New York City

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Do We Really Want the “Village” to Raise Our Children?

It doesn’t take a village to raise children, it takes loving parents, a stable family unit, and common sense.

PRESS RELEASE: New Yorkers Head Back to Albany Demanding Lawmakers Respect Medical Freedom!

Save Our Kids, Save our Freedoms, Save Our State!
JAN 22

This Action Day will be on Tuesday, January 23 in Albany, NY

Press Release from Teachers for Choice and Autism Action Network

For the past four years Medical Freedom activists have gone to Albany in January, at the very beginning of the legislative session, to make sure their voices and opinions are heard regarding laws that impact medical mandates, vaccination, and their children.

Videos of the January 4th Club Meeting

Senator Jack Martins installed our club board members and officers for 2024 at our January 4th club meeting. Amidst the decline of New York State, with too many residents fleeing, Senator Martins urged us to stay, to fight back, and speak out for our values and what will bring hope and a better way of life for the future generations of New Yorkers. We heard from some remarkable Republican candidates as well.

Thank you to James Doukas for videotaping the speakers!

The Master Plan for Creedmoor and What It Means For You!

The Empire State Development has released a “Master Plan” for the redevelopment of the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center campus. This plan, as it is written, would create a devastating density issue in our local suburban area, which regrettably, was undertaken without community input first.

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