America, land of the free and home of the brave. Our country was founded on inalienable principles that we still cherish today – freedom, democracy, and capitalism. America is unlike any country in the world, and it is crucial that people understand and appreciate all the things that make America so special. America’s founding fathers were willing to achieve independence at any cost. The stakes could not be higher, yet heroes like George Washington and John Adams stood up to Great Britain and showed the true embodiment of patriotism. Like many patriots before me, I love our country. America is the land of opportunity, a place where if you work hard, you can accomplish anything, and a beacon of hope for millions of people around the world. My parents’ success story is the result of hard work and perseverance, but most importantly, the great American Dream. They each came to America with nothing, but because America is the land of opportunity, they were able to make it in this world, and become successful professionals who provided an excellent foundation for me to succeed as well.