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Behind The Power Politic in NYS: The County Committee Member

Changing the tide of one-party rule starts with understanding your own party.

By Joseph R. Concannon

Both the Republican and Democratic Parties seek to be in the majority (“in power”), this should come as no surprise to anyone walking on planet earth today. The party “in power” gets to make the laws, enjoy all the privileges that the party in power is entitled to AND with enormous power comes equally enormous responsibility. We have observed more than our fair share of political corruption in New York and in the United States of America. Each party is elected by its leadership every two years. Understanding how the leadership gets elected and the political party organizational structure in New York State is a secret we will expose here.

Mr. Mayor, Tear Down this Tent City!

We are Americans. We are problem solvers, and we will solve this problem and remove the tents and migrants. But we have leadership on a local, state, and federal level that do not want to solve the problem. That’s the message we got from Mayor Adams. It’s time for the mayor to wake up and tear down this tent city!

How the states can save America

By Mary Ellen Probanski

We are living through an extremely politically divisive time in the history of our country. U.S. citizens of every political persuasion are at odds with each other and are taking sides. We all firmly believe in our own point of view, and very little or nothing can sway one side or the other.

What if I told you that there is a middle ground, a truly nonpartisan solution for everyday citizens to remedy the current ills? There actually is a solution that is bigger than the problem. It is a bipartisan solution that will return the power in this country back to the states, whether they be liberal, conservative, or in the middle.

For Such a Time as This

By Elena Chin
Mom’s for Liberty Queens County Chapter Chair

     It was with a heavy heart, that I ended my career as a NYC elementary school guidance counselor in June of 2021.  At that time, I was two years short of reaching full retirement age and I took a reduction of 12% of my pension. I hadn’t planned to retire for a few more years. The decision did not come easily.

     When the schools shut down in March of 2020, I never imagined they would remain closed for as long as they did. My heart went out to the families I worked with as they struggled with the demands of remote learning. The Department of Education’s response to the pandemic was shameful. As a guidance counselor, I witnessed firsthand, the social, emotional, and academic impact school closures had on the children. COVID-19 policies were undoubtedly more harmful to the children than the disease itself.

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