Fred Bedell has written to our local and regional papers about another fallen officer and implores voters to come out and vote for Joe Concannon in the City Council race in CD#23.

NYPD Officer Randolph Holder
It is with great sadness I write about another one of our Finest killed in the line of duty. NYPD officer Randolph Holder, while chasing a fleeing perpetrator, was shot in the head and killed by alleged killer Tyrone Howard. According to published reports this man was a career criminal and was arrested many times, and some arrests were commissions of violent acts. Here is a man that should not have been released from his last arrest. In my opinion our justice system is broken.
Furthermore our previous policy of,” Stop and frisk,” should not have been stopped. The criminals out there have become very brazen and not afraid to carry an illegal weapon, knowing they will not be stopped. Added to that more guns are entering the city. If we don’t do a turn around, more of our Finest will be killed or maimed, not to mention more of our innocent men, women and children will be killed. Remember our Finest are sworn to serve and protect and yet who’s protecting them ?
Now on November 3rd there is a special election in the 23rd district and a man named Joe Concannon is running for a seat on the City Council. He is a retired Captain and has served on the NYPD and has served in the military. He has promised to fight against taxpayer money being used for criminal bail and has also said he will fight to bring back Stop, Question and Frisk. This is the common sense person we need and will get us back on track and save lives. Finally, in closing, my heartfelt prayers go out to the family of Randolph Holder and his friends and fellow officers who are grieving so.
Remember this too: Evil thrives when good people do nothing, so let your voice be heard to all of our elected officials!
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.
Glen Oaks Village, N.Y.