Americans Celebrate 245 Years!
This year marks our 245th year since we declared independence from Great Britain and became a Sovereign Nation, the United States of America!
Let’s celebrate this July 4th as we’ve never celebrated before! Let’s unite in brotherly love, celebrating all the incredible gifts we have received from our resolute founders and the brave men and women who sacrificed, bled, and died to secure our freedoms today.
Let us stand 1776 STRONG as Americans and restore the American Republic!
Let this 4th of July be our Battle Cry for Freedom across the land!
As the Left tries to break the hearts and minds of America and America’s children with their Racial Hatred and Divisive Indoctrination….
Let us stand 1776 STRONG, united in American Values, Culture, and Faith.
Celebrate Independence Day like it’s 1776!
As the LEFT seeks to silence us at every turn, let’s send the left a clear message.
We love the United States of America!
We are proud to be called Americans!
As the LEFT is instituting racism as a tool to gain power over Americans, let us bravely face their racist slurs, used to force our silence and conformity, and let us root this out of American society.
We must stand 1776 STRONG and end this Racist scheme NOW.
We define who we are, through our character and our conduct. In 1968, we fought together to abolish all forms of discrimination in race, color, creed, and sex. We must STAND 1776 STRONG against those on the Left who are promoting hateful propaganda designed to fracture the American identity of individuals, families, and the Judeo-Christian faithful, and consequently erasing 53 years of progress.
Our children are counting on us to STAND 1776 STRONG!
Seven out of ten children are being shamed and labeled as racists by their teachers, administrators, and their peers because they are light-skinned. Seven out of ten children from Christian (70%) and Jewish (2%) households are being labeled as intolerant and bigoted towards others. 70% of Americans are being labeled as racists because of the color of their skin!
We must Stand 1776 Strong;
We must Stand Together as One!
The LEFT has progressively propelled our country further and further away from our founding principles. Our values, and the freedoms they afforded us are being systematically erased by their hateful ideology. It is time to reset and restore America to the original heart and purpose of 1776.
The LEFT wants to erase our history, erase our identity, rewrite the false 1619 narrative, and institute the Marxist lies embedded within Critical Race Theory.
We are in a heated culture war. We are standing at the cliff’s edge and must stand our ground, engaging as a healthy Republic, determined not to compromise one more bit of ground. The LEFT is serious; they are playing for keeps, and they are playing all their cards; Are we ready to stand 1776 STRONG and ACT for America?
It’s time to renew our faith, hope, and courage that come from this great beacon of light, life, and liberty delivered to us 245 years ago, on July 4th 1776!
Happy Independence Day America!
Stand 1776 STRONG with Us!
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Short on time but able to fund the effort? Become a 1776 STRONG Patriot Donor! Help us build dedicated defenses to preserve America’s culture, sovereignty, and security.
When everyone does a little, together we accomplish a lot!

Copyright © 2021. ACT for America,
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 190, #614
Washington, DC 20004
United States