On February 3rd 2022, a special in-person Queens Village Republican Club meeting was held with New York Post journalist and Fox News contributor, Miranda Devine. She signed copies of her best-selling book: “The Laptop From Hell, Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide” and presented the unvarnished story of what’s really inside the laptop and what China knows about the Bidens, and took questions from the audience. Here is the videotape of her full presentation.
It is no surprise to the average motorist that NYC has instigated a war on drivers. This attack is on all of us. We all depend on automobiles to service us whether on our own, in a taxi, through a rideshare company, or carpool. We rely on cars to get to work, drop our children at school, pick up our family members from the doctor’s office, and even go grocery shopping. On weekends, we can enjoy a nice car ride to a concert or go camping up north.
Message to voters by Suzanne Chronowitz and Aura Moody
This November, we will have several elections affecting New York State as follows: NYS Governor, NYS assembly, NY State Senate, United States Senator, and United States Representative. If you are registered to vote with a major political party, your vote in the primary elections in June will determine which candidates will appear on the ballot in the November elections. If you are not registered with a major political party, you will not get to vote in the primary elections in June. Your vote can make a difference and help NY state get back on track by supporting the best candidates for office ! Please note the deadline to register your party affiliation is Monday February 14th.
Please follow this link for more information about registering with the Republican Party: https://www.vote2partynyc.com/
Deadline to register with a political party or to switch party enrollment: February 14th
We as a people have ceded total control to authoritarian rule. People have become fearful and frightened, and that’s when it’s easy for the totalitarian forces of government to take control of our lives. Historically, authoritarian regimes use emergencies to come to power and crush the people’s freedom and liberties. We as a people have ceded total control to authoritarian rule. People have become fearful and frightened, and that’s when it’s easy for the totalitarian forces of government to take control of our lives. Historically, authoritarian regimes use emergencies to come to power and crush the people’s freedom and liberties.
Authoritarian regimes that come to power in democracies, tend to look at voters in blocs. Instead of representing all the people, they divide the voters into separate racial and ethnic groups, vaccinated and unvaccinated blocs, gender blocs, or a “basket of deplorables.” Daily examples of discouraging words of fear and division from our leaders include President Biden saying that unvaccinated Americans are facing a winter of “severe illness and death.” New York’s Department of Health is practicing medical discrimination by race, prioritizing non-white races and Hispanic/Latino ethnicity in the distribution of Covid treatments. Governor Hochul has been on a power grabbing crusade with emergency mandates since she began serving as governor. She created a huge hospital crisis in New York, by firing nearly 34,000 healthcare workers who were unvaccinated. Hearkening back to the divine right of kings, Hochul addressed her “apostles” demonizing the unvaccinated: “…but you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants.”
She says that Covid mandates are for your own good, but they’re in fact only for the benefit of Kathy Hochul. She will do anything to stay in power. Like Heroin to an addict, she tasted a little power, and now she’s addicted. She recently signed into law a bill that allows statewide mail-in voting, even though the voters of New York thoroughly rejected it in the general election. She effectively overturned the will of the voters to manipulate the election to keep herself in power.
There is a pattern here. There is a method to the madness, for authoritarian leaders to use emergencies to seize absolute control, which they have accomplished by dividing and terrifying the people into complete submission. It’s not about public health and prevention of Covid. NYC, with America’s most burdensome mandates has one of the nation’s highest rates of Covid cases per capita. It’s about absolute power. It’s about using crises and emergencies to strengthen the power of government to mandate totalitarian rules.
Power corrupts all. Even some of our nation’s greatest past leaders have fallen prey to the corruption of power, during the wars and emergencies throughout America’s history. During World War II, FDR ordered Japanese Americans unjustly into internment camps. During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus, that protects people against unlawful arrests or detention. As America dealt with the threat of war with France, President John Adams signed the Sedition Act into law, to suppress political speech critical of his government for his own partisan advantage. The USA Patriot Act was passed after the terrorist attacks on Sept 11, 2001, in order to combat terrorism, but later on, provisions of the law were ruled unconstitutional in violation of the 4th Amendment for allowing the federal government to spy on and search American citizens without showing probable cause.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Authoritarian leaders used wars and emergencies as pretexts to seize absolute power in the last century. Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler and other murderous dictators declared emergencies and took over. Lenin used the widespread disdain for Russia’s involvement in World War I to launch the October Revolution in 1917 to overthrow the democratically elected Provisional Government of Alexander Kerensky. Hitler notoriously used the despair caused by the Great Depression and the fear of Communism to rise to power. In 1933 the Reichstag fire and the purported threat of a Communist revolution, gave Hitler the pretext to seize complete and absolute power over Germany.
