Kamala Harris “The Queen of Constellation of Lies”

By Ankush Bhandari

Kamala Harris is the first female Vice President of the United States which makes her the second most powerful person in the United States. Being the candidate for USA President certainly attracts significant attention not only in alleys of Washington DC but in all power capitals of the world. The idea that Kamala becomes a “Hyped Cliché” could reflect feelings about how she’s portrayed herself in the media or how she is perceived in political discourse. However, her current role and policies have left the American economy and its people highly disgruntled, leading to more criticism than praise. The passing of the baton from President Biden to Vice President Harris at the 2024 Democratic National Convention is not a historic moment but a very trifling event in American history as it carries important implications for US democracy and questions its existential legitimacy.

People around the world want to know more about Kamala Harris except what media portrays her.

Source Firstpost

Who is Kamala Harris?

Kamala is the current Vice President of the United States of America, and a very well-connected former US Senator, California State Attorney General and District Attorney. According to the media fraternity, Harris is highly telegenic and the first woman of color running for the Top position in the country. But it’s also worthwhile to mention that she is the most leftist, liberal, pro(re)gressive who revels in the prospect of waging war against American people through her anti-American policies.

Kamala Harris 59 is the daughter of a brown Indian immigrant mother and a Jamaican immigrant black father. American voters can ask a very trivial question then what’s her race? Let’s listen from horse’s mouth (Kamala) itself.

Harris herself told the Washington Post in 2019 that when she entered politics, she felt pressure to define herself. “When I first ran for office that was one of the things that I struggled with, which is that you are forced through that process to define yourself in a way that you fit neatly into the compartment that other people have created,” she told the Post. “My point was: I am who I am. I’m good with it. You might need to figure it out, but I’m fine with it,” she said.

In her 2019 autobiography, “The Truths We Hold”, Kamala Harris wrote of how her Indian mother raised her with an appreciation for Indian culture, cooking her daughters’ Indian food, giving them Indian jewelry, and taking them on trips abroad to visit extended family. But Harris wrote that she (mother) was also keenly aware that the world would perceive her and her sister as Black women first and foremost: “My mother understood very well that she was raising two black daughters. She knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls, and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud black women.[1]

But her multiracial identity shouldn’t have been new information as she had a long career in public life. But the question she raises is that yet for years, she has primarily been identified as a Black woman in the public eye, with her South Asian identity rarely mentioned in media coverage until she was running mate with Biden in 2020.

Voters can say that it could be her personal choice; however, “a long-time friend of Harris’s told the Washington Post in 2019 that he had only learned she was also of South Asian descent after knowing her for 15 years1”.

If someone is questioning why Kamala Harris has become more vocal about her South Asian heritage in recent years, then we need to what the multiracial expert has to say.

Diana Sanchez, a Rutgers University professor who studies multiracial identity in America said that Harris’s “South Asian identity might be perceived as higher status because of the way discrimination works and some of the positive stereotypes that exist for Asian American groups compared to Black American groups.”

Recently in July 2024, former President Donald Trump questioned Vice President Kamala Harris’s racial identity while speaking at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) conference, by saying: “She was always of Indian heritage. She was only promoting Indian heritage, I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black,” Trump said. “So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?”

To answer this confusion, one quote that I find interesting is of Kamala’s mother which she gave in an interview to a Bay Area reporter a while back. Her mother said, “She can definitely hang with all these people; she knows which forks to use at the dinner table[2].

Hope it clarifies your confusion What Kamala Harris is? A “True Chameleon”.


Americans are still wondering how she can be chosen to run for most prestigious position in the USA. So, let’s have a quick glimpse of the events that lead the baton to be passed on to Kamala.

Biden The King of Debacle

The stage was all set in Atlanta for a historic face-off between President Joseph R. Biden and ex-President Donald Trump during the last week of June. The tension was palpable as the two stood eight feet apart, with no audience, for what could be the “Most Crucial Presidential Debate” in history.

Source : CNN

As the cameras rolled, Biden’s performance was widely criticized and compared to the famous televised debates between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960. The lackluster showing has sparked concern among Democrats, igniting a sense of urgency about the strength of their candidate as they head into the upcoming election.

