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NYS Republican Party Uses Lawfare to Throw America First Candidates Off the Ballot! SCAM EXPOSED!

By Cara Castronuova

My name is Cara Castronuova, and I am an investigative journalist currently embroiled in a contentious legal battle with the Board of Elections and the New York State Republican Party as a candidate for United States Senate. 

Republican Party leadership and a Board of Elections representative took me and multiple other candidates to election court to have us “thrown off the ballot” and stymied a Republican primary this year. There were no primaries on Primary Day! Your right to vote was subverted and a single Republican primary ballot did not exist, except for one in Queens District 25, and one in faraway Yates County.

The New York Spy Network that Helped Win the American Revolution

By Kristina Raevsky

Happy Birthday, America! Over the past 248 years, America has evolved and changed to become, as the Constitution says, a more perfect Union. However, the most remarkable part of our history was how our great nation was created. Without brave patriots like George Washington, who knows if America would even exist today for us to joyously celebrate every 4th of July? George Washington was the father of our country; a hero whose bravery, dedication, patriotism, and wisdom will never be forgotten. George Washington put everything on the line so that America could be free and would go on to become America’s first president despite his desire to retire to his Mount Vernon estate. While Washington was the face of the Revolution, there were countless patriots in the ranks of the Continental Army whom history may not remember by name but were invaluable to the cause of American independence. The Continental Army was outnumbered, outgunned, and fighting against the greatest empire in the world ─ Great Britain. It seemed like all the unsurpassable obstacles that could be stacked against the patriots were there and more, yet the Continental Army had one thing the British did not ─ the drive for freedom. 

Queens is Not Congressman Meeks’ Migrant Dumping Ground!

The most illegal migrant camps in NYC are in Queens in the districts of Congressman Meeks (39) and Ocasio-Cortez (26). What are they doing about it? NOTHING!

By Paul King for U.S. Congress, NY-05

On July 7, the New York Post revealed the location of all 193 migrant shelters in New York City. More than one third of them are in Queens. It should surprise nobody that Congressman Gregory Meeks’ district is host to by far the most migrant camps – 39.

Some may think it appropriate that his district got the lion’s share since Representative Meeks has long been a proponent of open borders and he supported the policies of President Biden that created this crisis. However, it is incredibly unfair to the residents of our district – especially in Jamaica and South Ozone Park. We are homeowners and citizens, just trying to make a life. Now we have the added burdens of overcrowded schools, increased lawlessness, and reduced services.

What the Federal Reserve Does, and Why You Should  Care

By Mitchell Langbert, Ph.D.

Investors interested in the stock market and financial news follow the Federal Reserve Bank, the Fed, as closely as Fox Mulder followed the cigarette-smoking man, but if you don’t care about stocks and bonds, you may wonder whether you should care about a big, boring bank.  

You most definitely should care.  The Fed is among the most important institutions in our country, yet news coverage about its operations and decisions is scarce and misleading. Nevertheless, the truth is out there, and just as the cigarette-smoking man seemed like a bore, what he was up to was not.

My reference to the cigarette-smoking man is apt because the Fed has a conspiratorial origin.  Even the title of left-wing William Greider’s book, Secrets of the Temple, suggests a conspiracy, as does right-wing Gary Allen’s None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Other books about the Fed’s history are New Left historian Gabriel Kolko’s Triumph of Conservatism, which has a chapter on the history of the Fed, and libertarian economist Murray Rothbard’s What Has Government Done to Our Money and Mystery of Banking.

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