Curtis Sliwa for Mayor made several stops from morning to night on his barnstorming tour of Queens on Saturday June 19th. Here are some photos of the days action from Breezy Point and Floral Park, Queens.
Breezy Point photos with Steve Sirgiovanni for City Council and Rich Valdes, WABC Talk Show Host
Floral Park photos with Alex Amoroso, Republican candidate for City Council in District #23
It is my opinion that Civics textbooks today are carefully skewed toward the “New Globalist World Order”. They undermine our Constitution and eat away at the fabric of our Constitutional Republic. This must be addressed as quickly as possible. The only way to do this is to examine K-12 Civics Standards, State by State.
I believe that we will definitely find that the K-12 Standards of many States do not have as their purpose to create good American citizens or strengthen American citizenship. Their language will be globalist. We have wrongly assumed that the Publishers have “their own agenda,” have created the subversive textbooks and then sold them to naïve States, unaware of the content. The truth is that persons in the Departments of Education and State Boards of Education have created the new anti-American roadmap in their State Civic Standards, which are then given to the Publishers.
K-5 Standards often fail to identify that we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy. They do not teach the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, the National Anthem, the names of the first Presidents and their contributions to the founding and early development of this country. They omit the Hebrew Bible as one of the sources for the principles of the Constitution and the Judeo-Christian Tradition upon which our Nation was founded.
6-8 Standards often fail to provide the steps needed to develop young people who support the Constitution of the United States and who are strong advocates for our Nation and for the Judeo-Christian Tradition upon which it was founded. There is a failure to use or include the terminology Constitutional Republic and to teach why our Founding Fathers created America as such. The fact that Standards acknowledge and teach the role of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations in the shaping of the Constitution but fail to identify that of the Hebrew Bible leads to the question if they promote anti-Semitism in and by our educational system. There is no indication that students use Original Documents/Sources. Finally, there is a peculiar disdain for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Founding Fathers, found in their spelling with lower case letters.
9-12 Standards fail our students who are finishing public school. 9th -12th grades are the final opportunity to prepare them to live, vote, make and abide by certain political and behavioral choices, according to the Law of the Land, which they appear not to have studied and therefore cannot respect. Again, these Standards fail to teach what it means to be a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy. They once again omit the Hebrew Bible as a source for the principles of the Constitution and also the Declaration of Independence. There is no insistence upon use of Original Sources/Documents. There is the same peculiarity of using lower case letters when referring to the Constitution, the Amendments to the Constitution, Rule of Law, etc. Some Standards do not use the Amendments to the Constitution to teach the students their roles in society and how to effect change legally and without violence.
Many Standards do not teach the difference between such forms of government as Monarchy, Democracy, Theocracy, Republic, Oligarchy, Marxism, Capitalism, Totalitarianism. Therefore, they do not protect our students from indoctrination and prepare them to defend our Constitutional Republic against all enemies, at home and abroad.
Without a correct, accurate and pro-American Civics education, there will be no way to “take back” America. We have taken our first successful step in this battle for establishing viable Civics Education. The K-12 Civics Standards, which we have submitted to the State of Florida, contain all of the missing items described above and return our Constitutional Republic, our Constitution and our Rule of Law to their proper place.
Dr. Sandra Alfonsi is Senior Academic Fellow for Proclaiming Justice to the Nations and Truth in Textbooks. She was featured speaker at our May 6, 2021 club meeting on Saving America’s Schools, and you can view the video on our website here:
By Frederick R. Bedell Jr., Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council #5911
The American Flag was originally adopted by a resolution of the Continental Congress on June 14th, 1777. Flag Day wasn’t officially recognized until proposed by Congress and signed into law by President Harry Truman in 1949. The week of June 14th is designated as, National Flag Week.
As a member of the American Legion Post # 103 in Douglaston and as Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council # 5911 also in Douglaston, I therefore urge that the American Flag be displayed outside homes, apartments, offices, businesses and stores throughout the United States. We do this to honor all that our great nation represents, which is freedom, equality, and justice for all. These principles and ideas are embodied in the American Flag. We should do this also to show honor and respect for all our brave men and women who are serving our nation today. And also all those over the years who gave their lives to preserve our cherished freedoms.
Our American Flag is the fabric of our country and by flying the American Flag we can be reminded that we can prevail against all adversity. So please fly the American Flag on Monday, June 14th and remember this too: These colors of red, white and blue don’t run. Now God bless America!
Opponent Ariola uses political tricknology to ride on Sliwa’s soaring popularity toward the June 22nd Republican primary
Although the Queens County GOP is supporting Fernando for Mayor, it looks like Chairwoman Joann Ariola prefers to associate herself with Curtis Sliwa to give the impression they are running as a team.
Curtis said: “Last night I had a fundraiser at Prima Pasta on Cross Bay Blvd. in Howard Beach. In the window was a small sign for Ariola. I asked them to take it down and instead walked across the street to the largest political banner of this political cycle for our Patriot City Council candidate Steve Sirgiovanni. I let everyone know that I was supporting Steve and not Ariola. Ariola is putting up signs wherever there are Sliwa signs and is trying to attach herself to My candidacy.”
We can understand Ariola’s shunning of Mateo, who has no signs in Howard Beach, and her use of political tricknology to attach herself to Sliwa especially after Mateo’s abysmal performance in last Thursday’s PIX11 Republican mayoral debate, and the ensuing PIX11 Mayor’s Race Poll showing Curtis crushing Mateo 74% to 15%.