By Frederick R. Bedell Jr., Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council #5911

Letter to the Editor
It was sad to read where hundreds were killed with bombs in Sri Lanka in churches and hotels by terror attacks. This brings much sadness to myself and millions world wide. My hearfelt prayers goes out to the families who have lost love one . Are no houses of worship sacred ?
Now, I have a suggestion and that is, all ushers in churches, temples and houses of worship should get together with law-enforcement to learn how they can better protect their houses of worship and learn what they can do if they see someone up to no good or laying something down out of the ordinary. The ushers in these houses of worship have eyes and ears and can do something and even if it only to call 9/11.
I’m Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council # 5911 in Douglaston, and many of our members are ushers and Lectors. We are coordinating with the NYPD with a meeting and hoping we can learn what to do to protect our parish, St. Anastasia from attacks. I urge many of those involved in their houses of worship to do the same across this country of ours. Remember this: Evil thrives when good people do nothing !
Sincerely Yours,
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.
Glen Oaks Village, N.Y.