Phil Orenstein

Author Archives

Grant Lally: Congressional Candidate Wins Republican Primary, Faces a Tough General Election

“It is disappointing to note that Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan appear to better understand the horrible danger that Hamas presents to the region than does President Obama.  Equally distressing, our President has taken but minimum action as ISIS slaughters thousands of Christians, Shiites and Yazidis throughout the Middle East.” 

grantlally-2Meet Grant Lally: Republican, Conservative and Libertarian candidate for U.S. Congress in New York’s 3rd District
All-Star Candidates Rally hosted by The Queens Village Republican Club
Tuesday, August 26, 2014  7:30 pm
Knights of Columbus, St. Anne’s Council
263-15 Union Tpke., Glen Oaks, NY 11004

Grant Lally: Congressional Candidate Wins Republican Primary, Faces a Tough General Election

Rob Astorino and Sheriff Chris Moss Stand Up for our NYPD!

astorino logo

Contact: Jessica Proud (914) 438-5325                                                              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Statement from County Executive Rob Astorino & Sheriff Chris Moss on Today’s NYPD Protest

Councilman Lancman Misunderstands Public Safety in NYC

Councilman Lancman Misunderstands Public Safety in NYC

A rebuttal to Councilman Rory Lancman’s Daily News article: “How the NYPD distorted ‘broken windows’”
By Joseph R. Concannon

Joe_019_highresNew York City could not have a more polarizing figure sit upon its doorstep than Rev. Al Sharpton coming from a glitzy, gated community in NJ.  As “stalker in chief,” Sharpton pours his acid upon the busy streets of NYC and elsewhere in what used to be the safest big city in America.  Sharpton’s history of tearing communities apart is now legendary across the nation, as residents are left to pick up the pieces, put out the flames and replenish inventories of stolen goods.

Letter to New York Republican Candidates, Staff and Party Leaders regarding Al Sharpton’s anti-police rally

Letter to New York Republican Candidates, Staff and Party Leaders regarding Al Sharpton’s anti-police rally  

This is an urgent message from Phil Orenstein, president of the Queens Village Republican Club, to all our gubernatorial, statewide and congressional Republican candidates, Councilmen, campaign staff, Chairman Cox and our GOP Party leadership.

lincoln3Our number one concern is the safety and security of all New Yorkers. In that regard, I urge you to issue an urgent call for a state of emergency declaration regarding Al Sharpton’s anti-police rally in Staten Island this coming Saturday and insist that the protest be postponed until things calm down.

Ferguson, Missouri, the city under siege, has been exploding in violence that is out of control, and the same perpetrators, rabble rousers and agitators will be on hand in NYC Saturday to stir up trouble. There will likely be violence, rioting and looting in our city.

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