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Riding a Red Wave into 2022!

President’s Message for January 2022 by Phil Orenstein

Many of us get involved in politics to make a difference, make an impact, to give back to our communities, or to change the course of history by winning elections. The motives for me are all the above. In this sweet land of liberty, I can’t see doing anything less with our spare time. As a club, I believe we have made a huge impact on our community of Eastern Queens and beyond, and enjoyed many victories over the past year. We are riding a massive red wave into 2022, and there is a great deal to be grateful and optimistic about.

As we head into the New Year, it’s helpful to look back at the great things we’ve accomplished. Perhaps our biggest triumph was the astonishing November election results in our club’s catchment area in Eastern Queens. Outnumbered five to one in party enrollment, the data showed that most of the Election Districts turned from blue to red in the mayoral election!

Graphic comparison of election results between the 2013 and 2021 mayoral elections. Red = Republican, Blue = Democrat votes. The deeper the color, the greater % of votes for the party’s candidate

A significant majority voted Republican for the first time in decades. In this liberal part of town, many Democrats are realizing that their party has changed from what it was just a few years ago, and they are defecting to our side in droves! Our club played a big role in this transformation by getting the word out, mailing and distributing our newsletters, knocking on doors, campaigning for our candidates, and hosting inspiring monthly meetings. We made a huge impact, and we warmly welcome all recovering Democrats!

Throughout the pandemic, many of these meetings we hosted on Zoom, with nationally and internationally renowned guest speakers addressing critical issues. We hosted China expert Gordon Chang, Dr. Sandra Alfonsi, calling in from Israel, who has been rewriting the US civics standards to save our schools from leftist indoctrination, former White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, and Trent England, founder of the “Save our States” project speaking about saving the Electoral College. We hosted a Sliwa vs. Mateo Republican primary debate, where Mateo was a no-show, and many more.  

We took the lead throughout the year. Earlier this year, Democrats launched a diabolical fraud on the voters of NYC to undermine the Republican Party. This multi-million-dollar scam perpetrated by Democrats from the real estate industry conned 1000’s of Republicans into switching their party enrollment through telemarketer calls, texts, and fake voter registrations in the mail with the Democrat box already checked off. We saw this as a serious threat and refused to remain silent, although we heard nothing from the party establishment. We launched a first-rate website, videos, and radio appearances, and we fired back with a vast media and voter alert campaign for NYC voters to register and vote Republican to break the one-party monopoly destroying NYC. We stood up for our principles and fought for our party even when it seems our party is unwilling to fight for itself!

Later this year I received an email alert from Dawn Eskew, founder of Personhood NY who warned us about the latest scam by Democrats to rig our system of fair and honest elections. No one was paying attention to the three deceptive ballot propositions that would aid and abet voter fraud. So, we spearheaded a voter education drive for all voters to turn over their ballots and vote “no” on these ballot propositions. For many weeks on end leading up to Election Day we were out at shopping centers educating the voters, handing out 1000’s of flyers door to door, and blasting out the message to the press and social media. Then just before the election, the State GOP and Conservative Party got involved with a “Just Say No” tour and continuous radio spots. As a united front, we all were the winners, and the voters of NYS defeated all three fraudulent ballot props!

We were on the forefront of all the issues. We put out position papers on most all the consequential issues: antisemitism, the danger of China, stuffing the ballot box with mail-in ballots, corruption of the Board of Elections, the war on private property, Jewish voters beware of the repetition of history and stop voting Democrat, the real danger of Marijuana, vaccine mandates – today’s civil rights struggle, and so much more. You read many of these articles in our newsletter president’s message and in various media publications. Furthermore, we took legal action against the corruption of the Board of Elections and won in court. We enjoyed electoral victory in the Primary Election, where we were influential in the big win of Curtis Sliwa over the establishment candidate, Fernando Mateo. From day one we supported Vickie Paladino and celebrated her astounding victory as City Councilwoman, flipping a blue seat to red in Northeast Queens. At our recent Christmas/Chanukah Party, she said; “Queens Village Republican Club has been my home, they gave me my mic back in 2018, and I always said I would never ever forget them for that.”

