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Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah from QVRC!

On behalf of the Board of Directors and Officers of the Queens Village Republican Club, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, the season of joy and hope, and a Happy Chanukah, the miracle of lights! This is the holiday season to enjoy and pray for peace, happiness, good health, and prosperity and to spread good will and good cheer to our neighbors, friends, and families. God bless the members of our club family, the fellow patriots in the MAGA movement, and our great President Trump and the “Golden Age of America” about to come in the New Year! 

I wish all of us great success in our political journey together to Make America and New York Great Again!

“Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men”  – From the Gospel According to Luke 2:14

God Bless America!
Phil Orenstein
Queens Village Republican Club
America’s Oldest Republican Club – Founded 1875
Please join our club: 

H/T Image from Herb Stupp

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