Thurs. Sept 5, 2019 at 7:30 pm
Young Israel of Holliswood – Holliswood Jewish Center
86-25 Francis Lewis Blvd., Holliswood, NY 11427
Featured Speakers:
- Joseph Imperatrice, Founder Blue Lives Matter
- Antoine Tucker, candidate for US Congress NY-14 seeking Republican nomination vs. AOC
- Moshe Hill, conservative commentator: Defeating Socialism
- Kristi Kollar, Pro-Life advocate

Featured Speaker: Joseph Imperatrice, Founder Blue Lives Matter

Joseph Imperatrice is 34 years old and the Founder of the nonprofit organization, Blue Lives Matter NYC . He is a Staten Island resident. The organization was founded after the assassinations of NYPD Detectives Ramos and Liu in 2014. The organization has since raised over $1 million. Joseph is a 13 year veteran of the NYPD in the rank of Sergeant. He often appears on Fox News speaking about national issues affecting law enforcement. Blue Lives Matter NYC, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization was created to help Law Enforcement Officers and their families during their time of need. Members of the organization are both police officers and members from other state and federal agencies that are dedicated to making a difference and demonstrating that “BLUE LIVES MATTER.”

Featured Speaker: Antoine Tucker, candidate for US Congress NY-14, seeking Republican nomination challenging AOC

Antoine Tucker is a small businessman and Republican candidate seeking the nomination for US Congress in NY District 14 in the growing field of Republicans seeking to challenge Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez . He is on “a mission to represent the people of NY14 and to defeat AOC’s globalist agenda.”

Featured Speaker: Moshe Hill, conservative political commentator

Moshe Hill is a conservative political analyst who has written for The Daily Wire, the Queens Jewish Link, and Jewish Link of New Jersey, regularly featured on ‘The Josh M Show’ podcast. Speaking on the topic: “Queens Must Lead the Charge Against Socialism.”
Featured Speaker: Kristi Kollar, Pro-Life advocate

Kristi Kollar is 19 years old and lives in Astoria, New York with her father, Robert, and 1 year old daughter, Adeline. Adeline was conceived in rape, leaving Kristi a sexual assault victim facing an unplanned pregnancy at a very trying time in her life. Having now moved from Montana to New York, she is a single mother and full time college student. She speaks out for sexual assault awareness and pro-life advocacy as well as issues dealing with mental and physical health, the lack of educational accommodations for mothers, and anti-suicide support.
Refreshments will be served. Gift Shop will be open.