This was a year of big wins in Queens, Long Island, the city, state, and throughout the country! Thank you to all our members and friends who were part of it, whether you donated your time, your money, or your prayers. We are excited to build on this for greater victories in 2022. We’re looking forward to a great New Year’s kickoff club meeting, to promising young Republican candidates, to expanding our club and our party, and to join together on March 20, 2022, for our gala Lincoln Dinner in the heart of Queens, the hometown of President Trump, to “Let Freedom Ring” in a magnificent display of patriotism, love of country, and the principles of the Republican Party.  We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Suffolk County’s DA Elect Ray Tierney: Conservative Republican On The Ballot; Independent In Heart

By Robert Golomb | Dec. 6, 2021

Underdog Ray Tierney’s 57%- 42% victory on election day, November 2, 2021 in the race to unseat one-term incumbent Suffolk County DA Democrat Tim Sini was widely seen as a great triumph for the Republican and Conservative parties. Photo credit: Ray Tierney For District Attorney.

GREAT NECK, NY – Underdog Ray Tierney’s 57%- 42% victory on election day, November 2, 2021 in the race to unseat one-term incumbent Suffolk County DA Democrat Tim Sini was widely seen as a great triumph for the Republican and Conservative parties, whose tickets Tierney, 55, a lawyer with more than a combined 25 years of experience as a state and federal prosecutor, ran on.      

Christmas/Chanukah Dinner Party Videos

Our annual Christmas/Chanukah Dinner Party on December 2nd, 2021, was held at Pita Park Greek Restaurant in Floral Park. The festive dinner party featured a delectable three course dinner, the election of our new club slate of Officers and Board of Directors, our featured guest speaker, Andrew Giuliani who is running for governor of NYS, and special surprise guest, Councilwoman-Elect Vickie Paladino. We celebrated her astounding victory flipping a blue seat to red, and everyone had a grand time! Here are the videos of the guest speakers. Videos filmed and edited by James Doukas Productions.

City Council’s non-citizen voting plan shows the far-left’s contempt for New York’s electorate

City Council’s non-citizen voting plan shows the far-left’s contempt for New York’s electorate

New York Post | By Councilman Joe Borelli | November 24, 2021

Councilman Joe Borelli, Republican minority leader of the New York City Council.

Four years ago, newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron made a triumphant return to New York City, where he had courted votes from French expatriates nearly a year earlier.

Reviens! — Come back!” he told his constituents gathered at the 92nd Street Y, a plea met mostly with shrugs.

Why should they go back? They have everything they need right here: lower taxes, extensive city services and — like most expats in America — they can still vote for president and the local officials in their ville de naissance in France. And soon, when lame-duck progressives in the City Council get their way, they will also be able to help decide who governs New York City.

A bill to allow noncitizens to vote is poised to be pushed through the council next month. Suffice to say, it will profoundly transform elections in New York City as we know them.

The bill’s backers say it will finally enfranchise an estimated 800,000 New York residents who are green-card holders, DACA recipients or otherwise in the country legally, all with little input from the city’s existing 5.6 million citizen voters.


Green card.

City Council set to approve voting rights for over 650K NYC green card holders

Though New York has more registered voters than the entire population of South Carolina, elections for local offices are decided by a paltry few. Only 20 percent turned out in the general election, and the Democratic mayoral primary was decided by fewer than 10,000 votes. Council victors were lucky to rack up 20,000 votes. This means these newly enfranchised voters have the potential to hold real sway.

Yet this group of noncitizens is hardly disenfranchised. Like France, many countries allow citizens living abroad to vote in their elections. Almost all allow in-person voting. It is not uncommon for candidates from the Dominican Republic, for example, to open offices in New York City, where about 103,000 Dominican expats are registered to vote back home.

To vote there, one is required to establish long-term residency and even present a national ID card. Not so in “progressive” New York, where under this new legislation, these same citizens of the Dominican Republic may establish voting rights by residing here just 30 days before an election. This will make it less stringent for many Dominican New Yorkers to vote here under the new law than in the country where they hold citizenship.

The DR and France are hardly unique. In 2022, qualified residents could vote for a New York City Council member as well as for the president of Brazil, the Australian parliament or any election in the dozens of countries allowing expats to vote. This year, if the rules applied, a person could have cast a vote for Eric Adams and London’s Sadiq Khan within weeks.


Voting booth; Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez

Democrats wants to let non-citizens vote in NYC

Giving someone whose only evidence of any stake in this city’s future has been to stay here for a whole month a say in electing our leaders evinces a reckless disregard for the very real long-term problems this city faces, including grappling with multibillion-dollar budget deficits, rising crime and disorder and economic uncertainty amid a global pandemic.