This is America, where our freedom of speech, religious liberty, our right to bear arms, and all our fundamental rights that come from God, not government, are guaranteed by our US Constitution. Using Covid as an emergency in the name of total control, authoritarians now in control of our city, state, and federal governments must be vanquished. We the people must vote in every election large or small, to preserve the core principles that made our country great and get rid of these authoritarian foes.
The way to get rid of them is to vote them out. Voting does count. If enough people come out to vote, we win. Enough people came out for Glenn Youngkin to win the Virginia governor’s race. Over 55% of the state’s registered voters, the highest voter turnout in recent history, came out in droves to successfully offset the Democrat’s vote-rigging stunts. On the other hand, only 21% of registered voters in NYC came out to vote in NYC’s general election, a record low turnout that allowed radical leftists like Alvin Bragg to be elected Manhattan District Attorney. It’s the people who didn’t vote that gave us this soft-on-crime DA. That’s how totalitarians come to power.
From top to bottom, they must be voted out because they’ve used the cover of the Covid emergency to change the voting rules in a desperate attempt to keep themselves permanently in power. If anyone thinks for a moment they would relinquish their emergency powers once the crisis is over, there’s a bridge we can sell you in Brooklyn! No one can sit out another election. We need to stop talking and starting voting, organize our communities, build the Republican Party, and get all our neighbors out to vote.
Phil Orenstein is the president of the Queens Village Republican Club. Established in 1875, it is America’s oldest Republican Club. www.QVGOP.org Historian, Jerry Matacotta, founder of History Seminar Series at Queensborough Community College was the advisor for this article.
We are proud to announce that James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas will be headlining our Lincoln Dinner Gala, and we will be treated to a spectacular multi-media presentation of his pioneering art of undercover journalism in the 21st century!
Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in American Thinker
Like our brothers and sisters in the other Blue State Gulags, we New Yorkers have been to hell and back these past couple of years under the reign of King COVID. Unless you have been here, those of you who are fortunate enough to live in a Free State have no idea what we’ve been going through.
We have seen our fundamental liberties and civil rights, which we used to take for granted as part of our American heritage, taken from us by a cabal of the most evil scientists, bureaucrats, and politicians ever assembled in America.
We have mask mandates, “vax” mandates, and everything in between that have been placed on our schools and workplaces, all without the benefit of the Legislature’s imprimatur. Our power-hungry, unelected governor, who replaced Cuomo, the scourge of elder care facilities, tells us that, just like her five-year-old daughter who had a meltdown because she had to wear sneakers to kindergarten, we will get used to it!
We successfully launched the January issue of our club’s brand new free “Queens Village Eagle” newspaper. This is the front page of the February issue:
Over 2 dozen volunteers helped to distribute 5000 copies of our January newspaper with the goal of spreading the word to the citizens of Queens that we are no longer a one-party city and state! This will usher in the Great Awakening in Queens, as readers are exposed to our Republican principles, our values and our Republican candidates every month!
The February issue will have a print run of 10,000! Please email us at INFO@qvgop.orgasap to be part of our distribution network.
It’s easy and fun! Drop off a handful of newspapers at 3 or 4 of your local neighborhood stores as you shop or go out to eat. Your local merchants: supermarkets, laundromats, post offices, delis, doctor’s offices, restaurants will willingly let you put out a handful of free Queens Village Eagle newspapers for their customers.
This is the way we reach out and build our Republican Party and transform the electorate of Queens to wake up and vote Republican!
The Queens Village Eagle is a free community newspaper published by the Queens Village Republican Club and is supported by our sponsors. Contact us about sponsorship opportunities to advertise your business or your political campaign for low rates. Email us at INFO@qvgop.org for more information.
