We have become “FEAR CITY”
Everyday there are slashings, stabbings and victims being pushed into subway tracks. Murders, shootings and violent crimes are skyrocketing across the 5 boros.
This Saturday 2/13 marks the 42nd Anniversary of when Curtis Sliwa started the Guardian Angels. Their goal then as is now is to take back the streets and subways from the criminals. Nothing else will move forward in NYC until we address the crime issue, public safety and the quality of life in NYC.
There is no candidate running for Mayor from either party who has the background and credibility to once again make our city safe. Now more than ever, we need a Guardian Angel as Mayor of NYC.
Curtis Sliwa for Mayor 2021
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The Curtis Sliwa Show / M-F 12-3pm
Listen at www.wabcradio.com or 770am