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March General Club Meeting: GOP Candidates Night
March 3, 2022 @ 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Next General Club Meeting:
Thurs. Feb. 3, 2022 at 7:30 pm
Meeting at: Bellerose Jewish Center
254-14 Union Tpke. Floral Park, NY 11004
GOP Candidates Night
Bring on the Great Red Wave!
Join us and meet our amazing 2022 Republican candidates running in Queens and statewide races. The following candidates are confirmed with additional candidates to be announced.
k Gibson
Republican candidate for Governor of NYS. “A man of faith and family with old fashioned values”
Website: https://gibson4governor.com/
Pat Hahn
Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. “Schumer’s Gotta Go!”
Website: https://www.hahn-ussenate2022.com/
Seth “Stavros” Breland
Republican candidate for NYS Assembly AD-26. “Fighting to return power back to the people”
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sethforny
Mike Rakebrandt
Republican candidate for Congress, NY’s 2nd CD. Decorated Veteran, America First conservative and a President Trump supporter with an eye towards common sense solutions and policy. Website: https://mikerakebrandtforcongress.com/
Plus Special Announcement
Dawn Eskew: 2022 International Gift Of Life Walk – NYC
Past Sanctity of Life Honoree. Certified Bioethicist, NCBC. Founder and President of Personhood Education New York, organizer of the annual International Gift Of Life Walk – NYC
Plus Additional Candidates:
Amit Lal
Republican candidate for Congress, NY’s 5th CD. “For far too long our voice has been silence, and I am here to change that.” Website: https://www.lalforcongress.com/
Theresa Sebastian
Republican candidate for NYS Assembly AD-25. Indian-American Nurse and Queens Community Leader Fighting for Health Care Freedom, Public Safety, and our Families. Website: https://theresaforny.com/
Coffee and refreshments will be served
Visit www.QVGOP.org for more info
February Club Meeting Video: Miranda Devine and the Laptop from Hell