit was filed past the deadline to file. Prop One will be on the ballot in November.

Voters should not be misled by the duplicitous marketing of Prop One, also known as the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Lawmakers could have put it on the ballot during the 2023 local election, yet they chose to wait until the general election this November. So how urgent was it? The answer is there was no reason for urgency. New York has been at the forefront of abortion rights since 1970, three years prior to the first Roe v. Wade Decision. In 2019, New York also passed the Reproductive Health Act to make the right to abortion part of state law, and in June of 2023 Governor Hochul passed legislation ensuring equal access to reproductive health care and abortion. Hochul herself touted, “I want everyone to know that abortion remains safe, accessible, and legal in New York.” Learn more about reproductive rights  in NYC by visiting Attorney General James’ website:

Urging New Yorkers to vote yes for Prop One as a measure to prevent “anti-trans” legislation from being passed in New York is equally misleading. The legislation fallaciously referred to as “anti-trans” includes legislation that bans or limits minors from socially or medically transitioning without parental knowledge or consent, and legislation that prohibits biological males from competing in girls’ sports and sharing female only spaces. Be reminded there is a glaring lack of research regarding “gender affirming care” and any debate over it is either censored or discredited by proponents of Prop One. Concealment is a form of deception, and voters are being deceived.

NY State Constitution Article 1, Section 11, currently bans “laws and entities” from discriminating based on “race, color, creed or religion.” The proposed amendment would add protections based on “ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes and reproductive health care and autonomy.” This vague and broadly written ballot proposal may seem unobjectionable but has the potential to strip away parental rights and remove guardrails already in place to protect children. Consider the possible ramifications of altering the state constitution without further deliberation:

  • Minor aged children could have the right to irreversible gender affirming care procedures or other medical treatment, without the consent or knowledge of their parents.
  • Bills (S762A / A276B) which require treatment for sexually transmitted diseases without parental knowledge or consent would be likely to pass
  • Bill A464 which requires “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” in grades K-12 would be likely to pass.
  • Schools could be banned from disclosing to parents that their child is transitioning.
  • Statutory rape laws that protect against sex with minors could be eroded.
  • Laws that determine the legal age to purchase and/ or consume alcohol or cannabis could be eroded.
  • Biological males could be allowed to compete in girls’ sports and other activities and be allowed in girls’ locker rooms, bathrooms, and other spaces.
  • Courts, in their duty to uphold the constitution could have more authority over children than their parents do.
  • Protections for churches, religious organizations, and non-profits could be eroded if their practices and beliefs don’t align with the far-left agenda.

A yes vote on Prop One will NOT promote equality, it will not protect human rights, it will legitimize and mandate discrimination against anyone who doesn’t fall in line with far-left agenda. Protect your children. Protect your freedom. Vote NO on Prop One.

Elena Chin is Mom’s for Liberty Queens County Chapter Chair. Email Elena at


On the 23rd anniversary of the terrorist attack on our nation on September 11, 2001, we pause to remember our fallen heroes and our fellow American citizens who perished on that fateful day. In the aftermath of that national tragedy, we all came together as one nation under our flag. Let’s all show our pride and love of America by flying the American Flag all year around. We will never forget!

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