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Lincoln Dinner Video: NYS Senator Jack Martins

Jack Martins videoNew York State Senator Jack Martins speaks at our 141st Anniversary Lincoln Dinner. A great speech, great friends and patriots, and a great gathering to “Make New York Great Again!”

“These are turbulent times in 2016. But in turbulent times there are opportunities. Each one of us has the opportunity to make a difference. We can turn around the last seven years of this country and set us back on the road to properity. This is going to be great Republican year!” – Senator Jack Martins



Frank Russo videoThe  February 4th Public Forum on Education Reform focused primarily on the issue of school choice and presented the lowdown on what’s wrong and how to fix our broken education system. According to Frank Russo, one of the speakers and leading advocate for school choice, “everyone wins with school choice—parents, children and taxpayers. The opposition comes primarily from public school teacher unions which want to keep their government school monopoly. Half the states have passed legislation to provide some measure of choice in education, but not New York.”

Video: The mayor’s bogus plan to build housing for the poor

jim trentJames Trent, our club’s board chairman and president and founder of the Queens County Farm Museum, gave the lowdown on Mayor de Blasio’s bogus zoning plan ostensibly for the purpose of building housing for the poor.

In this video presentation at the January QVGOP Club meeting, Trent articulated how this mayor, under the guise of getting more affordable housing built, wants to change the zoning of residential communities to allow taller buildings, limited parking, reduced size apartments, and higher density. The mayor’s zoning plan is only a windfall to developers, and he is doing this largely as payback for the developer’s help in getting him elected. The rents charged in these so-called affordable developments, are hardly affordable, being upwards of $3000 a month.

Video of Ken Abramowitz Speech: Save The West



Ken Abramowitz gave a great speech about saving our civilization at our January Club meeting which was a forum on National Security.

Ken Abramowitz is co-founder of NGN Capital, a $450 million worldwide healthcare venture capital fund. Formerly he was a Managing Director for the Carlyle Group. He is a writer, speaker and freedom activist for saving Western Civilization. He is the founder of, which is dedicated to saving Western civilization, based upon the fundamentals of individual rights, free enterprise and limited constitutional government which is under assault, and we are losing the battle.

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