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Letter to New York Republican Candidates, Staff and Party Leaders regarding Al Sharpton’s anti-police rally

Letter to New York Republican Candidates, Staff and Party Leaders regarding Al Sharpton’s anti-police rally  

This is an urgent message from Phil Orenstein, president of the Queens Village Republican Club, to all our gubernatorial, statewide and congressional Republican candidates, Councilmen, campaign staff, Chairman Cox and our GOP Party leadership.

lincoln3Our number one concern is the safety and security of all New Yorkers. In that regard, I urge you to issue an urgent call for a state of emergency declaration regarding Al Sharpton’s anti-police rally in Staten Island this coming Saturday and insist that the protest be postponed until things calm down.

Ferguson, Missouri, the city under siege, has been exploding in violence that is out of control, and the same perpetrators, rabble rousers and agitators will be on hand in NYC Saturday to stir up trouble. There will likely be violence, rioting and looting in our city.

Public Trust and Public Corruption

Cuomo is just an example of a larger symptom of a callous, self-serving class of New York politicians who abuse our political process.  Cuomo is another example of an oath taken and an oath broken.  Cuomo and others confirm what all voters deeply believe: “we can’t trust a one of them”.  

Public Trust and Public Corruption

By Joseph Concannon

justiceNot long too ago George Pataki, a little-known resident and legislator of upstate New York took over the reins as Governor of the State of New York.  He did so unassumingly, without great fanfare and with his integrity fully intact throughout.  The Pataki administration brought many years of great progress and pride to New York and maintained our state’s renowned reputation as the powerhouse which is “The Empire State.”

March to Support our NYPD

This is a copy of the letter by Queens Village Republican Club member, Frederick Bedell, published in the Post and the Queens Courier, calling for a counter march in support of New York’s Finest.

Al Sharpton, the De Facto Mayor of NYC

“Elections have consequences. Voting matters. Let’s spread the message even more powerfully than before to vote, get registered and get involved in the Party of Lincoln. We have a great opportunity to deliver that message for our fellow citizens and bring them to our upcoming “All-Star Candidates Rally” on August 26 at the Knights of Columbus meeting hall, to hear the words of our prophets to save our city, state and nation.” 

Al Sharpton, the De Facto Mayor of NYC

sharpton city hall-2

City Hall “roundtable” with Police Commissioner Bratton,
Mayor de Blasio and Rev. Al Sharpton

New Yorkers enjoyed a delightfully balmy summer with pleasant temperatures hovering around the 70s. But a major storm is brewing in New York thanks to the apathy of the voters who allowed a radical minority of New Yorkers to determine the fate for all of us. Mayor de Blasio, elected by a mere 17% of the city’s voters, recently gave rabble-rouser Rev. Al Sharpton a mouthpiece at City Hall. Now Sharpton is the de facto mayor of the City of New York and threatened to shut down the Verrazano Bridge and New York City. White flags were raised over the Brooklyn Bridge in recognition of our city’s surrender to mayhem and lawlessness.

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