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Mr. Mayor, Tear Down this Tent City!

We are Americans. We are problem solvers, and we will solve this problem and remove the tents and migrants. But we have leadership on a local, state, and federal level that do not want to solve the problem. That’s the message we got from Mayor Adams. It’s time for the mayor to wake up and tear down this tent city!

How the states can save America

By Mary Ellen Probanski

We are living through an extremely politically divisive time in the history of our country. U.S. citizens of every political persuasion are at odds with each other and are taking sides. We all firmly believe in our own point of view, and very little or nothing can sway one side or the other.

What if I told you that there is a middle ground, a truly nonpartisan solution for everyday citizens to remedy the current ills? There actually is a solution that is bigger than the problem. It is a bipartisan solution that will return the power in this country back to the states, whether they be liberal, conservative, or in the middle.

Community Leader with Common Sense and Common Values

By Bernard Chow

Hello everyone. My name is Bernard Chow, and I am running for New York City Council in District 23. I first arrived in the United States from Hong Kong, China to attend college, and since then I have stayed in New York City where I made it my home. I’ve been working in community outreach for more than 15 years. Because of my work, I am exposed to many diverse communities and the issues they each face.

I am concerned that the governance of New York has less and less to do with common sense. In Asian culture, balance is an important concept that is relevant towards many aspects of lives.  Unfortunately, my belief is that in New York, government lacks a healthy balance.  It favors criminals more than law abiding citizens.  Health policies favor profits more than healing.  Government is more concerned with allocating funding than with solving problems.  Government no longer values or supports people’s achievement, or the sacrifices and self-discipline associated with acquiring knowledge and skills, and with achieving financial independence.

NEW YORK BURNING… A Dire Call to End One-Party Rule

By Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

For over three years now, basically since March of 2020, I have been fighting to preserve our Constitution and the rights and freedoms that it was designed to protect. Who and what am I fighting against? The “who” is our government, and the “what” is best described as tyranny. You can call it another name if you like. The left likes to use what I call “word salad” to make disgraceful things sound almost pleasant. So of course they won’t use the term tyranny. No, no. Instead they may call it government overreach… or the administrative state… or police power. But, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

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