This was a clear indication that Biden is unable to fulfill the duties of the presidency, including making tough decisions on national security. Despite recently completing two challenging foreign trips, June 27th events raise doubts about his ability to effectively communicate with the country and rally support for a second term.

American people rose the question “If this debate was Biden’s best opportunity to turn the tide against Trump, it was a missed chance that now puts his re-election in serious jeopardy”.

Following the debate, the Democratic Party was in crisis, with senior figures engaging in urgent discussions about the sustainability of Biden’s candidacy, just two months ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

But Vice President Kamala Harris led attempts to turn the focus away from the optics of Biden’s performance to the threat posed by his Republican opponent. “Yes, there was a slow start, but it was a strong finish,” Harris told CNN’s Anderson Cooper following the debate. She further addedAnd what became very clear through the course of the night is that Joe Biden is fighting on behalf of the American people. On substance, policy, on performance, Joe Biden is extraordinarily strong.[3]

Needless to mention that Harris fared best with the public in January, 2021, just before being sworn into office, when 51% in the CNN-SRSS national poll of registered voters viewed her favorably and her boss Biden stood at  59%.

Both numbers plunged as time went on. In the most recent survey, taken after the 81-year-old Biden’s troubled June 27 debate with Trump, the president was viewed favorably by 34% of registered voters and Harris by 29%. Trump was seen favorably by 39%[4].

Also, the polls from CNN and 538/Ipsos conducted soon after the debate found that most debate watchers thought Trump outperformed Biden.

But Harris’s attempt to hide her boss’s mistake didn’t work as once again after the debate, President Joseph R. Biden proved that he was the most incompetent president in American history.

COUP Against Democratically (S)elected President Biden

The announcement of Biden stepping down after he failed drastically in a debate with President Trump and his electability reflects ongoing discussions within political circles about the future direction of the party and strategies to counter the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.

This scenario raises questions about party unity, the influence of party members and voters in shaping candidate decisions, and the potential impact on the 2024 election. Democratic leaders and party insiders incessantly lobbied President Joe Biden to exit the presidential race following his lack lustrous performance in the June 27 debate with former President Donald Trump.

Finally, on July 21, Biden ceded to the pressure and formally announced his withdrawal from the race in a letter. He also took to social media to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s nominee. Following Biden’s departure, Democrats swiftly coalesced around Harris.

Meanwhile, Patriotic Americans were seen criticizing the Democrat party’s eleventh-hour attempts to replace Biden on the ticket and call it as a “COUP” against the president. Social media platforms such as X, Instagram, and Facebook were inundated with inquiries about Biden’s decision not to seek re-election, with the general election scheduled for November 5th.

On July 21, one user on X posted, said:

Another user questioned on X:

High-profile Republicans, including the top of the party, echoed the criticism. Fox News host Jesse Watters, in a joint interview on July 21 with President Trump and vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance, asked them, “Is it a coup against Joe Biden?[5]

Trump responded, “Sort of, yeah,” before Vance interjected and said, “I think it is.” Vance said Democrats should replace Biden using the Constitution’s 25th Amendment, which provides procedures for replacing a president because of death, removal, resignation or incapacitation. “If Joe Biden can’t run as president, he can’t serve as president. If they want to take him down because he’s mentally incapable of serving, invoke the 25th Amendment,” Vance further added.

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., wrote in a July 21 X post as:

“They’re going to formally kick the president to the side of the road tonight. Their coup is complete,” Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin said during a press conference from Trump’s Chicago hotel Aug. 19, 2024. “Their nominee will be somebody who didn’t get one vote in the primary.[6]” 

The statement made by the Senator was indeed accurate, with Joe Biden securing a total of 3904 delegate votes and millions democratic votes during the 2024 primaries. A month later in August as the Democratic National Convention kicked off in Chicago, former President Trump took to his Truth Social and repeatedly, described President Biden’s decision to quit the race with ONLY ONE word: “COUP”.

