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Councilwoman Vickie Paladino: Big Issues and Promises Kept

Councilwoman Vickie Paladino represents District 19 of Northeast Queens. Elected in 2021, she has kept her campaign promises to be our voice, hold our leaders accountable, and protect the interests of her constituents. We applaud her outstanding accomplishments in such a brief period of time, as a model for all Republican elected officials. Here are just a few of her big issues and promises kept, to depict how Councilwoman Palladino and her staff are working hard every day and delivering for her constituents and all New Yorkers.   

She is the voice of medical freedom for the voiceless city’s workforce who were unjustly victimized by the obsolete and unnecessary vaccine mandates. She will not be silent until Mayor Adams reinstates and compensates workers who lost their jobs due to the mandates and has introduced a Legislative package that will end some of these useless and unlawful mandates once and for all. https://qns.com/2022/03/paladino-vaccine-mandate-removal-civil-servants/

NEVER FORGET 9-11-2001

Today, the 21st Anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history on September 11, 2001, we remember the 2,977 victims that lost their lives that day. Of those 2,977 victims killed on September 11, 412 were emergency workers who responded to the attack on the World Trade Center, including 343 FDNY Firefighters, 37 Port Authority Police Officers, 23 NYPD Police Officers, and other emergency personnel.  Please join us today in keeping our fallen heroes, their families and the countless others affected by the terrorist attacks on 9-11-2001 in your thoughts and prayers.

Videos of Sept 1st Club Meeting: GOP CANDIDATES NIGHT!

The September 1st meeting of the Queens Village Republican Club was a combination GOP Candidates Night with a line up of America First Patriots bringing on the RED WAVE, and a victory party for Tina Forte, winning the Republican nomination for Congress, to run in District 14 against AOC. We were also treated to a special guest speaker, Josephine Aronson who presented an overview of the work of New York Citizens Audit to uncover the truth of the 2020 elections, who are calling for the decertification of the entire New York State 2020 General Election.

NYC Landlords Demand Evictions Now

By Anonymous

In my work as an Investment Sales Advisor, I speak routinely with owners of NYC multifamily buildings. In developing relationships with them, I learn their aspirations and their afflictions. Contrary to perception, many of these building owners are not wealthy greedy landlords. Many of them come from immigrant or ordinary-income backgrounds and just want to build a future for their families. But instead of living their dreams, they are victims of malicious tenants who deliberately refuse to pay rent, including tenants who are gainfully employed yet still ignore their rent obligation.

NYC’s pro-tenant housing laws offer no recourse for building owners to evict non-paying tenants. Yet building owners are expected to promptly pay the mortgage, pay utilities, pay ever-increasing taxes, and other out-of-pocket expenses to maintain their assets. Some of these building owners have to work 2 and 3 jobs to stay afloat. How is it fair that they have to work, while some of their tenants occupy their property for free? 

NYC’s unfair pro-tenant housing laws are spearheaded by left-wing ideology and Democratic politicians who ignore the abuse of landlords; abuse which extends to property damage, intimidation, and in many cases tenants who encourage other tenants in a building to also skip their rent obligation.

And now, the so-called ERAP (Emergency Rental Assistance Program) all but guarantees delinquent tenants will live rent-free for up to a year or more. This is because the ERAP application process has several moving pieces, each of which requires 6 or more months of processing and review. So just by merely applying for ERAP, a tenant will occupy an apartment rent-free for at least a year, while waiting for their application to be processed, and there’s nothing a landlord can do about it. ERAP was promoted as a way to help both tenants and landlords, but instead it has become a means of abuse by tenants who have learned how to take advantage of the system, to the detriment of the landlord.

The victimization of innocent and decent hardworking landlords, who thought they were doing the right thing by approving a tenant to live in their property, only to be victimized by that tenant is now the norm in all 5 boroughs of NYC. Nearly every owner of a small to midsize multifamily building has 1 or more tenants who refuse to pay rent.

Instead of rendering justice in the form of eviction and remuneration for back rent, Democratic judges and defense attorneys play landlords like a fiddle by dragging out eviction cases for years, or throwing cases out altogether. In other states it takes an average of 28 days to evict a non-paying tenant, but in the communist Democratic People’s Republic of New York it takes 2 to 5 years, or never.

Democratic tenant unions and tenant activists bolster the problem by providing support for tenants in the form of protests and intimidation, such as what happened on February 11, 2022 when a group of 70 left-wing tenant advocates descended on 964 Park Place in Crown Heights Brooklyn to form a blockade and prevent the owner from entering his own building.

