by Frederick R. Bedell Jr., Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council #5911

This Memorial Day, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no Little Neck/Douglaston parade, which I find sad. There will however be a dedication by the American Legion Post #103 at St. Anastasia Parish where there is a monument dedicated to the military services and there is also a American Flag on the corner of Alameda and Northern Blvd in Douglaston. There will be a wreath laying at the Veterans Memorial on site. This will be on Monday, May 31st and the start time will be at 11:30 am. I myself have served in the United States Navy during the Vietnam era and am a member of the American Legion Post # 103, and Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council #5911 in Douglaston. This Memorial Day being there will be no parade but we can still say a prayer for those serving our country today-the brave men and women in the military. We should also offer prayers for those in our communities like doctors, nurses, EMS, firefighters, and those in our police departments serving and protecting us in our communities.. We can also offer a moment of silence for all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives to keep us free. Remember this also: Let’s not forget the true meaning of Memorial Day and fly the American Flag if you can.