“The Democrats staged the first ever ‘Coup’ in America,” Trump wrote Monday afternoon. “Sorry Joe, you’re losing to Trump, BIG, and you can’t beat him — You’re Fired.[7]

In 2018, President Trump astutely pointed out that the Russia investigation amounted to an attempted “Coup” against him, a blatant effort to forcibly remove him from power.

President Trump tweeted his first impeachment in 2019 also as “COUP”.

In 2021, there was a pressing question that demanded an answer: Was the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol a coup, or rather a legitimate and patriotic protest by Americans asserting their fundamental rights? The perspective on this issue varies depending on whom you ask.

Now, it’s important to address why President Biden withdrawl is indeed a coup. Let’s delve into the clear definition of a coup to understand the situation thoroughly.

The word “Coup” has several definitions, but in this context, it’s short for “coup d’etat,” a French term that means “the overthrow of the government”.

However, the University of Illinois’ Cline Centre for Advanced Social Research’s Coup D’etat Project defined a coup d’etat as the “sudden and irregular (i.e., illegal or extra-legal) removal, or displacement, of the executive authority of an independent government.”

Asking a candidate with a millions of Primary votes and a significant number of delegate votes to step down can indeed be perceived as “Undermining Democratic Processes” and might be viewed as a coup. It’s a clear attempt to subvert the will of the voters, depending on the context and motivations behind such a request.

This perception often hinges on the values of fairness and respect for electoral outcomes.

Source: – Fox News

Let’s reveal what’s Kamala’s Report Card looks like?

Going through her report card is mostly important for Gen X voter who is under the illusion that she is best suited to be Commander-in-Chief. But she’s got a BIG problem whether as VP or as California’s Public Office bearer. The problems are based on palace intrigue, her prosecutorial past, and identity politics.

  1. First, we’ll go through her report card as US Vice-President

1) Illegal Immigration Disaster:- Biden and Harris axed Trump’s policies on the border during their first year in office, including halting construction of his US-Mexico border wall and repudiating the “Remain in Mexico” policy requiring asylum seekers to stay south of the border pending US court decisions. As a result, millions entered the borders illegally, and the killing of many Americans in different states including Law enforcement officers sent shock waves throughout the States.

Latest videos of men armed with semi-automatic long guns and pistols in the hallway of an apartment complex in Aurora, CO, and during a violent armed burglary at a Denver jewelry store are unnerving.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott had also issued a statement on Vice President Kamala Harris’ continued refusal to address the border crisis. Three years ago, Governor Abbott sent Vice President Harris a letter soon after she was appointed Border Czar by President Joe Biden, urging her to visit the border to see the crisis for herself and to take swift action to secure the border.
“More than three years ago, I sent a letter to Vice President Harris,” said Governor Abbott. “I implored the Vice President, in her capacity as President Biden’s point-person on illegal immigration, i.e. Border Czar, to take swift action to address nine urgent concerns, including cracking down on human trafficking and preventing more children from being trafficked and abused as a result of the border crisis. I also invited her, in her capacity as Border Czar, to visit the border and see firsthand the crisis in her country under her leadership. Since Vice President Harris received my letter detailing these dangerous concerns, tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors allowed to cross the border under the Biden-Harris Administration have gone unaccounted for. Those are potential child trafficking victims who have been left to endure unspeakable horrors[8].
Moreover, despite my letter and similar demands by Americans across the country, Vice President Harris has refused to see up close the millions of illegal immigrants that her Administration allows to cross the border illegally. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, more than 11 million illegal immigrants have entered our country – that’s almost four times the population of Houston. Among those illegal entries, 383 known terrorists have been apprehended attempting to illegally cross. 
 To make matters worse, Vice President Harris has insisted that immigrants crossing the border illegally are not criminals. In addition to the federal law that makes it a crime, there are frequent examples across the country that proves her wrong. Two recent attacks by violent illegal immigrants in Texas alone left victims in their wake. 
Jocelyn Nungaray would be alive today, and the San Antonio police officer, shot by an illegal immigrant last weekend, would be unharmed had Vice President Harris taken her job seriously. 
Result: – FAIL

2) Inflation: – The effects of inflation in the last 4 years are felt throughout the US economy. Rapidly rising prices and high levels of bode poorly for the US economy, as these changes have often outpaced wages, making products and services more expensive for US consumers. People had to shell more from their wallets for daily products[9].

