Phil Orenstein

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Blishteyn vs. Lancman at QJCC Candidates Night

“My husband hits me sometimes but otherwise he’s a good husband and father”
by Abe Fuchs

alex-contact-mdChoosing a leader for political office to represent one’s district, borough, city, state or nation is choosing a steward whom one trusts will do their best to provide, protect and respect the constituency, much like in a marriage, spouses do for each other and for their family. In a marriage, one spouse should not have to tolerate infidelity or abusive behavior and a constituency should not have to tolerate a divided loyalty or abusive policies from their elected official.

Successful Fundraiser for Scherie Murray at Clippers II Lounge

Scherie Murray with comedian Drew  FraserOn Wednesday July 17th, over 50 were in attendance to support Republican 31st District City Council candidate Scherie Murray of Rosedale at Clippers II Lounge on Merrick Boulevard in Rosedale.

In attendance were comedian Drew Fraser and John Burnett, New York City GOP Comptroller candidate. Murray if successful in November would become the first African American Republican Woman in the Council’s history.



Murray CD-31 and Eric Ulrich CD-32 in opposition to the “Community Safety Act

City Council candidate Scherie Murray (R-Distirct 31) held a very successful press conference on the steps of Queens Boro Hall on Wed with Councilman Eric Ulrich, City Comptoller candidate John Burnett as well as the six other GOP City Council candidates along with major media coverage. Queens Republican City Council candidates, Dennis Saffran CD-19, Sunny Hahn CD-20, Daniel Peterson CD-22, Alex Blishteyn CD-24, Craig Caruana CD-30, Scherie Murray CD-31 and Eric Ulrich CD-32 stand united with members of the law enforcement community in opposition to the “Community Safety Act.” We need to keep the pressure up to stop the City Council’s vote for the “Coummunity Safety Act” from being enacted. We all can help stop the City Council’s madness and help to elect our GOP City Council candidates in order to prevent dangerous bills like these from receiving veto-proof majorities.

Meet & Greet SCHERIE S. MURRAY, Republican Candidate for City Council District 31


You are cordially invited to Meet & Greet


Republican Candidate for City Council District 31

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