By Tricia Lindsay, Esq.
The People’s Advocate
148th Anniversary Lincoln Dinner recipient of the Medical Freedom award

I have always been a champion for justice and a voice for those who are often overlooked and ignored in our society. Ever since I can remember, I have always taken a stand against injustice in any form, no matter how slight, and have spoken up for the marginalized members of our society. This is evident in my life’s work as I have consistently worked in a position of service and advocacy, seeking to effectuate positive change in the lives of others, be it through my former career as an educator in the New York City and Yonkers school districts, or as a community advocate through work in my church and within the community of Harlem, New York, or during my time as the Chairperson of the Scribe’s Institute serving the children and families in Hartford, Connecticut and the surrounding communities. Service to others is how I believe one should live their lives and if you have been blessed with God given attributes which naturally lend themselves to this life work, then it is your duty, and my duty, to do just that, serve others. It is my obligation to do that which I have not only been called, but also chosen to do.