Thursday, May 2nd at 7:30 PM
Young Israel of Holliswood / Holliswood Jewish Center
86-25 Francis Lewis Blvd., Holliswood, NY 11427
KrisAnne Hall, our featured speaker presents: “Genealogy of the U.S. Constitution”

KrisAnne Hall JD

KrisAnne Hall lives in Florida with her husband, Chris, and their son, Colton. Their family’s ministry is to teach the Constitution and our founding truths across America. In one year KrisAnne may speak at 260 different venues where she has been invited to educate Americans on the facts of the foundations of our liberties.
KrisAnne Hall began her career as a biochemist, Russian linguist for the US Army, and a prosecutor for the State of Florida. KrisAnne also practiced First Amendment Law for a prominent national non-profit Law firm. KrisAnne is now the president of Liberty First University and travels the country teaching the foundational principles of Liberty and our Constitutional Republic. She is the author of 6 books on the Constitution and Bill of Rights. She also has a nationally syndicated radio show and a cable television show. KrisAnne has been featured on C-SPAN TV and C-SPAN Book TV. KrisAnne can be found at
On Long Island KrisAnne has a loyal following of those who have heard her teach liberties lessons and learned new respect and love for America’s founders and their design of a nation, based in natural law, protecting each individual’s liberties.
Knowing that citizens cannot defend liberties they do not understand, KrisAnne organizes facts and explanations into many readable lessons for all on “How the Constitution Ended Slavery”, “Disenfranchising the Voters-Destroying the Electoral College”, “Why the Media Has Become a Tool of the Political Complex”, In re: The Recent Ratification of Laws Denying the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to Law Abiding Persons” and so many more available on her site under resources.
Learn and defend our Constitution and rights…Educate yourself. Join the 21,000 subscribers to KrisAnne’s youtube video lessons. Go to and search for the KrisAnne Hall JD Channel
The Genealogy of the Constitution
This is KrisAnne’s introductory lesson upon which all other presentations rest. You cannot rightly understand the Constitution without a proper framing of its foundation. In this 1hr presentation KrisAnne presents the 700yr history and 5 foundational charters that gave us our founding documents. You will see the striking parallels between today’s events and the events that illuminated our framers’ understanding. You will go away inspired and hopeful, ready to take up the torch of liberty again!