The below graph tells the inflation story.

Source: US Inflation calculator

There is also a sort of white smoke over the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The below chart generated by Bloomberg Economic Analysis breaks CPI into four major components: food, fuel, other goods, and other services. Two years ago, there were major shocks to the prices of goods, food, and energy which has not gone away but it seems it will return soon.

Source: Bloomberg Economic Analysis (ECAN)

Result: – FAIL

3) Foreign Policy: – Biden-Harris has not only failed domestically but also on foreign front. It’s evident from the following statement released by U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee  in response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address:

“Today, thanks to three years of Biden’s failed foreign policy, America’s adversaries are emboldened and our homeland is less safe. From the hazardous withdrawal of Afghanistan to the inability to deter Putin, the lack of pushback against China’s economic coercion to the failure to curb illegal migration, there is no shortage of mistakes this administration has made that have led us to where we are today.

“In the last year specifically, Biden has not only failed to deter Iran, but he has actually emboldened the regime. Iran has dramatically expanded operations against the United States, aided Hamas in its attacks against Israel, and supported the Houthis in their attacks on international commerce in the Red Sea. Instead of putting the pressure back on Iran and reestablishing deterrence, the administration has failed to enforce sanctions, unfroze Iranian assets in exchange for Americans, allowed Iranian drones and ballistic missiles to fuel Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, and stood by while Iran uses its oil and oil reserves to fund its lifestyle.

“The Biden Administration’s bad policies have allowed Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea to transition from transactional partners to strategic allies. This is a severe failure of American policy that will have consequences for years to come.[10]

Result: – FAIL

B. Second, we’ll now uncover records and communications regarding the following activities during her time serving in the State of California’s government:

  • Comply with Federal Law Protecting Donor Privacy

During Kamala Harris’ tenure as Attorney General, the State of California required organizations soliciting charitable contributions to file copies of their federal IRS Form 990 tax forms. These forms include a list of all donors who contributed at least $5000 to the charity in a given year. The Supreme Court, in AFP v. Bonta, held that such mandatory disclosures violated the First Amendment. 

That case, however, did not involve a federal statute that governed Kamala Harris’ fishing expedition against groups she ideologically opposed. 26 U.S.C. 6103(p)(8)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code orders that “no return or return information shall be disclosed after December 31, 1978, to any officer or employee of any State which requires a taxpayer to attach to, or include in, any State tax return a copy of any portion of his Federal return, or information reflected on such Federal return, unless such State adopts provisions of law which protect the confidentiality of the copy of the Federal return (or portion thereof) attached to, or the Federal return information reflected on such State tax return.[11]” 

Kamala Harris sought donor information about her political enemies without complying with federal law designed to protect donor privacy. 

Result: – FAIL

  • Pursue Equal Justice under the Law

As San Francisco D.A., Kamala Harris did not seek the death penalty for a cop killer. In 2004, during a routine traffic stop, a black gang member, David Hill, gunned down SFPD officer Isaac Espinoza with an AK-47 assault rifle. Investigative details revealed Espinoza, who left behind a wife and young daughter, had no chance to defend himself. The San Francisco Police Officers Association, which had endorsed Harris in 2003, vigorously opposed her decision. In her campaign for D.A., Harris had run as an opponent of capital punishment, contending that it gets applied disproportionately to members of minority groups. 

Spurning pleas from Espinoza’s family, she said: “I approach the work of being a prosecutor as the responsibility to do justice. It’s not about the responsibility to lock people up for the maximum amount of time. It is the responsibility to make sure the criminal justice system has integrity.” California Attorney General Bill Lockyer (a far-left progressive) noted that he would have sought a death sentence if he were the D.A. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer publicly disagreed with Harris’ decision. Boxer went so far as to urge that Hill be prosecuted under federal death penalty laws. 

