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Videos: Oct 5th Club Meeting Save Our Failing Schools

Our October 5th club meeting focused on “How to take back our schools and restore merit and parental rights in education.” Professor Nicholas Giordano and Elena Chin both gave informative and eye-opening presentations on saving our failing schools and protecting our children. We also heard from local Republican candidates. Here are the videos of their presentations.

Videos: Sept 7th Club Meeting Presentation on Convention of States

On September 7th our club hosted a special presentation on the Convention of States at our new meeting venue, Golden Years Senior Program (formerly Burger King) in Floral Park, Queens. Guest speakers, were Mary Ellen Probanski, Convention of States Action (COSA) NY Regional Captain/Grassroots Coordinator and Silver Dreaming Wolf COSA NY State Director, patriotic Americans determined to bring power back to the states and the people. Here is the video of their presentation.

Behind The Power Politic in NYS: The County Committee Member

Changing the tide of one-party rule starts with understanding your own party.

By Joseph R. Concannon

Both the Republican and Democratic Parties seek to be in the majority (“in power”), this should come as no surprise to anyone walking on planet earth today. The party “in power” gets to make the laws, enjoy all the privileges that the party in power is entitled to AND with enormous power comes equally enormous responsibility. We have observed more than our fair share of political corruption in New York and in the United States of America. Each party is elected by its leadership every two years. Understanding how the leadership gets elected and the political party organizational structure in New York State is a secret we will expose here.

NEW YORK BURNING… A Dire Call to End One-Party Rule

By Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

For over three years now, basically since March of 2020, I have been fighting to preserve our Constitution and the rights and freedoms that it was designed to protect. Who and what am I fighting against? The “who” is our government, and the “what” is best described as tyranny. You can call it another name if you like. The left likes to use what I call “word salad” to make disgraceful things sound almost pleasant. So of course they won’t use the term tyranny. No, no. Instead they may call it government overreach… or the administrative state… or police power. But, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

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