March with the Queens Village Republican Club in the Little Neck Douglaston Memorial Day Parade!
Monday, May 27, 2019
Line up 1:00 pm.
Starbucks, 55 Northern Blvd.,
Great Neck, NY
www.lndmemorialday.org/ for more info
Every year the Queens Village Republican Club proudly marches behind our banner in the Little Neck-Douglaston Memorial Day Parade. Join us for the great thrill of patriotism and love of country on Monday, May 27 to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedoms. Held annually since 1927, join the parade and march to honor our veterans, active duty troops and fallen heroes this Memorial Day. Line up is at 1:00 pm at Starbucks, 55 Northern Blvd., Great Neck, NY and the parade kicks off a 2:00 pm.
Join the beautiful patriotic Memorial Day closing ceremonies and free food and refreshments available for all participants at the end of the parade at St. Anastasia’s schoolyard at 245th Street. You may park your car nearby the school yard at the parade end, and walk or take a shuttle van to Starbucks for the parade start. Wear your club red shirt and bring sunscreen! Bring your kids!