Do New York’s powerful unions really want people working here on temporary visas to make decisions that would impact this city’s long-term debt and pension liabilities?

Do the good-government wonks think that diluting the voices of this city’s 5.6 million voters — many of whom have waited years to become citizens — will encourage more people to participate in our democracy?

This move shows how much contempt the far left has for the New York City electorate.

These are the same out-of-touch activists who have devalued citizenship and actually discouraged naturalization into this country by making New York a sanctuary city, so all immigrants can remain here without fear of being deported even after committing heinous crimes, and by extending benefits to immigrants, regardless of legal status. It was always in their plans to ultimately give away voting privileges.

To justify this, proponents are trying to sell us on the notion that offering them voting rights would encourage them to become citizens. That seems counterintuitive, at best.

If the champions of this bill really care about our democracy, they would encourage immigrants to strive toward American citizenship — not cheapen it by giving away the store.

And they would take the fundamental question about who can and cannot vote in New York City to the people themselves, by putting this on a ballot referendum in November.

At the very least, shouldn’t our citizens have a say in whether or not their votes get diluted by noncitizens?

A Call to Action: Stop the Non-Citizen Voting Rights Bill!

We must defeat New York City Council Intro #1867. Contact your local City Council members and all elected officials. Call, visit, and write to them about the true meaning of citizenship and demand that they vote ‘no’ on this bill.

Nov. 4th Club Meeting Videos

General Club Meeting on November 4, 2021 at Bellerose Jewish Center in Floral Park, Queens featured Rob Astorino, Republican candidate for NYS Governor, Maureen Grey, neighborhood historic preservationist speaking on saving St. Joseph’s Church, and Professor Joseph Cheruvelil, speaking on the Conscience of a Conservative. Here are the videos of their intriguing presentations. Videos filmed and edited by James Doukas Productions.

Rob Astorino: Republican candidate for NYS Governor

Rob Astorino, Republican candidate for NYS Governor, speaks at November 4th Queens Village Republican Club meeting. He is the former Westchester County Executive and 2014 Republican candidate for NYS Governor. Having nearly clinched the 2014 race, and won the state outside of NYC, he outlines the path to victory in 2022.


Maureen Grey: Saving St. Joseph’s Church

Maureen Grey, guest speaker at the November 4, 2021 Queens Village Republican Club meeting, is a neighborhood historical preservationist, lifelong educator, and was a teacher at St. Joseph Parish Day School. She is leading the fight to landmark St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church and save it from demolition. She told the story of a beautiful church that many Republican club members were parishioners of since its inception.


Prof Joseph Cheruvelil: Conscience of a Conservative

Professor Joseph Cheruvelil, guest speaker at the November 4, 2021 meeting of the Queens Village Republican Club, speaks lucidly about the Conscience of a Conservative. The professor is a popular conservative luminary who taught many years on the faculty of the English Dept. of St. John’s University. His book “A Passage to America” is an autobiography of Professor Cheruvelil, who describes himself as “a Catholic in religion, a Hindu in culture, a conservative in politics, and an eclectic in taste.”


Our Chairman Jim Trent announced the slate of new Board of Directors members: Carol Sandhoval, Suzanne Chronowitz, and William “Jose” Romerstein.
Rob Astorino, NYS gubernatorial candidate
Rob Astorino interacts with QVGOP members

Op-Ed: Frightening Forecasts In The Futuristic Novel “Chains Of Slavery” That Have Already Come True In America

By Robert Golomb  On Nov 1, 2021

I interviewed author, Brian Ridolfi, over the phone from my Long Island office to his in the outskirts of San Francisco, just a day after I finished reading his 166-page tome Chains of Slavery.

GREAT NECK, NY – If you’re searching for an enjoyable, relaxing and easy to digest book, which you hope will take your mind away from the current threats to our basic American freedoms posed by the leftist elite in the government, the mainstream media, universities and big tech, don’t read “Chains of Slavery.’’

Or at least that was my initial reaction after reading the futuristic political novel, whose author, Brian Ridolfi, I interviewed over the phone from my Long Island office to his in the outskirts of San Francisco, just a day after I finished reading his 166-page tome.

“‘Chains of Slavery”’ is not a book intended to help you fall asleep at night,” Ridolfi, 47, acknowledged. “Rather, it is a cautionary tale, intended to warn Americans, that, as President Reagan once said, ‘Freedom is a fragile thing, and it is never more than one generation away from extinction.”’

