Please America, Vote Republican, the only hope to save America!!

Freedom isn’t free. The barbarians are at our gates, in our city’s streets, in our Operas, infiltrating our government and crossing our borders. We have no choice but to fight back by rousing our fellow Republicans and Conservatives and all those who have awakened, and get them out to the polls to vote for Grant Lally, Rob Astorino and all our Republican statewide candidates on November 4. 

flagNonie Darwish, a Muslim convert to Christianity and stalwart advocate for America and Western Civilization, said it best: “A vote for Democrats is a vote for Obama, Reid and Pelosi. Who wants to live in an America ruled by these three incompetent stooges? Please America vote Republican, they are the only hope to save America from Islamism, Socialism and tyranny.”

There is no reason not to vote in this midterm election. One of the best reasons to vote is that we have an outstanding slate of Republican candidates. Rob Astorino is running for Governor, Sheriff Chris Moss for Lt. Governor, John Cahill for New York State Attorney General, Robert Antonacci for State Comptroller and of course, our local Republican Congressional candidate, Grant Lally running in New York’s third Congressional District.

As America’s oldest Republican Club, we have done our due diligence in bringing our entire slate of candidates to our meeting hall to meet and inform the voters in a series of blockbuster summer campaign events that people are still raving about. We held a fundraiser for Grant Lally and our members pumped in donations of $3500 into his campaign war chest. We, as a Club, collected over 1000 petition signatures for Astorino’s Stop Common Core ballot line.

Presently, we have organized teams of volunteers to visit, knock on doors and call nearly all Republican and Conservative households in the Assembly Districts 33, 24, 25 and parts of 26 that intersect with Congressional District 3. Many have responded to our calls and door knocks with enthusiasm and thanked us for giving them the message that strong GOP candidates are running for public office who believe in their values and the ideals that made America great. They said they feel alone in an increasingly progressive city and state. But we are reaching out to them to let them know they are not alone and that we can win this election with the help of their votes. Republicans are psyched and energized for this election!

We thank all our volunteers, some elderly and homebound who can only make calls from home. Everyone who has put out lawn signs for Lally and Astorino on their front lawns, everyone who has been talking and encouraging their friends and neighbors to vote, Tom in Whitestone who has been walking non-stop nearly two dozen Election Districts placing palm cards in Republican doors and everyone who is fervently praying for victory on Election Day, we thank you all for firing up our Republican and Conservative base. While Democrats are disillusioned and demoralized by their corrupt and incompetent Party elected officials, let them stay home and enjoy their government checks, while we come out to vote in record numbers on Election Day.

Group shot“All politics is local” and every effort we make on behalf of our candidates will have a positive impact on the future of our country. We know that America and our civilization is in peril. Our country’s great ideal as the beacon of liberty for the entire world is in danger of being lost forever. If you’re like me, you’d rather fight back or “push back” as Rabbi Aryeh Spero said, who keynoted one of our Club meetings last year. Rather than screaming at the TV or newspapers with the avalanche of bad news and Obama’s ongoing “transformation of America,” we are fighting for our city, state and nation. The best strategy to save our civilization is to elect Republicans in the upcoming election. Freedom isn’t free. The barbarians are at our gates, in our city’s streets, in our Operas, infiltrating our government and crossing our borders. We have no choice but to fight back by rousing our fellow Republicans and Conservatives and all those who have awakened, and get them out to the polls to vote for Grant Lally, Rob Astorino and all our Republican statewide candidates on November 4.

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  1. Fred Bedell

    Great article and the only way to go.


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