Phil Orenstein

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Councilman Weprin’s Lies on Stop, Question & Frisk

Rebuttal to Councilman Weprin’s defense of the Community Safety Act (TimesLedger, July 19-25, 2013)

Times-Ledger-Newspaper-Logo -smallCouncilman Mark Weprin wrote a letter in last week’s TimesLedger defending his vote for the two misguided bills, Intro 1079 and Intro 1080 comprising the Community Safety Act. As a constituent concerned about the safety of my family, friends and community, I am infuriated with his vote, and even more distressed by his explanatory letter filled with political doublespeak which shows that either he is lying or hasn’t read the bills.

Letter to the Editor: Do not Curtail Stop and Frisk



Published July 15th, 2013

The City Council’s passage in June of the inaptly named Community Safety Act is a reckless action which will handcuff the police, lead to more drugs and guns on our streets and victimize the poor and minority citizens the Council claims to protect.

Queens Council members must vote to sustain Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s promised veto of this dangerous measure.

The act would open the door for countless lawsuits against police anti-crime strategies under a broad and unclear definition of “bias-based profiling,” and create an inspector general to second-guess these police tactics.

Message from Dennis Saffran for City Council

Dennis Saffran for City Council

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

I’m writing to let you know that I am running for the New York City Council seat from Northeast Queens now held by Dan Halloran, who has recently been indicted on federal corruption charges.

As many of you are aware, I nearly won this Council seat in 2001 – losing to Tony Avella by just 400 out of 35,000 votes.

I’m running again this year for two reasons. First, of course, to restore to our communities and to the Republican Party in our area the tradition of integrity and honesty in government set for many years by Senator Frank Padavan and former Councilman Mike Abel.

Greetings from Scherie Murray for City Council District 31

Dear Rosedale, Laurelton, Springfield Gardens and Far Rockaway residents:

Scherie Murray with Roy T. Richter, President Captains Endowment Association (CEA)

Scherie Murray with Roy T. Richter, President
Captains Endowment Association (CEA)

I am your candidate for City Council. My name is Scherie Murray and it’s time for New Leadership. I have lived in the district for 14 years. As a resident, I know the long list of problems that are affecting each community. If you elect me I will shorten that list by promoting public policies that better the quality of life for you and your family. For those who have given up on our political system, I want to remind you not to be discouraged. Every vote counts. I am the best candidate because I can offer solutions to the issues that are important to you. Elect me because I am a role model for the next generation.

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