Sunday, March 24, 2018, 3 – 8 pm
Antun’s, 96-43 Springfield Blvd., Queens Village, NY 11429
For tickets and information visit: www.QVGOP.org
Contact James Trent, Dinner Chair at 718-343-8830 or JTrent8830@aol.com
We anticipate a record crowd for our 144th Anniversary Lincoln Dinner on March 24th. Come and enjoy our greatest celebration of the roots of our Party, the Party of Freedom, the Party of Lincoln, and the Party of President’s Trump’s American First agenda!

The thrilling news is that Brandon Straka, the founder of #WalkAway Campaign will be our honored Lincoln Dinner guest speaker. We are proud to recognize his courageous work with the honor of our American Patriot of the Year Award.
A lifelong liberal who voted for Hillary, Straka has become an overnight sensation in the conservative movement, a superstar passionately leading the silent majority to become unsilent. In fact, recently he was denied service at a camera store in Manhattan because a salesman thought he was going to use the camera equipment for “alt-right activities.” He’s enjoyed frequent appearances on Fox News, including an hour-long interview on “Life, Liberty & Levin,” and he was a speaker at the recent annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). He’s received praise from President Trump for “starting something very special.”
Fearless and undaunted, he recognized the truth and walked away from the intolerant identity politics of the left and led thousands of others to do the same with a video that went viral on social media, where he said: “Once upon a time, I was a liberal. But liberalism has changed, and I will no longer be a part of an ideology or political party that represents everything that contradicts my values of unity, equal opportunity, personal empowerment, compassion and love.”
Straka has created a mass exodus of awakened Americans from all ethnic communities and walks of life encouraging them to “walk away from the divisive tenets endorsed and mandated by the Democratic Party of today.” He mentions that “there is there is a seat at the table on the right for everybody.” Our club is putting out the welcome mat to embrace our new friends, to come and join us at the Lincoln Dinner and celebrate and honor the awesome work of Brandon Straka.
We are thrilled to present our most exciting lineup of renowned speakers, local heroes and honorees at our dinner party, including President Trump’s original campaign managers, Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie, our illustrious Master of Ceremonies, Frankie “Five Boroughs” Morano, and our heroic 2018 candidates, Republican Woman and Man of the Year, Vickie Paladino and David Bressler, Young Republican of the Year, Eric Butkiewicz, and our Veteran of the Year, Thomas Sullivan. Cathy Donohoe is being honored for her life-saving work as President of Bridge to Life, Charles Vavruska, honored for his vocal advocacy for saving the SHSAT. Special honors will go to Bob Turner, who has never been officially recognized for his service and dedication as former Congressman from Queens and our Party Chairman. Come to the Lincoln Dinner and join hundreds of enthusiastic Republican Patriots celebrating the Party of Lincoln and the dawn of a brand-new Republican Party!