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Videos: June 1st Club Meeting – Meet the Freedom Fighters!

The Queens Village Republican Club, in keeping with our motto, “Educating and Informing all New Yorkers since 1875” held a dynamic and energizing club meeting on June 1st focusing on parental rights, our children, and our freedoms that are under attack. Here are the videos of the speeches by the NYS Freedom Fighters who gave inspiring presentations on how to fight back.

Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox: Parental Rights and Freedoms Under Attack!

We welcomed back Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox, our 2023 Lincoln Dinner American Patriot of the Year honoree, who addressed parental rights and our freedoms under attack by the New York State Legislature and Gov. Hochul. Bobbie Anne Cox is the brave NYS Attorney who independently sued the government and defeated Gov. Hochul’s unconstitutional DOH regulation to place people in quarantine camps, in a lawsuit which is now under appeal. She is calling for all concerned citizens to fight for a Republican majority in the State Senate to overcome the Democrat supermajority in the NYS legislature that inflicts this bad legislation on us all.

Kozi: Fighting for Medical Freedom and Parental Rights

Kozi is a health freedom activist, rapper, and former healthcare worker. After 14 years working as a healthcare worker he was fired for refusing the COVID vaccine on religious grounds. Kozi has been fighting against medical tyranny since 2009 and has been a fierce leader in the medical freedom movement, working alongside various organizations. He began rapping last year under the name Kozi-19 in order to spread truth and inspire change through his music.

Edwin De La Cruz: How to Register Republicans and Get Democrats to Exit

Edwin is a Community Leader and former Republican candidate for NY City Council and State Assembly. He is leading a grassroots movement, the Northern Manhattan Republicans, for Democrats to exit the Democrat Party and register with the Republican Party. He spoke about how he is getting Democrats to exit the party of disaster, and getting Hispanics involved in the Republican movement.

Haris Bhatti: Lawsuit to Overturn Marijuana Legalization in NYS

Haris is Executive Director of the new organization, Cannabis Impact Prevention Coalition (CIPC) calling for individuals and groups to sign on as plaintiffs in a lawsuit to overturn marijuana legalization laws. He has been a longtime advocate against marijuana abuse, and discusses his anti-marijuana litigation against New York State.

Q & A Session at QVRC Meeting

There was an uplifting Q & A session at the June 1st general meeting of the Queens Village Republican Club with guest speakers who are NYS Freedom Fighters.

Two Outstanding Republican City Council Candidates

Republican Candidates Daniella May, running for NY City Council in the 31st Councilmanic and Bernard Chow running in the 23rd Councilmanic, spoke at the June 1st Club Meeting of the Queens Village Republican Club.


By  Frederick R. Bedell Jr.,  
Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council #5911

The fourth of July is a day of great importance. In 1776 we fought as a people for the birth of a great new nation founded on the principles of self government and freedom from tyranny. Since then we have fought many wars and many lives were lost for the cause of freedom. My own family has fought for freedom. My great-great grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War, my grand-father fought in the Civil War, my father in WWI and WWII served as a air raid warden and Chaplain and I myself served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam era. Now today I serve as a member of the American Legion Post #103 in Douglaston. In this republic, we have the right to speak our minds, the right of freedom of religion and the right to vote for those who will best represent our rights of freedom and justice for all. So in the next election, please get out and vote. Let not our ancestors, who have died for what most of us hold most dear, and that is freedom, to have not have died in vain. As it says in the Declaration of Independence,” We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” So, let freedom ring on the 4th of July. Remember this too: The 4th of July is not just a day off, for store sales and barbecues but a day of Independence from tyranny.

How Obscenity is Infiltrating Our Children’s Schools and Libraries

By Elena Chin

The Supreme Court has ruled that, “transmitting obscenity and child pornography, whether via the internet or other means, is…illegal under federal law for both adults and juveniles.”  

-Reno v. ACLU, 521 U.S. 844

Obscenity is not protected under First Amendment rights to free speech. Violating obscenity law is a criminal offense. Distributing obscene material to children under the age of 16 is even more strictly prohibited, and is likewise punishable under federal law. However, in 44 states nationwide, as sexual education curriculum, children in pre-school through grade 12 are being exposed to inappropriate explicit material that fits the legal definition of obscene. The same material, if presented to minors by adults other than educators or librarians, would be deemed obscene, harmful, and treated as a criminal act punishable by federal law.

Sign the Petition to Stop Rezoning our Neighborhood!

Stop the Creedmoor Property Development!

They Are Going To Rezone From Our Present 2 Story Limit To Accommodate 8 Story Building Zoning

Carin Bail

New York
JUN 24, 2023 — 

This change in our zoning will change the landscape of our present entire park suburban neighborhoods.

Why are our civics and residents not being included in the planning?

There are many question that need to be addressed! We as residents, home owners, renters, seniors, veterans, local sports groups and businesses have purposely been excluded from our representatives, Donovans Office, the planning office of this project and all politicians who serve our area.


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