I want to thank you all for the lovely gifts, cards, special messages, and birthday wishes from all of you who attended, and those who couldn’t attend the “surprise” birthday party and fabulous club meeting night on Thursday, the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.
I could not think of a better place to be celebrating my birthday, than with the members of the Queens Village Republican Club. It’s been a great honor being president of America’s oldest Republican club, which we’ve built into one of the most active and successful clubs in all of NY. It’s the greatest honor working together with such great patriots, old friends and new friends, the past presidents and board members, who built this club, who inspired me, and worked hard on our mission to save America and the values we cherish from the radical left, which has taken over the Democrat Party.

I want to thank the Republican Patriots, my new friends for the special honor of working together with such dedicated warriors for justice. We know we are greatly outnumbered in Queens and at the same time fighting a battle within own party for truth, integrity and justice, but our great President Trump was in Normandy representing all of us honoring the brave soldiers whose courage and heroism saved our civilization from tyranny.
President Trump fights for all Americans every day, without giving up or giving in to the radical leftist Democrats, the media, or the establishment RINO’s in our own party.

We too, like our president, are fighting for our communities and our country, our values, and our American way of life. We are still in the fight. We may lose a battle or two but we will win in the end, because you are dedicated, passionate, hardworking fighters who will inevitably win in the end. Our great country is worth fighting and dying for as did our Greatest Generation heroes on D-Day. We will never give up. Dedicated hard workers will always win. We will be successful. It’s a great fantastic fight, and we will be the champions in the end. We are the champions, my friends!!!!

Thankfully yours,
Phil Orenstein
Queens Village Republican Club