New York State Legislative Letters to Election Committee Chairs

The Honorable NYS Senator, Zellnor Myrie
Chair: Standing Committee on Elections

The Honorable NYS Assembly Member, Latrice Walker
Chair: Committee on Election Law

Subject: Election Integrity

Dear Senator Myrie and Assembly Member Walker,

Enclosed please find 155 pages of our Election Integrity Petitions. The people of New York State, particularly New York City, deserve free and fair elections. That is not the reality! We write to you in hopes that some steps can be made to change some of the laws regarding this most important process in our State.

We The people of New York need to have confidence in our elections. Without that, our democracy will cease to function. The New York State Legislature needs to focus on free and fair elections by passing common-sense measures and safeguards to ensure our elections are secured and voter fraud is prevented. The people of the State would be better served with a “consumer-oriented” agency that in its mission aims to promote, educate and inform prospective candidates seeking to be party and public office holders. This would stand in stark contrast to the current exclusionary tactics now at play at the New York City Board of Elections that seeks to discharge candidates for petty violations and prohibiting them from gaining access to the ballot.

“On Election Day, see that every Whig is brought to the polls”

By Phil Orenstein, October 21, 2021

We are witnessing an unprecedented assault on our freedom and way of life as Americans. Vaccine mandates have infringed on our freedom to choose. Our system of fair and honest elections has been corrupted. A small minority of LGBTQ activists can change the rules and the language and impose their will on us all. The Justice Department brands parents speaking out against critical race theory at school board meetings domestic terrorists, while Antifa and BLM commit violence and mayhem with impunity. Refugees from the former Soviet Union and immigrants who fled communism seeking the torch of liberty and justice in America are terrified and losing hope.

Oct. 7th Club Meeting Videos

General Club Meeting on October 7, 2021 at Bellerose Jewish Center in Floral Park, Queens featured NYS Assemblyman Mike Lawler, Rick Hinshaw, discusses voting NO on ballot propositions #1, #3 and #4, Dr. Devi, Republican candidate for NYC Public Advocate, Tony Herbert, Conservative and Independence Party candidate for NYC Public Advocate, followed by a lively Q & A. Here are the videos of the entire meeting. Videos filmed and edited by James Doukas Productions.

Special guest speaker Rick Hinshaw

Rick Hinshaw discusses the urgency of voting NO on ballot propositions #1, #3 and #4, that threaten the integrity of our elections. Rick is the former editor of The Long Island Catholic and director of communications for the Catholic League.


Dr. Devi: Republican candidate for NYC Public Advocate

Dr. Devi is a scientist and physician working on the frontlines of the pandemic for the past year and a half, working in pain management and treating combat veterans. Very compelling story about why she decided to run for Public Advocate in order to humanize a bloated inhumane city bureaucracy. Supporters poured donations into her campaign coffers, more than enough to meet the threshold for a televised debate with Democrat opponent Jumaane Williams which will air on Oct 19th.


Tony Herbert: Conservative and Independence Party candidate for NYC Public Advocate

Tony Herbert is running for NYC Public Advocate on the Conservative Party and Independent lines. Jumaane Williams, the current NYC Public Advocate, is the Democrat candidate for Public Advocate, who as a City Councilman, refused to recite the pledge of allegiance and was a supporter of FALN terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera. Williams is also a supporter of BLM and defunding the police. Tony is a community leader, a former radio show host who cares about the people of NYC, and is a voice for the voiceless.


NYS Assemblyman Mike Lawler

NYS Assemblyman Mike Lawler was the only Republican to flip a Democrat State Assembly seat in 2020. Mike served as Executive Director of the State Republican Party and advisor to Rob Astorino when he was Westchester County Executive. We worked together on Rob’s past gubernatorial campaign, and we are thrilled to have him scheduled to speak at our November meeting as a Republican candidate for governor of NYS. Mike is our pro-police, pro law and order, pro-fiscal conservative voice in the State Assembly, and leading the charge to break the One Party monopoly in NYS!


Q & A with NYS Assemblyman Mike Lawler

Q & A on vaccine mandates, crime, murder of kids in NYC, qualified immunity, ballot proposals.


Dr. Devi and her supporters
2nd VP Hemant Shah and Dr. Devi
Tony Herbert and Assemblyman Lawler
NYS Assemblyman Mike Lawler

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