By Howard Neiman, Ph.D.
As published in Queens Jewish Link, March 6, 2019

The time has come to be gently frank.
In the old world, prior to the overt embrace of anti-Semitism by a faction within the Democratic Party, prior to the adoption of infanticide as abortion, prior to the championing of violent criminals and the arbitrary enforcement of laws by power elites, the common wisdom among baby boomers was: You know, I really don’t vote Democrat anymore, but I’ll stay with my stale Democratic affiliation in order to sabotage them up and choose the worst candidates in the Democratic primary.
Like a sudden blast of arctic cold, Democrat reality slaps our faces hard. This old Dem affiliation wisdom cracked and splintered in the blast. It always was and now for sure is a failed strategy; just see the Democratic Party take its hard swing to the extreme left.
So, it is now more important than ever to maintain a party affiliation that reflects your true values, because in 2020 your true values will matter more than ever.
The Republican Primary in 2020 may deliver the difference between an authentic Republican candidate and a pseudo-Republican (aka “RINO” – “Republican in name only”) candidate.
The Republican Primary in 2020 may deliver the difference between bold support for your reality-based conservative values and timid support for those values.
The Republican Primary in 2020 may deliver the difference between unshakeable support for the US-Israel relationship or wavering support for it.
My friends know that I support President Trump and believe, thus far, that he is the most staunch, courageous supporter of my pragmatic compassionate conservative values and of a close US-Israel relationship in American history.
But I look back with utter frustration at the overall failure of will in the Republican-dominated Congress prior to 2016 and to the inconsistent support President Trump still gets from Republicans. That leaves open the unsettling possibility that, in 2020, we’ll see a resurgence of overly compromising Republicans wishing to oppose President Trump in the primary.
If you want to have a say in that 2020 race, when our values are being shredded by the left, if you want to have a say in the Republican Party and who the Republicans choose to run against God-knows-which Democrat, now is the time to change your party affiliationor to register as a first-time Republican, because it takes a full election cycle for the change to go into effect – which is why now is the time to register.
Here is a link to New York’s voter registration form:
Print it out, complete it, and follow the mailing or filing directions.
It is simple. It is vital.
Maybe, maybe now’s the time to change party affiliation.
By Howard Neiman, Ph.D.