New York always has the potential to be the greatest city in the greatest state in the greatest country in the world. Over the first eight months of my campaign to become Governor of the Empire State, the people of New York have reaffirmed those ideals on a daily basis. Unfortunately, over the past fifteen years and four Democrat Governors, New York has lost its luster and the Albany swamp has turned our great state into a shell of its former self.
As a matter of fact, New York led the nation in population decline over the last year, resulting in a total outmigration of 319,000 New Yorkers, decreasing the Empire State’s population by 1.6%. This sobering fact is the result of a myriad of leftist policies that has seen crime spiral out of control, the highest taxes of any state in the country, less choice for parents over their children’s education, and a slew of mandates proving leftists only believe in the idea of, “my body, my choice” when it is convenient for their political narrative.
Over the past four years, I had the honor of working in The White House as Special Assistant to President Donald J. Trump. I learned many important lessons working for President Trump and for that matter, from my father, the greatest Mayor in New York City’s history, Rudy Giuliani. But the lesson that I think about every day is their tenacity driven by the belief that the United States of America is worth fighting for to our last waking breath. That’s why we NEVER GIVE UP!
Like President Trump and Mayor Giuliani, I will take on the leftist media and the Albany swamp to fight for the issues that are plaguing New Yorkers every day. For the purpose of this article, let’s dig deeper into the most pressing issue facing us all, crime. I pledge to tackle rising crime and the spiraling quality of life all across our great state by repealing cashless bail. From the Big Apple, where shootings have doubled over the past two years, to Rochester, where they hit the grim milestone of recording the most murders ever, “bail reform” has been an unmitigated disaster. Couple that with a narrative that we should defund the police along with Soros-funded district attorneys who choose not to prosecute most crimes, including many violent crimes, change must be immediate.
I have called for Kathy Hochul, under Article XIII, Section 13b of the New York Constitution, to remove New York County DA Alvin Bragg. It is obvious from his January 3rd memo to his Assistant District Attorney’s that he is reclassifying entire categories of crime. Bragg’s office has already altered facts on a police report and tried to entrap a police officer to sign said false report; thankfully that member of New York’s Finest refused to sign. As governor, I will hold DA’s and state employees who are complicit in rising crime accountable.
From now to November 8th, I look forward to addressing with you in more detail other vital issues including how I will bring about more choice to education by doubling the number of charter schools and creating an educational tax voucher program, how I will make New York a business-friendly and job-creating state again by cutting taxes and reduce regulation, and reaffirm my pledge that on day one, there will be only clear and honest health information from the governor’s office; no more unconstitutional mandates! I look forward to seeing you on the trail as together we will Make Albany Great Again!
Editor’s Note: This is syndicated columnist Robert Golomb’s latest column as published in the news and media outlet, The Published Reporter
GREAT NECK, NY – Historians will be analyzing, celebrating or both, the 80th anniversary of one of the most important presidential oratories ever delivered to the citizens of our great nation. The date was December 29th, 1940, and millions of Americans listened to their radios as President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave a speech titled,“The Arsenal of Democracy’’.The speech that night was one of approximately 20 addresses – known famously as “fireside chats”– that Roosevelt, since becoming the nation’s 32nd president in 1933, periodically gave on radio broadcasts to the nation’s 132 million citizens, who were then facing the dismal economic realities of the financial catastrophe known as the “Great Depression”.
In his previous “Fireside Chats” Roosevelt spoke about the fears and the hardships suffered by a majority of Americans due to this financial disaster, and he outlined the details of his ambitious “New Deal” programs, which he vowed, would lead America out of its economic nightmare and into a secure and prosperous financial future. The most famous of Roosevelt’s depression – focused “Fireside Chats” was delivered on March 4, 1933 and bore the corresponding title of its celebrated declaration, “The Only Thing to Fear is Fear Itself’’.
On January 6, 2022, we kicked off the New Year riding a massive red wave into 2022 with a fabulous club meeting with some amazing speakers, Gavin Wax, the dynamic president of the New York Young Republican Club, and Barbara from Harlem, the “Godmother” of Black Conservatives. City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino administered the oath of office for the installation of our 2022 Club Officers and Board Members and shared stories of her first day on the job. We had a couple of young and impressive Republican candidates: Stefano Forte for State Senate, and Seth Breland for StateAssembly. Here are the videos and photos of the meeting.