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Scarlet letters for the Bibi boycotters

Scarlet letters for the Bibi boycotters

By Jeffrey S. Wiesenfeld.
This opinion piece appeared in the New York Post February 26, 2015.

Jeffrey Wiesenfeld

Jeffrey Wiesenfeld

Their excuses are mere protocol — that the upcoming Israeli election supposedly makes the speech political, and that Speaker John Boehner did not consult the White House before inviting the prime minister.

In fact, Iran has been at the top of Israel’s threat list for nearly two decades.

Nor is Netanyahu’s opposition in that election any more willing to embrace an agreement that, like the one the Obama administration is negotiating with Iran, clearly leads to Iranian development of nuclear weapons.

Any member of Congress who boycotts the address will present himself as placing protocol above national security for the American people and our allies.

Cop Beaters, Convicts, and CUNY: a University with a Radical Problem

press release logo

February 26, 2015
CONTACT: David Seidemann,

Cop Beaters, Convicts, and CUNY: a University with a Radical Problem

protest-2The City University of New York (CUNY) has a problem: three of the six people charged in beating of policemen on the Brooklyn Bridge were teachers at CUNY (Eric Linsker, Cindy Gorn, and Jarrod Shanahan).[i]

Unfortunately, CUNY seems to have a soft spot for violent radicalism – and punching police is mild in comparison to the activities of past CUNY teachers

March 4, 1865

March 4, 1865

By Gerald Matacotta

lincoln“With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.”



By NYPD Captain Joseph Concannon (Ret.), originally published in Square Deal Committee, Inc. Online.

Muni ID cardI’m pleased to respond to articles in the New York Post and Huffington Postcovering the Municipal ID program in NYC. Let me begin by stating that, rather than deflecting from the real issues at hand, I would like to answer logically for everyday New Yorkers who may not feel they have a voice.

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