Choose Wisely

By Phil Orenstein

We have been blessed to be citizens of America, our home, the greatest humanitarian cause in world history, the land of the free and the home of the brave, and now we must fight for this noble cause, so we don’t lose it. That’s why it’s so important to choose wisely in the upcoming General Election of 2024.

There have always been differences between Republicans and Democrats, but now it’s like day and night. Before his historic presidential victory in 2008, Obama said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Since then, the Democrat party has gone far to the left.

In the past Democrats embraced America.  But they had a different vision as the party of the working class, the middle class and the poor, with policies prescribing big government solutions, welfare, and identity politics, which seeks to divide Americas into aggrieved victim groups. On the other hand, Republicans’ vision for America embraced the ideals of individual freedom, constitutionally limited government, law and order, free market capitalism, and traditional family values. The Republican Party was born to fight slavery, establish freedom and equality, while the Democrat Party supported slavery and Jim Crow.   

Today, with the selection of presidential candidate Kamala Harris and VP pick, Tim Walz, to lead their party, without a single popular vote, the differences between the parties is essentially a choice between capitalism vs. socialism and freedom vs. tyranny. Democrats are on the road to completing the fundamental transformation of America.

But the Democrat-media complex are painting Harris and Walz as moderate Democrats, with lofty language about the high ideals of America, “joyful warriors” (stolen from Mom’s for Liberty), saving democracy, “no tax on tips” (stolen from Trump), securing the border, stopping inflation, and standing with Israel (but will turn on Israel if it helps get them elected). Do your research, find the facts, and it’s clear as day that they are far-left radical authoritarians in sheep’s clothing. Don’t be fooled.

The lie that Harris and Walz are not radicals is being fed to America. But they both have the most far left progressive resumes to radically transform America. Here’s your brand new Kamala with pantsuits, promises, and smiles. She’s the creation of the press and her handlers who are former top Obama aides. Savvy senior staffers are modelling her campaign after Obama’s, but Harris is no Obama. She’s a fake and phony created in the last few weeks out of thin air by a fawning press. If we were giving out Pinocchio’s, she’d earn a full five. The real Kamala is incompetent and a San Fransico radical, and we know what happened to the beautiful city of San Fransico. She has no accomplishments to her name as Vice President, and was just as radical and incompetent as a senator and a prosecutor.

Her claim to fame was casting the tie-breaking vote on the largest environmental spending bill in American history, mislabeled the “Inflation Reduction Act” that caused massive inflation. The real Kamala Harris, with the most liberal voting record in the Senate, championed single-payer, government-run health care and the trillion-dollar Green New Deal. She wants to end the fossil fuel industry. She supports sex-change treatments without parental notification, and believes children would be better raised by the government than by their parents. She supports no cash bail, she’s anti-cop, pro-criminal, and she’s for open borders, getting rid of ICE, and granting citizenship to illegal migrants. As “Border Czar” for the past 4 years, VP Harris was put in charge of stopping illegal immigration and failed miserably.  

Walz’s policies are totally in synch with hers. What’s more, Governor Walz, acting like a dictator, enforced the harshest pandemic mandates and lockdowns in the nation, letting rioters loot and burn Minneapolis to the ground, while the media covered for him telling the nation it’s “mostly peaceful protests.” With his emergency COVID powers, he set up a hotline for people to snitch on each other for violating social distancing mandates, and he turned the National Guard on law-abiding citizens sitting on their front porches shooting paintballs and shouting commands to get inside!

But the American people can’t be fooled for too long. They are waking up to the fact that our country is in peril, and they are being gaslighted. As Abraham Lincoln said, “you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Even Stephen Colbert’s liberal NYC audience reacted with howls of laughter when he went off-script and praised CNN’s objectivity saying to CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins, “I know you guys are objective over there, that you just report the news as it is.”

According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control.” Victims are fed “false information that leads them to question what they know to be true….They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity.”

Reasonable Democrats aren’t taking it. NY City Councilman Jim Gennaro, from Queens, recently stopped marching in lockstep with his party. He spoke out publicly blasting the intolerance of the “national Dem woke establishment” after the lies about Biden’s mental competence were exposed, and Kamala Harris was instantly nominated.  

“So, yes, I am a lifelong Democrat, but a disaffected one, because my party used to be the party of JFK, but my party at the national level has been hijacked by liars, cancelers (if that’s a word), anti-Semitism appeasers, and the woke Ministry of Truth and the Thought Police, whereby my party believes in diversity of everything, EXCEPT diversity of opinion. That is strictly forbidden. Huh? That’s not Democracy and it’s certainly not freedom. That’s censorship, which is the on-ramp to totalitarianism. That’s our national Dem party.”

Gennaro railed against his party’s autocrats saying: “Harris was “deemed” the nominee. Who deemed her? You? Nope. Dem voters across the country? No. What official rules or processes were followed? No one knows. Was it transparent? Was it legitimate? None of your business. And we have the nerve to call ourselves the “Democratic” Party with a straight face.”

We understand Gennaro said he is not planning to vote for Trump, but we know his party has abandoned him. The party is no longer the party of Scoop Jackson, Truman, or JFK. It’s no longer the party of the working class, the middle class or the poor. It’s a disservice to call them Democrats. They should be called the “Communist-Socialist” party.

There are reasonable Democrats, and we hope they will come over and vote for Trump, who will complete his previous accomplishments of peace and prosperity, energy independence, closing the border, establishing law and order, and cutting the size and scope of the deep state, but at least they must not vote for Harris-Walz, the most far-left, radical, anti-Semitic ticket ever. We have a place for you to come and vote for Republicans, now the true party of the working class, the middle class, the party for America. Voting matters; elections have consequences – it’s about the survival of America, the State of New York, and the City of New York. Choose wisely.

Phil Orenstein is President of Queens Village Republican Club

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