We did it again! We topped ourselves with the most wildly spectacular, exhilarating, and “explosive” Lincoln Dinner event ever, according to feedback from attendees. “It’s a great day to be Republican in New York,” was the refrain of the day.

First time dinner guest Hope Parisi said, “It was my 1st dinner it won’t be my last. I had a great time. It’s good to know so many people feel the same as me.” Michael Ferrara, videographer said, “We had a blast yesterday with all the new, cool rock stars in the Republican Party.” Donna Marino said “Sharing this great day for America with so many wonderful people at the QVRC annual Lincoln Dinner, here with my sister Renee.” Joining us from Dutchess County, NY, was Assemblyman Kieran Lalor who said, “The energy and passion at the Queens Village Republican Club, Inc. Lincoln Dinner yesterday was inspiring.”

Along with our gala celebration of Abraham Lincoln, our first Republican President, we celebrated the momentous occasion with Cory Lewandowski, the greatest keynote speaker we could ever stage for “No Collusion Day,” to thunderous chants of “USA, USA, USA!” For Sunday, March 24th was the day that Attorney General William Barr released a letter to Congress saying that Mueller found no evidence of collusion with Russia and no obstruction of justice. Lewandowski spoke of the day of reckoning coming for Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Hillary, as the audience chanted “Lock Her Up” and “Lock Them Up!”

We paved the way to next year’s reelection campaign for President Trump with our rallying cry, #OnwardTo2020. We broadcast our invitation to our great President to return to his native hometown, Queens for next year’s Lincoln Dinner to a roaring chorus of approval, which Lewandowski heard loud and clear!

Lewandowski related his personal stories re-counting that President Trump works 20 hours a day, seven days a week, and as his campaign manager, Lewandowski needed 20 energy drinks a day to keep up him. He ticked off the astounding accomplishments in the first two years of his presidency, reminding everyone of the largest tax cuts in our nation’s history, slashing up to 22 burdensome regulations for every new rule, moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing Israel’s right over the Golan Heights, bringing our military men and women home, elected two Supreme Court justices and one more to come, created 600,000 manufacturing jobs, unemployment has dropped to the lowest rate ever for Hispanics and Blacks, and so much more. President Trump is a fighter who fights for us every day. He fights for every American. He fights the lies of the Fake News. There will be great news and opportunities for all ahead of us in the next six years of his presidency, and then the next eight with President Mike Pence!

It was a doubleheader of Republican “rock stars!” Cheers of “WalkAway!” resounded wherever our American Patriot of the Year honoree, Brandon Straka was seen, from the cocktail hour, the VIP room, to the grand ballroom when we enjoyed the full course dinner and award ceremonies for our valiant honorees, all chosen for their heroic deeds and patriotic service to our county and communities, including Arlene Mooradian, Charles Vavruska, Thomas Sullivan, Robert Turner, Catherine Donohoe, Vickie Paladino, David Bressler and Eric Butkiewicz.

Straka had the people all pumped up and jumping out of their seats as he delivered his “explosive message.” He recounted the personal story of his transformation from a liberal Hillary supporter, who was devastated and terrified by the electoral victory of Trump, to a pro-Trump Republican, who today is leading hundreds of thousands to walk away from the Democrat Party. One party embraces abortion, welfare state, socialism, one party does not. More black babies are aborted than are born. Democrats have decimated the black and minority communities. Now there are over 400,000 patriots, who are on a journey in this enlightening movement, not a destination. He teaches people to “start thinking for yourself.” He is the new charismatic leader of millions who are breaking through the walls of mental tyranny, leaving behind the intellectual quarantine of the Democrat Party.

We displayed our welcoming embrace to our #WalkAway Democrat friends in a spontaneous outpouring of support, in which $1700 was raised for the #WalkAway campaign in 30 minutes, after Straka described how his Town Hall event was shut down, and he was branded a white supremacist hate group. That night Straka tweeted:
“Tonight I was honored as Patriot of the Year by Queens Village Republican Club. I told attendees how radical leftists got our venue cancelled for the LGBT Town Hall. These Republicans donated almost $2000 toward the new venue 4 the LGBT Town Hall. Democrats shut down the LGBT Town Hall. Republicans saved the LGBT event.”

This brief report doesn’t do justice to this incredible uplifting event. See for yourself the photos and videos of our great speakers and honorees, which will be posted on our club website and social media in the coming weeks. Please solicit our Lincoln Dinner sponsors who advertised in our beautiful dinner journal, and above all continue to fight to build the Republican Party in Queens, register Republicans, and let’s win the election of President Trump and our Republican candidates in 2020! #WalkAway!! #OnwardTo2020!! It’s a great time to be a Republican Patriot in New York!!