Phil Orenstein

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Rabbi Aryeh Spero, also known as “America’s Rabbi” was our featured speaker at our June 6th Club meeting and gave a spellbinding address on “the Battle for the Soul of America” at the famed Antun’s rather than our usual venue, Trattoria Lucia Restaurant. The room couldn’t be a more appropriate setting appointed Antun’s-style with a fancy buffet of home baked cookies and brownies, and silver urns of coffee and tea.

Rabbi Spero was scheduled to be the keynote speaker at our Lincoln Day Dinner on February 10th, but was unable to make it due to the heavy snowstorm. We were fortunate to devote most of the evening to hearing his stirring call to action to reclaim our country’s greatest inheritance that has been hijacked by the Left. The Club meeting also featured briefs and endorsements of our Republican City Council candidates, Alex Blishteyn, Dennis Saffran, Scherie Murray, and Sunny Hahn. At the end of the evening, people lined up for book signing with Rabbi Spero for his highly acclaimed book “Push Back, Reclaiming the American Judeo-Christian Spirit.”

RABBI SPERO ADDRESSES QVRC AT ANTUN’S from Queens Village Republican Club on Vimeo.


Rabbi Spero 1Rabbi Spero, “America’s Rabbi,” America’s leading authority on the nexus of faith and freedom, will present: “the Battle for the Soul of America” and a book signing event as author of the highly acclaimed book “Push Back: Reclaiming the American Judeo-Christian Spirit”

Sunny Hahn, Republican candidate for NYC Council, District 20, spoke at QVRC meeting May 2nd.

sunny hahn_1Sunny Hahn, Republican candidate for NYC Council, District 20, spoke at the jam-packed Queens Village Republican Club meeting on May 2nd. Ms. Hahn, retired NYC  Human Rights Commission specialist, and former Community Aide to Senator Padavan, comes from a family with centuries-long tradition of public service, and has herself been a lifelong public servant, working at the National Women’s Political Caucus in Washington, DC, organizer of the Korean Committee to elect Rudy Giuliani for NYC Mayor in 1989, and has been an energetic campaign organizer for many GOP races since.  

Dennis Saffran spoke at the crowded May 2nd Club meeting.

Dennis saffranDennis Saffran, Nassau County Attorney, Chief of Appellate Litigation, spoke at the crowded May 2nd Club meeting. He is running for the New York City Council seat from Northeast Queens now held by Dan Halloran (R-District 19), who has recently been indicted on federal corruption charges. He nearly won this Council seat in 2001 – losing to Tony Avella by just 400 out of 35,000 votes. Mr. Saffran said: “I’m running again this year… to restore to our communities and to the Republican Party in our area the tradition of integrity and honesty in government set for many years by Senator Frank Padavan and former Councilman Mike Abel.”

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