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Vote for the Message on Election Day

By Phil Orenstein

The Sept 20th editorial “New York State of Gloom” in the New York Post says it best: “…our unaccountable electeds may be in for a rude awakening. Because it’s not clear that anything other than a humiliating political defeat will ever drive home the message.”

In the upcoming NYC election, the message is much more important than the messenger. People are still voting Democrat even while our neighborhoods are being flooded with illegal migrants and our city is in chaos. But it’s urgent that we recognize the only ones who can solve this issue are Republicans, who will close the border, eliminate sanctuary policies, and put American citizens first over migrants. Democrat policies are the cause of the invasion of so-called “asylum seekers,” the vast majority of whom are here illegally. The party of illegal immigration is solely to blame for the chaos our city is in. You may agree with Democrats on many other issues and find Trump repugnant, but in this coming election for NY City Council, in order to save our city and state, you have to send a powerful message to Democrats that you’re not going to put up with the destruction of New York City by the influx of illegal migrants.  

Videos: Oct 5th Club Meeting Save Our Failing Schools

Our October 5th club meeting focused on “How to take back our schools and restore merit and parental rights in education.” Professor Nicholas Giordano and Elena Chin both gave informative and eye-opening presentations on saving our failing schools and protecting our children. We also heard from local Republican candidates. Here are the videos of their presentations.

Miriam Grossman | Gender Ideology and the Medical Experiment on our Children

Miriam Grossman MD
Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist, Author and International Public Speaker

Lost in Trans Nation:
A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness

No child is born in the wrong body, their bodies are just fine; it’s their emotional lives that need healing. Whether you’re facing a gender identity battle in your home right now, or want to prevent one, you need this book to guide you and your loved ones out of the madness.” –Miriam Grossman 

Learn more…

Videos: Sept 7th Club Meeting Presentation on Convention of States

On September 7th our club hosted a special presentation on the Convention of States at our new meeting venue, Golden Years Senior Program (formerly Burger King) in Floral Park, Queens. Guest speakers, were Mary Ellen Probanski, Convention of States Action (COSA) NY Regional Captain/Grassroots Coordinator and Silver Dreaming Wolf COSA NY State Director, patriotic Americans determined to bring power back to the states and the people. Here is the video of their presentation.

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