Even Gavin Newsom, San Francisco’s mayor at the time, said that the case “rattled” his opposition to capital punishment. 

Similarly, in 2009, DA Harris announced that she would seek life imprisonment, rather than capital punishment, against Edwin Ramos, an illegal alien from El Salvador and MS-13 gang member who murdered a father and two of his sons in a drive-by shooting the year before (a third son, critically wounded, survived). The victims were returning home from a family picnic when Ramos opened fire, apparently mistaking them for gang rivals11.

Result: – FAIL

  • Disclose Conflicts of Interest

At the beginning of Kamala Harris’ legal career as a prosecuting attorney in Alameda County, she dated California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown. Assemblyman Brown helped Harris land politically powerful jobs at the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission.  

Thus Harris benefited from political favouritism11.

Result: – FAIL

  • Address Evidence of Misconduct

In 2015, California Attorney General Kamala Harris launched a criminal investigation into corruption inside Orange County’s jails. Clear evidence existed that deputy sheriffs in the county had misused informants in a manner that violated the rights of criminal defendants. Four years later, no charges were filed11. 

Result: – FAIL

  • Address, and Potential Cover-up of, Evidence of Misconduct

In The People (of California) v. Efrain Velasco-Palacios, the California Court of Appeal revealed that state prosecutors committed “outrageous government misconduct,” in particular the claim that prosecutors falsified a transcript of a defendant’s confession, which was defended by then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris.  

Harris appealed the decision dismissing the indictment. According to Harris, only abject physical brutality would warrant a finding of prosecutorial misconduct and the dismissal of an indictment. Harris’ defending misconduct under her watch was not limited to county prosecutors. May 2015 reporting revealed that Brandon Kiel, deputy director of community affairs at the California Department of Justice, and two others — David Henry and Tonette Hayes — faced charges for their roles in the Masonic Fraternal Police Department. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement that the Masonic Fraternal Police Department was not a legitimate police force and that Kiel, Henry, and Hayes were arrested for allegedly impersonating police officers11. 

Result: – FAIL

Moreover, Harris also opposed a 2004 state initiative to ease California’s minimum mandatory sentencing laws, though as a senator proposed a plan that would end minimum mandatory sentences.

Kamala also stirred controversy in California when she didn’t back the 2015 bid to require all law enforcement officials to wear body cameras, though she had agents in her own department do so. She said local governments should decide if their employees should wear them.

In short, as attorney general, she declared herself the state’s “Top Cop” during a talk at the 2016 Democratic National Convention although during her tenure, some of her actions were criticized by many in the state’s communities of color.


Source:- NY Post

Kamala’s Narcissist Flip-Flop Version 

Americans had set their eyes on August 29th for Harris’ interview, as she has faced much self-earned scrutiny for avoiding all major media interviews since announcing her candidacy in late July. Joined by her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Harris spoke with CNN’s Dana Bash. The interview, which ran for nearly 30 minutes, was expected to provide insights into her agenda and policy priorities but rather turn out to be “Plethora of Lies”.

Harris remarked, “The most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed,” highlighting her true leftist colors. Interview was clear harmony of her admission that her “leftist (regressive) values have not changed even though she has flip flopped on major policies to become the next Commander-in-Chief. 

Much to American surprise VP Harris took a full U-Turn on her abandoned policy stances include her pledges to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035, ban fracking for oil and natural gas, eliminate private health insurance, and above all to decriminalize illegal border crossings, each of those made in 2019 when the then-California senator was seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.

The US democratic candidate dichotomy starts on fracking that she once opposed she said: “As vice president, I did not ban fracking. As president, I will not ban fracking.”

Come on VP; please stop your deluge of deceptions.

She added, “What I’ve seen is that we can grow and we can increase a thriving clean energy economy without banning fracking[12].” No surprise that she has taken a different stance on fracking as it’s a significant topic in battleground states such Ohio and the swing state of Pennsylvania.

Harris continued her White Lies when she argued that she was successful in her role as Biden’s point person on stemming illegal immigration, even though overall illegal crossings surged to new record highs for three years in a row. She has just made a single brief visit to the border area as the so-called “Border Czar”.

