Queens Village Republican Club Zoom Meeting. Panel of speakers addressing the indoctrination of our children from Elementary School to College and how we can rebuild America’s Public Education System
Video: Small Business Symposium – The Fight for Freedom Continues
The Queens Village Republican Club’s monthly General Club Meeting on February 4th focused on our small businesses and restaurants, the relationship of citizens to government, which should be protector of our rights and privileges, and how State Legislators have made Governor Cuomo “king” who has excercised his absolute powers to pick winners and losers and crush the backbone of small businesses. Here is the video of the entire meeting, including experiences by Mickey King, president of Antun’s of Queens Village, and Duke Quan, owner of BIA Restaurant in New Hyde Park.
“The essence of a free and democratic society is based on checks and balances on power. Queens County is one of New York State’s 62 counties. Queens suffers from absolute control by one political party. There are no checks on power and Queens legislators at the city and state level cower at King Cuomo’s exalted powers. At the end of this political gamesmanship rests the fate of the New York City small business community. After thousands of small businesses shutter their doors, the autopsy will reveal the true cause of death to put on the toe tag of each dream which was known as a small business. In varying degrees, many counties across the state have suffered the same fate.”
– The Politics of the Pandemic: Crushing the Backbone of Americas Small Businesses
Videos: QVGOP Annual Christmas/Chanukah Dinner Party
We celebrated the joy of the holiday season with our annual Christmas/Chanukah Party at Nancy’s Restaurant in person! Joining us were a few Republican candidates, Scherie Murray, Giovanni Perna and Ragini Shrivastava who ran courageous campaigns in local districts. Our featured guest speakers, Diane Atkins and Rev. Daniel Ulysse gave us encouraging guidance and inpired us to realize we have a lot to celebrate!

Rev. Daniel Ulysse
Diane Atkins
Videos: Steve Bannon, Bevelyn Beatty at Sept 3rd Dinner Meeting
It was a rainy evening on September 3rd but more than 80 guests attended the Dinner Meeting under the Triple Crown Diner Tent in Bellerose filling the venue to capacity. The event featured Steve Bannon video conferenced in live from the War Room Pandemic, and other exciting speakers in person. Enthusiasm was evident as chanting spontaneously broke out—“USA, USA” and “Four More Years” repeatedly. Here are the videos of this energizing event.
Steve Bannon
Bevelyn Beatty
Diane Atkins
Dave Franklin
Giovanni Perna