By Laura Schmitt Schwartzberg

No matter where you stand on the election integrity of the 2020 election, many people would agree that the manner in which we voted was highly unusual. Never before were mail-in ballots so consequential, or ballot drop boxes so prevalent. There were states such as New Jersey, which actually prohibited in-person voting.

As a Queens poll worker in 2020, I witnessed many out-of-state college students, with documentation to vote in more than one state, casting votes in my district. An irate international student from Singapore demanding her “right to vote” claimed that her professor required proof of her voting in order to get a grade. She was given a ballot. My niece, who voted in-person in Brooklyn, was sent three unsolicited mail-in ballots in New York and New Jersey. Many of her young Democrat friends received the same. One neighbor turned up at the polls only to be told that someone else had already voted in his name! These incidents were all dismissed as anecdotal. There was no way for an individual like myself to know how widespread or consequential the abuse might be, especially since the abuses took so many forms.
That was before the brilliance of Dinesh D’Souza and his movie “2000 Mules.” Concentrating on a single novelty of the 2020 election, the ballot drop boxes, D’Souza and the organization, “True the Vote,” set out to determine if the security of the drop boxes played a consequential role in the election outcome. Geotracking data from cell phones was used to identify thousands of individuals who traveled to 10 or more drop boxes in a single night. The treks of these “mules,“ as D‘Souza calls them, also included intermittent stops at Democrat Party funded election organizations along the way. Government surveillance camera footage from the drop boxes was used to corroborate the geotracking data. What you see is astounding! It boggles the mind to think why government officials who used our tax dollars to pay for these cameras never looked at the generated footage! D’Souza’s movie also shows confessions from mules describing how they received payments for stuffing the boxes. D’Souza uses the same publicly available geotracking data and government video footage for each of the battle ground states to meticulously calculate if the fraudulence of just this one system alone was enough to overthrow our national election.
You knew the answer somewhere in your gut all along, but seeing is believing with your jaw hanging open. Don’t let censors keep you from seeing this movie, just as they hid the trove of verified Biden corruption in Hunter’s laptop. Democracy dies in darkness. Watch the film! It can be digitally downloaded from either of two un-cancellable platforms: the Rumble owned platform Locals,, or the Salem Media platform Join us on June 2nd for our club’s Movie Night showing of 2000 Mules. See for details. Talk to family and friends.
Understandably, D’Souza focused on battleground states. Is it fantasy to expect someone to look at what happened in a state as blue as NY? Don’t give up! David is aiming his sling shot right at Goliath and we all know who prevailed. Our “David” is New York Citizens Audit (NYCA), a grassroots election integrity group, which recently submitted petitions to “Goliath” NY Attorney General Leticia James and other Albany officials. Meticulously detailed specific code violations and fraud are associated with over 2 million NY votes and registrations, more than enough to overturn Biden’s certified NYS margin of victory! An official audit is the only honest way forward, with the possibility of NY election decertification on the horizon. Check out Have faith, and vote!!