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Videos: Summer GOP Rally on August 26

Sheriff Chris Moss, Republican, Conservative and “Stop Common Core” ballot line candidate for NYS lieutenant governor was introduced by former Congressman Bob Turner who won the 2011 Special Election for Congress in a majority Democrat district in Queens:

Video: Rob Astorino’s vision for winning in NYS!

Astorino mtg-9Rob Astorino, County Executive of Westchester, NY visits the Queens Village Republican Club, for a rally on June 30th, 2014, at the Knights of Columbus in Glen Oaks, Queens. He articulately laid out his platform for putting New York State back in the winning column and returning NYS to the Empire State. Here is the full video of Rob Astorino’s remarks and questions and answers. 

What is Common Core?

common core protest-2Common Core is destroying our education system and hurting our children’s future. Many volunteers are presently circulating the petitions to create a “Stop Common Core” ballot line in November.  Rob Astorino and our statewide candidates, Chris Moss for Lt. Governor, Robert Antonacci for Comptroller and John Cahill for Attorney General are all listed on the peititons, since they have pledged their support to stop Common Core once elected.

Video: The Growing VA Scandal and its Implications

VA meeting 6-5-14Three distinguished speakers from the veterans community addressed the VA scandal and its sweeping implications at our General Club Meeting Thursday June 5, 2014 at our new meeting hall, the Knights of Columbus, St Anne’s Council in Glen Oaks, Queens. The Dept. of Veterans Affairs operates the nation’s health care system for our Veterans with over 1700 hospitals, clinics and other facilities. Now news reports of gross mismanagement, corruption, and abuses are coming to light as whistleblowers coming forward are exposing the veterans we left behind to die waiting on fraudulent lists. Our country has not lived up to its obligation to all our veterans to provide the care they deserve. The videos below recorded our three speaker’s testimonies of the horrific scandal and what can be done about it.

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