This tyrannical marxist partnership between democratic politicians, judges, attorneys, activists and tenants serves to trample on the freedoms and rights of NYC building owners. And if the problem is not solved, collecting rent in NYC will become a thing of the past. Buildings, whose owners can’t afford to maintain, will decay thus causing more and more tenants to live in squalor. By hurting landlords, malicious tenants are ultimately hurting themselves.

Fortunately, the tide is turning. A group of conservative landlord organizers have begun a class action lawsuit and are determined to take their plea all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary. They are calling on all NYC multifamily building owners to join their growing coalition and class action to demand evictions now.

If you or someone you know is a victim of NYC’s unfair pro-tenant housing laws, then get in touch with these organizers. They can be reached at 347-861-8753, or email nyclandlords@hotmail.com. And if you’re curious about the current value of your real estate asset, or if you’re thinking about selling your building or your land, call me for a complimentary asset evaluation.

Tina Forte Republican Nominee for US Congress 14 District!!!

Tina Forte won the Republican Primary handily on August 23rd and is the Republican nominee in the 14th Congressional District! Congratulations Tina! The stage is set to square off against AOC in the General Election on November 8th. America is watching this race to proudly raise the Stars and Stripes in the northern section of Queens and the Bronx!

We are living in perilous times, but we can overcome. As Americans, we have fought world wars, beaten down despots, abolished slavery, and came together as one united America after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.  America is the “Shining City on a Hill,” the beacon of hope to the world. When America is strong the world is stable. We are strong, we are united, and will be a stronger nation with Tina Forte representing us in Congress. She has a vision for America with fresh ideas. She is a freedom fighter who will restore safety, economic stability, and the American Dream for all of us. 

As a small business owner, wife, mother, and grandmother, Tina understands the issues facing New Yorkers. Growing up in the Throggs Neck area of the Bronx, she learned the value of hard work and love of country from her father, a Marine Corps veteran, and her mother, an entrepreneur. Tina learned that through perseverance and hard work, she could achieve the American Dream.

Tina has been on the front lines fighting for us as a proud America First patriot. She stood shoulder to shoulder with small business and restaurant owners who were struggling. She joined parents in pushing for schools to reopen for our kids. She backed the blue, and was a vocal opponent to defunding our police. She was even part of lawsuits against Governor Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio to roll back the unconstitutional executive orders that have destroyed our businesses and the lives of our children for almost two years. Tina Forte has fought for us here in New York, and she will continue the fight in Washington to stop radical socialists from destroying the American Dream. Tina is a bold, caring, wonderful woman full of heart. “Forte” means strong and Tina is strong, outspoken, and fearless. She is our voice and with your help, she will be our voice in Washington DC. The whole country is watching this race. This is our fight!! It’s a national fight worthy of your time, your effort, your prayers, and your contributions.  www.tinaforteforcongress.com/

Bail Reform: Every one of them must go!

By Phil Orenstein

Every elected official in the United States has sworn an oath to defend our Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” But way too many of our NYS elected representatives have failed in their duties to protect our inalienable rights, including our most basic right to live and be safe. They believe social justice is more important than our constitutional rule of law.

Our country rests upon the rule of law. That’s the reason for our survival. The lawbreakers had to be stopped and the citizens protected. The basis of our civilization is grounded in 4000 years of history originating from Greek and Roman Law, English common law, the Magna Carta, to the U.S. Constitution. The legacy of the past 4000 years has established that the rule of law is the glue that keeps society together.

Congratulations Tina Forte on your victory for the Republican Nomination for Congress NY-14!!

Tina Forte victory celebration at Fratelli’s in the Bronx
Tina Forte won the Republican nomination for US Congress in New York’s 14th Congressional District on August 23rd and celebrated with family and supporters. The battle to save America and #FireAOC begins today! Join us!

Council Member Paladino Stands Her Ground: Drag Queen Story Hour

By Council Member Vickie Paladino

Recently, there have been attempts to “cancel” me for standing up against Drag Queen Story Hour in our schools. I made my view clear that I do not support adult entertainment, and especially without parental knowledge or consent, being implemented in schools with young children. This is not about the LGBTQIA+ community; this is about adult entertainment and parental choice. 

I am appalled by the reaction I have received from some of my colleagues in the City Council in the aftermath of my speaking out against Drag Queen Story Hour in schools. New Yorkers are facing street violence every single day. There is a food shortage, there is a housing crisis, and we have a big mental health crisis to deal with. Homeless individuals, veterans, senior citizens, and our youth are all struggling. Instead of addressing these issues in any serious manner, many members of the City Council have chosen to direct their attention at a single member who spoke against Drag Queen Story Hour in elementary schools. There is something very wrong with this picture, and it points to a serious dysfunction in our priorities as a legislative body. Some of my colleagues are now actively and happily passing legislation to put criminals back on our streets, endangering ALL of the groups and communities which they say they “care about” and “advocate for,” and yet, there is outrage over the fact that I refuse to accept extremist ideologies and policies that endanger small children.