Federal data show that the volume of illegal border-crossers from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras is down, but slightly with a combined more than 945,000 apprehensions of citizens of those countries in the most recent 10 months of data, versus about 955,000 in the same period one year prior, 1,151,000 the year before that and 1,086,00 the year Harris began in the role.

But overall illegal border crossings surged higher during that time — topping out at nearly 2.5 million in fiscal 2023 — with Republicans blaming “pull” factors including the fact that most illegal crossers were allowed into the US to await badly backlogged asylum proceedings. Those migrants are entitled to work permits after six months of waiting5.

Viewers astonished!!! Me too…

Harris first floated and then also backed away from plans for price controls on groceries after widespread criticism from former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, using that proposal as an opening to nickname the “Comrade Kamala.”

“I look so forward to Debating Comrade Comrade Kamala Harris and exposing her for the fraud she is,” Trump wrote on social media after the interview aired. “Harris has changed every one of her long held positions, on everything. America will never allow an Election WEAPONIZING MARXIST TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.[13]

Although during the initial part of the interview, Walz watched quietly and just nodded his head when Harris made her main points but he started when later asked about misstatements, that how he can describe his 24 years of service in the National Guard.

In a 2018 video clip that the Harris-Walz campaign once circulated, Walz spoke out against gun violence and said, “We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.” Speaking about false charges and his military record, the Minnesota governor shamelessly said that he had misspoken on the fact of serving in a combat zone. “My wife, the English teacher, told me my grammar’s not always correct,” he said.

Asked about statements that appeared to indicate that he and his wife conceived their children with in-vitro fertilization, when they in fact used a different fertility treatment, he said he believes most Americans understood what he meant?

 “We’re here to speak truth and one of the things that we know is that this is going to be a tight race to the end,[14]” Harris said. 

Oh really??? Do these democrat candidates think Americans are imbeciles???


I want to end this article by leaving a message to all voters especially the Gen Z who have not tasted the real bitter lunch since 2021.

Gen Z, you’re not well aware of the punctured properties of these golden wheels of the ripened cheese shown to you. Think a million times before believing those detractors on 21st-century media groups.

I would like to give a stern warning to both old and new detractors. I ask the old detractors to curb the imposition of their corrupt judgment on Americans. And would also want to say to new detractors that those who criticize with embellished lies, remember that while such deceit might be the tip of their malice, history has consistently shown that genuine, testified lyricism represents the true essence and substance.

Patriotism is the umbrella that gathers all Americans with Unity, Power, Love and Strength.

Now I leave unto American citizens to decide by themselves.

God Bless America!!!

[1] Is Kamala Harris Indian or Black? Why her identity is complicated. | Vox

[2] What Kamala Harris’s Past As A Prosecutor Can Tell Us : Code Switch : NPR

[3] Analysis: Biden’s disastrous debate pitches his reelection bid into crisis | CNN Politics

[4]  https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article289792134.html#storylink=cpy

[5] JD Vance agrees Dems are pulling off a ‘coup’ against Biden | Fox News Video

[6] Ron Johnson calls Biden’s exit a ‘coup.’ Experts say that’s not right (jsonline.com)

[7] While Democrats celebrate, Trump and allies keep pushing the false ‘coup’ claim | Nation/World | gazettextra.com

[8] Governor Abbott Statement On Vice President Harris’ Yearslong Border Failure | Office of the Texas Governor | Greg Abbott

[9] Biden Administration: “The Menace for America and its people” – Kreately

[10] [2024-03-07] Risch: Biden’s Foreign Policy Has Made America Less Safe… (senate.gov)

[11] America First Legal Launches 7 Investigations into Kamala Harris’ Record As California Attorney General – America First Legal (aflegal.org)

[12] What we learnt about Kamala Harris and Tim Walz through their first interview – Firstpost

[13] Kamala Harris shows true lefty colors in CNN interview, insists her ‘values have not changed’ despite major policy flip-flops (nypost.com)

[14] Harris defends policy shifts in first interview as US presidential candidate (france24.com)

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