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What the Federal Reserve Does, and Why You Should  Care

By Mitchell Langbert, Ph.D.

Investors interested in the stock market and financial news follow the Federal Reserve Bank, the Fed, as closely as Fox Mulder followed the cigarette-smoking man, but if you don’t care about stocks and bonds, you may wonder whether you should care about a big, boring bank.  

You most definitely should care.  The Fed is among the most important institutions in our country, yet news coverage about its operations and decisions is scarce and misleading. Nevertheless, the truth is out there, and just as the cigarette-smoking man seemed like a bore, what he was up to was not.

My reference to the cigarette-smoking man is apt because the Fed has a conspiratorial origin.  Even the title of left-wing William Greider’s book, Secrets of the Temple, suggests a conspiracy, as does right-wing Gary Allen’s None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Other books about the Fed’s history are New Left historian Gabriel Kolko’s Triumph of Conservatism, which has a chapter on the history of the Fed, and libertarian economist Murray Rothbard’s What Has Government Done to Our Money and Mystery of Banking.

VOTE NO ON PROP 1! Attack on Parents’ Rights and Free Speech

NY’s faux ‘abortion amendment’ is a sneak attack on parents’ rights and free speech

By Wai Wah Chin
Opinion piece published July 28, 2024 in NY Post

New Yorkers are set to vote on the controversial “Equal Protection of Law Amendment” in November.
Michael Nagle/Bloomberg via Getty Images

New York’s so-called “Equal Protection of Law Amendment” is headed for November’s ballot after a tortuous journey through the courts.

On Friday, public comments on what will be listed as Proposition One closed, and the state Board of Elections moved to finalize its language.

But as we can expect from Democrats — remember the deceptively named federal “Inflation Reduction Act”? — this “Equal Protection” law is anything but.

President Trump Vows to Heal a Divided America

By Suzanne Chronowitz, pictured here with her husband, Mark, both delegates to the Republican National Convention

The Republican National Convention took place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from July 15th to July 18th. It was held in the Fiserv Forum, home of the  Milwaukee Bucks. On Monday, July 15th, the Republican delegates voted on the Republican party platform, and nominated JD Vance for Vice President, and Donald J. Trump for President. Each night from Monday through Thursday the convention showcased speeches from Republican politicians, everyday Americans, celebrities, and supporters of President Trump.

Turning Title IX Upside Down

“Turning something upside-down elicits a reversal of content and pointing a steeple into the ground directs it to hell as opposed to heaven.”  – Dennis Oppenheim

By Elena Chin

In 1972, Title IX was enacted to ensure all students equal educational and athletic opportunities in federally funded educational activities regardless of their sex. With few exceptions, it states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance…” 

On March 8, 2021, to advance gender equity and equality, President Biden issued Executive Order 14020 which worked to establish a White House Gender Policy Council consisting of two designated chairs, all 15 federal cabinet secretaries, and other agency members. This action preceded the Department of Education’s new Title IX proposal drawn up in June of 2022, and  President Biden’s 1577-page Unofficial Guidelines for Title IX finalized and released by the Department of Education in April of 2024. The new guidelines, scheduled to go into effect nationwide on August 1, 2024, expand the definition of sexual discrimination to include sexual stereotypes, sexual characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identity, and pregnancy and related conditions for students and employees.

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