There are more creative and child-friendly ways to approach reading to our children. I am thrilled to announce that my office will be launching an alternative to Drag Queen Story Hour for District 19. Please stay tuned for more information.

My office encourages civil discourse and open dialogue at all times. I was elected to the New York City Council to represent the voices of my constituents. This is exactly what I have done and I refuse to apologize for it.

Council Member Vickie Paladino represents District 19 of Northeast Queens, which includes Whitestone, College Point, Bayside, Little Neck, Douglaston, and parts of North Flushing

Tina, Beat AOC For Us!

By Phil Orenstein

Tina Forte is a Bronx native, wife, mother, and small business owner running for Congress in New York’s 14th Congressional District in the Bronx and Queens, against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. AOC is a hypocritical radical leftist politician who bashes capitalism while enjoying a lavish lifestyle, who slashes police budgets, while hiring private security for herself, who advocates for working men and women, yet killed the Amazon warehouse deal in her district losing 25,000 jobs.

You can go on ad nauseum about AOC, but this article is about Tina Forte and why we are hopeful that she will “beat AOC for us” as Dick Morris recently noted. First, a little background on her amazing story. March 2020 was the turning point for Tina, when she nearly died from COVID, after being denied her medical prescription for Hydroxychloroquine which Governor Cuomo had just banned in an executive order. 

Family Fun Day was a smash hit for kids and grownups alike!!!

Hula Hoop Contest

Compliments have been pouring in for the Family Fun Day BBQ on Sunday July 31st presented by the Queens County Republican Patriots. It was a beautiful summer day, we had a great turnout, and the kids had an absolute blast as did their parents! There was tons of food and snacks, and fun and games, including an incredible magic show, puppet shows, the Game Truck, Glen Oaks Ambulance Corps CPR demos, FDNY, NYPD and DSNY activities, Face Painting, Tattoos, Storytime and much more. There were giveaways and prizes, plus speeches from our Republican candidates and patriotic music by Lawrence Block and the Zuckary Bo Band.

Joe Pinion for US Senate
Tina Forte for Congress

A few of the accolades we received:  

“I would like to thank you for the wonderful party that was thrown yesterday. My family enjoyed it greatly. Everything ran smoothly and you could see the enjoyment on everyone’s faces. Please continue to have celebrations like these in the future.”

“Congratulations to you for an outstanding, fun-filled family-oriented event.  It was so well-organized and enjoyable.  You must have put in a lot of time and hard work to bring it off.  It exceeded my expectations. I hope you can continue to do this for years to come.”

“Wanted to thank you for yesterday! The kids and I had a great time. Your team was wonderful. Met a lot of new people. It was a great success!!”

We too would like to thank everyone for joining us and participating in this awesome event!  Thank you to our amazing creative event committee members who worked so hard to put this all together. Above all, we want to thank our sponsors (see below) who’s generous support made it all possible!

If you enjoyed the event and want to see more events like it, we need your support as well. Please follow the link and instructions on our website to make a contribution, any amount:  https://queenscountyrepublicanpatriots.com/contribute/  

Thank you so much for your support and thank you to our Family Fun Day sponsors. Also, thanks goes to our videographer, James Doukas, who recorded the speeches.

We also want to invite you to join us every Sunday at 6:30pm, to the same location as Family Fun Day, Alley Pond Park playground, 79-20 Winchester Blvd. Come to our weekly “Seminar in the Park” presented by the Queens County Republican Patriots.  If you want to get more involved and bring positive change to your community, and you love our country, join us Sundays at 6:30pm. 

Please support our sponsors: Subway Shops: @ Bellerose Commons, The Shops at Atlas Mall, Clear North Plaza, DeZant Signs, NY Life, Compass Realty (Jessica Moves You), Prestigious Gaming on Wheels Plus, ABCD Indian Bistro, A & A Wholesale Beverages, Embrace Mortgage Company, Stephen Sirgiovanni – Stella Doro, Zuckary Bo Band, Gospel Light Baptist Church, James Doukas Videography.

It was so great to have you join us!!
Family Fun Day BBQ Committee
Queens County Republican Patriots

Prestigious Gaming on Wheels Plus Game Truck
Vinnie the Magician
Puppet Show by Ruben Cruz: Jack and the Beanstalk

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